51f312b89e7f — Vesa Norilo 3 years ago
3 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

M config.py
M couchbot.py
A => repl.py
M config.py +6 -3
@@ 41,9 41,12 @@ def init_bucketbot(config_file, cmake_ar
 	derived_default("cmake_args", [a.replace(config["cmake_separator"], ";") for a in cmake_args])
 	m = re.match('(http|https)://([^/]+)/(.*)', config["database"].lower())
-	derived_default("db_server", m.group(2))
-	derived_default("db_name", m.group(3))
-	derived_default("db_scheme", m.group(1))
+	if m:
+		derived_default("db_server", m.group(2))
+		derived_default("db_name", m.group(3))
+		derived_default("db_scheme", m.group(1))
+	else:
+		raise RuntimeError("'%s' is not a valid database URL" % config["database"])
 	return Config(**config)

M couchbot.py +133 -96
@@ 1,21 1,29 @@ 
 #!/usr/bin/env python
-import subprocess, os, platform, io, httplib, urllib, sys, json, traceback, datetime, time, base64, glob, re, shutil
+import subprocess, os, platform, io, httplib, urllib, sys, json, traceback, datetime, time, base64, glob, re, shutil, itertools
+import config
-import config
+print "Starting CouchBot"
 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
 	bot = config.init_bucketbot("config.json", [])
 	bot = config.init_bucketbot(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:])
+print "Server   : %s://%s/%s\nAuth     : %s" % (bot.db_scheme, bot.db_server, bot.db_name, bot.user + ":" + "*" * len(bot.passwd))
+print "Local    : %s\nRemote   : %s" % (bot.local, bot.remote)
 # make work directories for source and building
 if not os.path.isdir(bot.workspace):
+print "Workspace: %s" % bot.workspace
+print "PR Tests : %s" % bot.test_branch
+print "Releases : %s" % bot.release_branch
 if not os.path.isdir(bot.local):
-	subprocess.check_call(["hg", "clone", bot.remote, bot.local], stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
+	subprocess.check_call(["hg", "clone", bot.remote, bot.local])
 def popen_gen(cwd, args):
 	arg_str = map(str, args)

@@ 82,6 90,25 @@ def build_commit(local_path, commit_hash
 	status = "failed"
+		build_phase("*** %s: %s ***" % (bot.longname, commit_hash))
+		build_phase("checkout")
+		revision = {
+			"revision": commit_hash
+		}
+		try:
+			hg("pull")
+			hg("update", "-C", "-r", commit_hash)
+		except:
+			print "Update failed, cloning from scratch..."
+			shutil.rmtree(bot.local, ignore_errors = True)
+			os.makedirs(bot.local)
+			hg("clone", bot.remote, bot.local)
+			hg("update", "-C", "-r", commit_hash)
+		hg("summary")
 		_,hg_branch = popen_str(local_path, ["hg", "id", "-b"])
 		_,hg_rev = popen_str(local_path, ["hg", "id", "-n"])
 		_,hg_tags = popen_str(local_path, ["hg", "id", "-t"])

@@ 92,21 119,6 @@ def build_commit(local_path, commit_hash
 			"tags": hg_tags.rstrip().split(" ")
-		build_phase("*** %s: %s ***" % (bot.longname, commit_hash))
-		build_phase("checkout")
-		hg("pull")
-		try:
-			hg("update", "-C", "-r", commit_hash)
-		except:
-			print "Update failed, cloning from scratch..."
-			shutil.rmtree(bot.local, ignore_errors = True)
-			os.makedirs(bot.local)
-			hg("clone", bot.remote, bot.local)
-			hg("update", "-C", "-r", commit_hash)
-		hg("summary")
 			cmake(*(bot.cmake_args + [local_path]))

@@ 153,7 165,7 @@ def toascii(s):
 	return s.encode("ascii") if isinstance(s, unicode) else s
-if bot.db_scheme is "https":
+if bot.db_scheme == "https":
 	couchdb = httplib.HTTPSConnection(bot.db_server)
 	couchdb = httplib.HTTPConnection(bot.db_server)

