@@ 0,0 1,81 @@
+;;; zmusic-test.el --- Test repetitive electronic music -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2020 Zachary Kanfer
+;; Author: Zachary Kanfer <zkanfer@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.1
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; Homepage: https://hg.sr.ht/~zck/zmusic
+;; Keywords: multimedia
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This library plays repetitive digital music.
+;; Whether this is good is up to the viewer.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'zmusic)
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//hexstring ()
+ (should (equal '(16 255)
+ (value-to-bytes "10FF"))))
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//ASCII-string-list ()
+ (should (equal '(97 98 99)
+ (value-to-bytes '(ASCII "abc")))))
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//byte-list ()
+ (should (equal '(10 0 255)
+ (value-to-bytes '(10 00 255)))))
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//single-byte ()
+ (should (equal '(81)
+ (value-to-bytes 81))))
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//single-number-multiple-bytes ()
+ (should (equal '(2 1)
+ (value-to-bytes 513))))
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//single-byte-with-padding ()
+ (should (equal '(0 0 0 81)
+ (value-to-bytes 81 4))))
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//improperly-passed-float ()
+ (should (equal '(2 1)
+ (value-to-bytes 513.1))))
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//byte-with-padding ()
+ (should (equal '(0 0 0 1)
+ (value-to-bytes '(b 1 4)))))
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//little-endian/separate-args ()
+ (should (equal '(81 0 0 0)
+ (value-to-bytes 81 4 nil))))
+(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//little-endian/single-value ()
+ (should (equal '(81 0 0 0)
+ (value-to-bytes '(b 81 4 nil)))))
+(ert-deftest wave-header ()
+ ;;test data from http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/WaveFormat/
+ ;;converted to big-endian (changed to RIFX, reordered size)
+ ;;also note that we're not making a header with a 2048-size data chunk
+ ;;We're making a header with a data chunk with 2048 bytes of data in it. The header itself has 8 more bytes (it begins with "data", then the size of data.)
+ (should (equal (values-to-bytes "524946580000082457415645")
+ (zmusic//wave-header (make-list 2056 0)))))
+(ert-deftest zmusic//sample-fmt ()
+ ;;test data from http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/WaveFormat/
+ ;;converted to big-endian
+ (should (equal (values-to-bytes "666d74200000001000010002000056220001588800040010")
+ (zmusic//fmt-subchunk 22050))))
+(ert-deftest data-subchunk/basic-data ()
+ (let ((data '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
+ (should (equal (values-to-bytes '(ASCII "data")
+ (list 'b (length data) 4)
+ data)
+ (zmusic//data-subchunk data)))))
+(provide 'zmusic-test)
+;;; zmusic-test.el ends here
@@ 101,37 101,6 @@
(four-bits-to-hex (/ byte 16))
(four-bits-to-hex (mod byte 16))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//hexstring ()
- (should (equal '(16 255)
- (value-to-bytes "10FF"))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//ASCII-string-list ()
- (should (equal '(97 98 99)
- (value-to-bytes '(ASCII "abc")))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//byte-list ()
- (should (equal '(10 0 255)
- (value-to-bytes '(10 00 255)))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//single-byte ()
- (should (equal '(81)
- (value-to-bytes 81))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//single-number-multiple-bytes ()
- (should (equal '(2 1)
- (value-to-bytes 513))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//single-byte-with-padding ()
- (should (equal '(0 0 0 81)
- (value-to-bytes 81 4))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//improperly-passed-float ()
- (should (equal '(2 1)
- (value-to-bytes 513.1))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//byte-with-padding ()
- (should (equal '(0 0 0 1)
- (value-to-bytes '(b 1 4)))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//little-endian/separate-args ()
- (should (equal '(81 0 0 0)
- (value-to-bytes 81 4 nil))))
-(ert-deftest value-to-bytes//little-endian/single-value ()
- (should (equal '(81 0 0 0)
- (value-to-bytes '(b 81 4 nil)))))
;;zck strip spaces? Why shouldn't (value-to-bytes "10 FF") work?
(cl-defun value-to-bytes (value &optional (min-byte-count 1) (big-endian t))
"Convert a VALUE to a sequence of bytes.
@@ 206,14 175,6 @@ bytes '(97 48 67 33), which are the ASCI
a 0 C !"
(seq-mapcat #'value-to-bytes values))
-(ert-deftest wave-header ()
- ;;test data from http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/WaveFormat/
- ;;converted to big-endian (changed to RIFX, reordered size)
- ;;also note that we're not making a header with a 2048-size data chunk
- ;;We're making a header with a data chunk with 2048 bytes of data in it. The header itself has 8 more bytes (it begins with "data", then the size of data.)
- (should (equal (values-to-bytes "524946580000082457415645")
- (zmusic//wave-header (make-list 2056 0)))))
(cl-defun zmusic//wave-header (data-subchunk &optional (big-endian t))
"Make a wave header, a list of bytes.
@@ 235,12 196,6 @@ This assumes we're using PCM."
-(ert-deftest zmusic//sample-fmt ()
- ;;test data from http://soundfile.sapp.org/doc/WaveFormat/
- ;;converted to big-endian
- (should (equal (values-to-bytes "666d74200000001000010002000056220001588800040010")
- (zmusic//fmt-subchunk 22050))))
(cl-defun zmusic//fmt-subchunk (sample-rate &key (number-of-channels 2) (bytes-per-sample 2) (big-endian t))
"Make a fmt subchunk.
@@ 281,12 236,6 @@ and 10, so it should end up as halfway b
(- orig-high orig-low))
(- new-high new-low))))
-(ert-deftest data-subchunk/basic-data ()
- (let ((data '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
- (should (equal (values-to-bytes '(ASCII "data")
- (list 'b (length data) 4)
- data)
- (zmusic//data-subchunk data)))))
(cl-defun zmusic//data-subchunk (raw-samples &optional (big-endian t))
"Make a data subchunk from RAW-SAMPLES.