@@ 250,6 250,85 @@ to dashcase ARG words."
(defvar caser-dashcase-repeat-map (define-keymap "d" #'caser-dashcase-dwim))
(put #'caser-dashcase-dwim 'repeat-map 'caser-dashcase-repeat-map)
+(defun caser--convert-whitespace (beginning-point end-point string-to-convert-to)
+ "Convert every space to STRING-TO-CONVERT-TO.
+This only converts between BEGINNING-POINT and END-POINT."
+ (save-excursion
+ (goto-char beginning-point)
+ (let ((end-marker (make-marker)))
+ (move-marker end-marker end-point)
+ (while (re-search-forward (rx (one-or-more ?\s)) (marker-position end-marker) t)
+ (replace-match string-to-convert-to)))))
+(defun caser--from-space-dwim-helper (words region-function)
+ "Helper function for *-from-space-dwim functions.
+This cases WORDS words, unless the region is active.
+It uses REGION-FUNCTION to case the region."
+ (if (use-region-p)
+ (let ((beginning (region-beginning))
+ (end (region-end))
+ (starting-point-marker (point-marker))
+ (end-marker (make-marker)))
+ (move-marker end-marker end)
+ (set-marker-insertion-type starting-point-marker nil)
+ (caser--convert-whitespace beginning
+ end
+ "-")
+ (funcall region-function beginning (marker-position end-marker))
+ (goto-char starting-point-marker))
+ (let* ((starting-end (point))
+ (other-end (progn (caser--forward-word words)
+ (point)))
+ (beginning (min starting-end other-end))
+ (end (max starting-end other-end))
+ (end-marker (make-marker))
+ (point-at-end-marker (make-marker)))
+ (set-marker end-marker end)
+ (set-marker point-at-end-marker other-end)
+ (set-marker-insertion-type point-at-end-marker (equal starting-end beginning))
+ (caser--convert-whitespace beginning end "-")
+ (funcall region-function beginning (marker-position end-marker))
+ (goto-char point-at-end-marker))))
+(defun caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim (&optional words)
+ "Dashcase what you mean, including converting spaces to dashes.
+If the region is active, dashcase it; otherwise dashcase the word at point.
+This converts it from camelCase or snake_case to dash-case.
+If the region is active, this function calls `caser-dashcase-region'.
+Otherwise, it calls `caser-dashcase-word', with prefix argument passed to it
+to dashcase WORDS words."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (caser--from-space-dwim-helper words #'caser-dashcase-region))
+(defun caser-snakecase-from-space-dwim (&optional words)
+ "Snakecase what you mean, including converting spaces to underscores.
+If the region is active, snakecase it; otherwise snakecase WORDS
+words at point, defaulting to 1.
+This converts it from camelCase or dash-case to snake_case."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (caser--from-space-dwim-helper words #'caser-snakecase-region))
+(defun caser-camelcase-from-space-dwim (&optional words)
+ "Camelcase what you mean, including converting spaces to underscores.
+If the region is active, camelcase it; otherwise camelcase WORDS
+words at point, defaulting to 1.
+This converts it from snake_case or dash-case to camelCase."
