@@ 281,37 281,6 @@ and 10, so it should end up as halfway b
(- orig-high orig-low))
(- new-high new-low))))
-(ert-deftest generate-samples/four-samples-per-second-one-hz-five-samples ()
- (should (equal '(127 255 255 255 127 255 0 0 127 255)
- ;;four samples per second means five samples loops back to 127 255.
- (zmusic//generate-samples 1 4 5))))
-;;zck do we need sixteen-bit values?
-(cl-defun zmusic//generate-samples (frequency samples-per-second number-of-samples)
- "Make a sample data subchunk, of a tone FREQUENCY.
-The data is NUMBER-OF-SAMPLES data points, sampled from FREQUENCY at
-This returns a list of bytes, where two consecutive bytes is a single sample."
- (cl-loop for sample-number below number-of-samples
- ;;if you imagine a constantly spinning arm in a circle.
- ;;It spins around FREQUENCY times in a second.
- ;;We want to sample the sin of that value SAMPLES-PER-SECOND times.
- ;;so we are (sample-number / samples-per-second) way through the second,
- ;;and the angle of that arm goes to (2 * pi * frequency) radians.
- for raw-value = (truncate (rescale (sin (rescale sample-number
- ;;convert from the number of samples...
- 0 samples-per-second
- ;;we loop through 2pi
- ;;how many times? /frequency/ times.
- 0 (* 2 float-pi frequency)))
- -1 1
- 0 #xFFFF))
- collect (/ raw-value 256)
- collect (mod raw-value 256)))
(ert-deftest data-subchunk/basic-data ()
(let ((data '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
(should (equal (values-to-bytes '(ASCII "data")
@@ 327,17 296,6 @@ BIG-ENDIAN controlls the endianness."
(list 'b (length raw-samples) 4 big-endian)
-;;zck should this all be arrays?
-(defun zmusic//make-sample-wave-data ()
- "Return a list of wave file data."
- (let* ((sample-rate 100)
- (seconds 1)
- (raw-samples (zmusic//generate-samples 440 sample-rate (* seconds sample-rate)))
- (data-subchunk (zmusic//data-subchunk raw-samples)))
- (append (zmusic//wave-header data-subchunk)
- (zmusic//fmt-subchunk sample-rate)
- data-subchunk)))
(defun annotate-wave-data (wave-data)
"Attempt to annotate the given WAVE-DATA."
(message (concat (format "header\nRIFF (82 73 70 70): %s\n" (seq-subseq wave-data 0 4))