@@ 170,7 182,7 @@ def request(method, selector = "/", body
 	if not "Authorization" in headers:
-		if not bot.passwd in [None, "NOT SET"]:
+		if not bot.passwd in [None, "NOT SET", ""]:
 			headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + base64.b64encode(bot.user + ":" + bot.passwd)

@@ 178,6 190,7 @@ def request(method, selector = "/", body
 		body = json.dumps(body)
 	couchdb.request(method, toascii(selector), body, headers)
 	resp = couchdb.getresponse()
 	status = resp.status
 	rbody = resp.read()

@@ 206,20 219,34 @@ def range_query(start, end = None):
 # delete any pending, incomplete builds by this agent
-def delete_by_view(view, startkey, endkey = None):
-	query = "%s?%s&reduce=false" % (view, range_query(startkey, endkey))	
-	docs = GET("/_design/ci/_view/%s" % query)["rows"]
+def delete_by_view(view, startkey, endkey = None, descending = False, skip = None):
+	query = "%s?reduce=false" % view
+	if descending:
+		query = query + "&" + "descending=true"
+	if startkey:
+		query = query + "&" + range_query(startkey, endkey)
+	if skip:
+		query = query + "&" + "skip=%i" % skip 
+	ids = [row["id"] for row in GET("/_design/ci/_view/%s" % query)["rows"]]
+	docs = POST("/_all_docs", { "keys": ids})["rows"]
 	update = {
-		"docs": [{"_id": doc["id"], "_rev": doc["value"], "_deleted": True} 
+		"docs": [{"_id": doc["id"], "_rev": doc["value"]["rev"], "_deleted": True} 
 			for doc in docs
+	print update
 	return POST("/_bulk_docs", update)
 # create database if not present
 if "error" in GET(""):
-	print "Creating database " + bot.couchdb + ":" + bot.database
+	print "Creating database " + bot.database
 	PUT("", None)
 # remove my own aborted builds