+ (interactive "*p")
+ (caser--from-space-dwim-helper words #'caser-camelcase-region))
;; (bind-key "M-C" #'caser-camelcase-dwim)
;; (bind-key "M-S" #'caser-snakecase-dwim)
@@ 862,3 862,155 @@ you all"
"|hi +-_=there friends"
(caser--forward-word 2)))))
+;; convert-from-whitespace
+(ert-deftest convert-whitespace/no-whitespace ()
+ (should (equal "hi-there"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer
+ "hi-there"
+ (caser--convert-whitespace (point-min)
+ (point-max)
+ "-")))))
+(ert-deftest convert-whitespace/single-whitespace ()
+ (should (equal "hi-there"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer
+ "hi there"
+ (caser--convert-whitespace (point-min)
+ (point-max)
+ "-")))))
+(ert-deftest convert-whitespace/duplicate-whitespace ()
+ (should (equal "hi-there"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer
+ "hi there"
+ (caser--convert-whitespace (point-min)
+ (point-max)
+ "-")))))
+(ert-deftest convert-whitespace/more-than-one-whitespace ()
+ (should (equal "hi-there-to-you"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer
+ "hi there to you"
+ (caser--convert-whitespace (point-min)
+ (point-max)
+ "-")))))
+(ert-deftest convert-whitespace/obeys-points ()
+ (should (equal "hi _there_to you"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer
+ "hi there to you"
+ (caser--convert-whitespace 5
+ 13
+ "_")))))
+(ert-deftest convert-whitespace/multiple-whitespace-doesnt-overlap-other-words ()
+ (should (equal "a_b c d e"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer
+ "a b c d e"
+ (caser--convert-whitespace 1
+ 13
+ "_")))))
+;;dashcase-from-space-dwim tests
+(ert-deftest dashcase-from-space-dwim/single-whitespace ()
+ (should (equal "|hi-there"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "|hi there"
+ (set-mark (point-max))
+ (activate-mark)
+ (caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim)))))
+(ert-deftest dashcase-from-space-dwim/region-forward/single-whitespace ()
+ (should (equal "|hi-there"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "|hi there"
+ (set-mark (point-max))
+ (activate-mark)
+ (caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim)))))
+(ert-deftest dashcase-from-space-dwim/region-backward/lots-of-whitespace ()
+ (should (equal "hi-there|"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "hi there|"
+ (set-mark (point-min))
+ (activate-mark)
+ (caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim)))))
+(ert-deftest dashcase-from-space-dwim/region-backward/middle-of-string ()
+ (should (equal "a |b-c-d e"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "a |b c d e"
+ (set-mark 23)
+ (activate-mark)
+ (caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim)))))
+(ert-deftest dashcase-from-space-dwim/positive-argument/1 ()
+ (should (equal "hi| there"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "|hi there"
+ (caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim 1)))))
+(ert-deftest dashcase-from-space-dwim/positive-argument/2 ()
+ (should (equal "hi-there|"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "|hi there"
+ (caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim 2)))))
+(ert-deftest dashcase-from-space-dwim/positive-argument/3 ()
+ (should (equal "hi there-to-everybody| around"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "hi |there to everybody around"
+ (caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim 3)))))
+(ert-deftest dashcase-from-space-dwim/negative-argument/-3 ()
+ (should (equal "hi |there-to-everybody around"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "hi there to everybody| around"
+ (caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim -3)))))
+(ert-deftest dashcase-from-space-dwim/region-forward/space-and-camelcase ()
+ (should (equal "hi there-to-everybody| around"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "hi there toEverybody| around"
+ (set-mark 5)
+ (activate-mark)
+ (caser-dashcase-from-space-dwim)))))
+;;snakecase-from-space-dwim tests
+(ert-deftest snakecase-from-space-dwim/region-backward/space-and-dashcase ()
+ (should (equal "hi there_to_everybody| around"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "hi there to-everybody| around"
+ (set-mark 5)
+ (activate-mark)
+ (caser-snakecase-from-space-dwim)))))
+(ert-deftest snakecase-from-space-dwim/positive-argument ()
+ (should (equal "ok this is_a_new_thing_that| goes on"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "ok this |is a-newThing that goes on"
+ (caser-snakecase-from-space-dwim 3)))))
+(ert-deftest snakecase-from-space-dwim/region-forward/lots-of-things ()
+ (should (equal "hi |there_to_everybody_i_know_around here"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "hi |there to-everybodyIKnow around here"
+ (set-mark 35)
+ (activate-mark)
+ (caser-snakecase-from-space-dwim)))))
+(ert-deftest camelcase-from-space-dwim/region-forward/lots-of-things ()
+ (should (equal "this |isALotOfWordsThat matter"
+ (caser//on-temp-buffer-point
+ "this |is a-lot_of words that matter"
+ (set-mark 34)
+ (activate-mark)
+ (caser-camelcase-from-space-dwim)))))
+;;; tests.el ends here