Parse Org files into structured datatypes
update .el file to reference
migrate to
call functions from cl- with the cl- prefix


browse log



#Org Parser

This project parses org files into structured datatypes.

It has a bug tracker.

#Entry points

There are three methods that can be used to parse an org file.

  1. org-parser-parse-buffer -- This method parses a buffer as an org file.
  2. org-parser-parse-file -- This method parses an org file.
  3. org-parser-parse-string -- This method parses a string as an org file.

#Returned values

Parsing Org data returns a single hash with two keys: :in-buffer-settings and :content.

#In-buffer settings

:in-buffer-settings corresponds to Org's in-buffer settings, which are global settings for the file.

#Content structure objects

:content corresponds to the data in the file: the headlines, plain lists, etc. This data is represented by a list of structure objects.

A structure object is a hash table that represents an item in an org file. A structure object has the following keys:

  • :text -- the text on the first line of the block. This is a list of text items.
  • :properties -- the propreties of the block, as an alist. For example:
* this is the 'text'
:a key: And here's a value!
:another key: Other thing.

results in a properties alist of

'(("a key" . "And here's a value!") ("another key" . "Other thing."))

Because properties and property values are strings, you can't use #'alist-get, but must use #'assoc to get properties here. Properties are in the alist are in the same order as the source org file.

  • :body -- the text on following lines of the block, as a list, where each line is represented by a list of text items. For example:
* this is the 'text'
  This is the 'body', which can
  continue to multiple lines.

Results in: '((\"This is the 'body', which can\") (\"continue to multiple lines.\"))

  • :children -- a list of structure objects, one for each child of the original item. If there are no children, this will be nil.
  • :bullet-type -- a character indicating the type of bullet used, either *, -, +, ., or ) . For ordered lists (either ) or .) this is the character /after/ the number. For headlines, *, even if the item the structure represents is nested, and has multiple asterisks.

#Text items

A text item is a string or a hash table representing some text. If the represented text has no properties, its text item is a string. If the text is a link, it's represented by a hash table.

All text item hash tables have the key :type, which designates the type of text being represented. The only current possible :type is :link.

Link text items have the following keys:

  • :type -- this is always :link.
  • :target -- the target of the link.
  • :text -- the text of the link.

For example, this org link:

[[][the org parser repository]]

Results in a hash table with :target "" and :text "the org parser repository".

#Release History


  • The top-level returned value is now a hash table. Current keys are :content and :in-buffer-settings


  • Parse properties drawers.
  • Parse tags.


  • Allow for the first line to not be a headline.
  • Rename to org-parser.
  • Better Emacs code style.
  • We now require Emacs 25.1 or greater.


  • Initial release.
  • Work with headlines, plain lists.