make a way to not hav a bullet.
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M zpresent.el
M zpresent.el +2 -0
@@ 276,6 276,7 @@ 3. The :bullet-type used for STRUCTURE i
       ("*" ?*)
       (")" ?\))
       ("." ?.)
+      ("none" ?\s)
       (_ (gethash :bullet-type structure)))))
 (defun zpresent--format-bullet (structure prior-siblings &optional parent-structure)

@@ 611,6 612,7 @@ for example, for the first slide of each
     (insert (propertize (make-string (window-total-height) ?\n)
                         'face 'zpresent-base)))
   (face-spec-set 'zpresent-whole-screen-face
+                 ;;we don't get the new properties from the children!
                  `((t . (:background
                          ,(if-let ((background-color (alist-get "background-color" (gethash :properties slide) nil nil #'equal)))