@@ 103,6 103,9 @@ Instead of accessing this directly, use
(defvar *2048-history* nil
"Score history in this Emacs session. Each element is (SCORE HI-TILE TIME).")
+(defvar *2048-history-size* 10
+ "Keep this many items in the history.")
(defvar *2048-game-has-been-added-to-history* nil
"Whether the current game has been added to the history yet.
@@ 293,12 296,18 @@ That is, print zeros as empty strings, a
This item should have score SCORE, the highest tile reached as HI-TILE,
and be completed at time TIME."
- (setq *2048-history* (cl-sort (cons (list *2048-score* *2048-hi-tile*
- (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
- (or time (current-time))))
- *2048-history*)
- '>
- :key 'car)))
+ (setq *2048-history*
+ (let ((history-length (length *2048-history*)))
+ ;; get the history length before calling cl-sort because cl-sort is destructive.
+ (butlast (cl-sort (cons (list *2048-score* *2048-hi-tile*
+ (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+ (or time (current-time))))
+ *2048-history*)
+ '>
+ :key 'car)
+ (max 0
+ (- (1+ history-length)
+ *2048-history-size*))))))
(defun 2048-game-was-won ()
"Return t if the game was won, nil otherwise."