@@ 486,9 486,10 @@ namespace K3 {
static GBin* New(CGRef a, CGRef b) { return new GBin(a, b); }
- GBin(CGRef a, CGRef b) :IGenericBinary(a, b) {}
- const char *PrettyName() const override { return Mnemonic[GetOpcode()]; }
- Opcode GetOpcode() const override { return (Opcode)OPCODE; }
+ GBin(CGRef a, CGRef b) :IGenericBinary(a, b) {}
+ const char *PrettyName() const override { return Mnemonic[GetOpcode()]; }
+ Opcode GetOpcode() const override { return (Opcode)OPCODE; }
Specialization Specialize(SpecializationState& spec) const override {
SPECIALIZE(spec, a, GetUp(0));
SPECIALIZE(spec, b, GetUp(1));
@@ 551,7 552,7 @@ namespace K3 {
- return GBin::New(a, b);
+ return GBin::New(a, b);
template <int OPCODE> CGRef Make(
@@ 963,7 964,7 @@ namespace K3 {
pack.AddFunction("BitShiftRight", Make<BitShiftRight>("BitShiftRight", nullptr, nullptr, [](int32_t a, int32_t b) {return a >> b; }, [](int64_t a, int64_t b) {return a >> b; }, nullptr, b1, b2), "a b", "Shifts the integer value 'a' right by 'b' bits");
pack.AddFunction("LogicalShiftRight", Make<LogicalShiftRight>("LogicalShiftRight", nullptr, nullptr, [](int32_t a, int32_t b) { return (int32_t)((uint32_t)a >> b); }, [](int64_t a, int64_t b) { return (int64_t)((uint64_t)a >> b); }, nullptr, b1, b2), "a b", "Shifts the integer value 'a' right by 'b' bits including the sign bit.");
- pack.AddFunction("BitShiftLeft", Make<BitShiftLeft>("BitShiftLeft", nullptr, nullptr, [](int32_t a, int32_t b) {return a >> b; }, [](int64_t a, int64_t b) {return a << b; }, nullptr, b1, b2), "a b", "Shifts the integer value 'a' left by 'b' bits");
+ pack.AddFunction("BitShiftLeft", Make<BitShiftLeft>("BitShiftLeft", nullptr, nullptr, [](int32_t a, int32_t b) {return a << b; }, [](int64_t a, int64_t b) {return a << b; }, nullptr, b1, b2), "a b", "Shifts the integer value 'a' left by 'b' bits");
Make<Native::Abs>("abs", _ABS<float>, _ABS<double>, _ABS<std::int32_t>, _ABS<std::int64_t>, _ABS<BigNum>, arg);