@@ 329,7 329,7 @@ binds {
XF86MonBrightnessDown allow-when-locked=true { spawn "brightnessctl" "set" "5%-"; }
XF86MonBrightnessUp allow-when-locked=true { spawn "brightnessctl" "set" "+5%"; }
- Alt+Ctrl+Q { close-window; }
+ Mod+Q { close-window; }
Mod+Left { focus-column-left; }
Mod+Down { focus-window-down; }
@@ 470,8 470,8 @@ binds {
// Mod+BracketLeft { consume-or-expel-window-left; }
// Mod+BracketRight { consume-or-expel-window-right; }
- Alt+R { switch-preset-column-width; }
- Alt+Shift+R { reset-window-height; }
+ Mod+R { switch-preset-column-width; }
+ Mod+Shift+R { reset-window-height; }
Mod+F { maximize-column; }
Mod+Shift+F { fullscreen-window; }
Mod+C { center-column; }
@@ 484,12 484,12 @@ binds {
// * adjust width as a percentage of screen width: "-10%" or "+10%"
// Pixel sizes use logical, or scaled, pixels. I.e. on an output with scale 2.0,
// set-column-width "100" will make the column occupy 200 physical screen pixels.
- Alt+Minus { set-column-width "-5%"; }
- Alt+Equal { set-column-width "+5%"; }
+ Mod+Minus { set-column-width "-5%"; }
+ Mod+Equal { set-column-width "+5%"; }
// Finer height adjustments when in column with other windows.
- Alt+Shift+Minus { set-window-height "-5%"; }
- Alt+Shift+Equal { set-window-height "+5%"; }
+ Mod+Shift+Minus { set-window-height "-5%"; }
+ Mod+Shift+Equal { set-window-height "+5%"; }
// Actions to switch layouts.
// Note: if you uncomment these, make sure you do NOT have