@@ 227,91 254,101 @@ aborted = delete_by_view("pending_builds
 for build in aborted:
 	print "Cleaning up aborted build %s: %s" % (build["id"], build["ok"])
-while True:
-	# gather branch status
-	branch_status = {}
+def prune_branch(botkey, branch):
+	delete_by_view("builds_gc", [botkey, branch], [botkey, branch, {}], True,)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+	while True:
+		# gather branch status
+		branch_status = {}
-	print "Checking branch status..."	
-	popen_str(bot.local, ["hg", "pull -r 300"])
-	popen_str(bot.local, ["hg", "pull -r 600"])
-	popen_str(bot.local, ["hg", "pull -r 900"])
-	popen_str(bot.local, ["hg", "pull"])
+		print "Checking branch status..."
+		popen_str(bot.local, ["hg", "pull", "-r", "500"])
+		popen_str(bot.local, ["hg", "pull", "-r", "1000"])
+		popen_str(bot.local, ["hg", "pull", "-r", "1500"])
+		popen_str(bot.local, ["hg", "pull"])
+		branch_data = popen_gen(bot.local, ["hg", "branches", "-a", "--template", "{branch} {node}\\n"])
-	branch_status = dict(
-		branch.rsplit(None,1) 
-			for branch in popen_gen(bot.local, ["hg", "branches", "--template", "{branch} {node}\\n"]))
+		branch_status = dict(
+			branch.rsplit(None,1) 
+				for branch in branch_data)
-	for tag in popen_gen(bot.local, ["hg", "tags", "--template", "{tags} {node}\\n"]):
-		data = tag.rsplit(None,1)
-		if data[0].find("release") >= 0:
-			branch_status[data[0]] = data[1]
+		for tag in itertools.islice(popen_gen(bot.local, ["hg", "tags", "--template", "{tags} {node}\\n"]),3):
+			data = tag.rsplit(None,1)
+			if data[0].find("release") >= 0:
+				branch_status[data[0]] = data[1]
-	# figure out what to build
-	branch_keys = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps([[commit, bot.key] for commit in branch_status.values()]))
-	have_builds = [row["key"][0] for row in GET("/_design/ci/_view/builds?keys=%s" % branch_keys)["rows"]]
+		# figure out what to build
+		branch_keys = urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps([[commit, bot.key] for commit in branch_status.values()]))
+		have_builds = [row["key"][0] for row in GET("/_design/ci/_view/builds?keys=%s" % branch_keys)["rows"]]
-	for branch, commit in branch_status.iteritems():
-		do_test = re.search(bot.test_branch, branch)
-		do_package = re.search(bot.release_branch, branch)
+		for branch, commit in branch_status.iteritems():
+			do_test = re.search(bot.test_branch, branch)
+			do_package = re.search(bot.release_branch, branch)
-		if do_test or do_package:
-			if not commit in have_builds:
-				workunit = {
-					"type": "build",
-					"status": "pending",
-					"datetime": str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()),
-					"agent": bot.name,
-					"group": bot.key,
-					"uname": platform.uname(),
-					"commit": commit
-				} 
+			if do_test or do_package:
+				if not commit in have_builds:
+					workunit = {
+						"type": "build",
+						"status": "pending",
+						"datetime": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
+						"agent": bot.name,
+						"group": bot.key,
+						"uname": platform.uname(),
+						"revision": {
+							"branch": branch,
+							"revision": commit
+						},
+						"commit": commit
+					} 
-				# claim build
-				identity = POST("/", workunit)	
+					# claim build
+					identity = POST("/", workunit)	
-				if "ok" in identity:
-					# claim successful, run the build
-					print "Claimed branch: [%s]\n" % branch
+					if "ok" in identity:
+						# claim successful, run the build
+						print "Claimed branch: [%s] %s\n" % (branch, commit)
-					# clean up leftover artifacts
-					for globmask in bot.artifacts:
-						for artifact in glob.glob("%s/%s" % (bot.workspace, globmask)):
-							os.remove(artifact)
+						# clean up leftover artifacts
+						for globmask in bot.artifacts:
+							for artifact in glob.glob("%s/%s" % (bot.workspace, globmask)):
+								os.remove(artifact)
-					# build
-					workunit.update(_id = identity["id"], _rev = identity["rev"])
-					workunit.update(build_commit(bot.local, workunit["commit"], do_package))
-					# update build status document
-					identity = POST("/", workunit)
+						# build
+						workunit.update(_id = identity["id"], _rev = identity["rev"])
+						workunit.update(build_commit(bot.local, workunit["commit"], do_package))
+						# update build status document
+						identity = POST("/", workunit)
-					# glob artifacts and upload
-					for globmask in bot.artifacts:
-						for artifact in glob.glob("%s/%s" % (bot.workspace, globmask)):
-							print "Posting " + artifact
-							if artifact.endswith(".json"):
-								# post as couchdb document
-								print POST("/", json.loads(
-									io.open(artifact, encoding = "utf-8", errors="ignore").read()))
-							else:
-								# post as a binary blob attachment
-								print PUT("/%s/%s?rev=%s" % (identity["id"], os.path.basename(artifact), identity["rev"]), 
-									open(artifact, "rb").read(),
-									{ "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream" })
+						# glob artifacts and upload
+						for globmask in bot.artifacts:
+							for artifact in glob.glob("%s/%s" % (bot.workspace, globmask)):
+								print "Posting " + artifact
+								if artifact.endswith(".json"):
+									# post as couchdb document
+									print POST("/", json.loads(
+										io.open(artifact, encoding = "utf-8", errors="ignore").read()))
+								else:
+									# post as a binary blob attachment
+									print PUT("/%s/%s?rev=%s" % (identity["id"], os.path.basename(artifact), identity["rev"]), 
+										open(artifact, "rb").read(),
+										{ "Content-Type": "application/octet-stream" })
-					# we completed a build, refresh work queue
-					break
-				else:
-					print "Could not claim build: %s" % identityls 
+						# we completed a build, refresh work queue
+						break
+					else:
+						print "Could not claim build: %s" % identity 
+		else:
+			time.sleep(60)
-	if bot.self_update is not None:
-		proc = subprocess.Popen(["hg", "incoming", "-R", bot.self_update], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-		if proc.wait() is not 1:
-			print "Updating couchbot..."
-			break
+		if bot.self_update is not None:
+			proc = subprocess.Popen(["hg", "incoming", "-R", bot.self_update], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+			if proc.wait() is not 1:
+				print "Updating couchbot..."
+				break
-	time.sleep(60)

A => repl.py +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@ 
+import couchbot
  No newline at end of file