Make the script work via .btm file using external lua.exe.
2 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

A => hgcomplete.btm
M hgcomplete.lua
A => hgcomplete.btm +10 -0
@@ 0,0 1,10 @@ 
+@REM hgcomplete.btm - tabcomplete /l c:\..location..\hgcomplete.btm
+if %1 != hg ( exit /b 1 )
+set lp=%@left[-3,%_batchname]lua
+set compresult=%@execstr[lua.exe %lp %*]
+iff %@len[%compresult] gt 0 then
+  exit /b 0
+@exit /b 1

M hgcomplete.lua +113 -57
@@ 1,15 1,33 @@ 
 -- Mercurial (hg) tab completion for Take Command
--- Install the script with command:
--- tabcomplete /l C:\Work\lua\tabcomplete\hgcomplete.lua
+-- Install the helper .btm script with command:
+-- tabcomplete /l %CD%\hgcomplete.btm
+require "os"
+require "io"
-require "winapi"
+logging = 0
+function LOG(message)
+  if logging ~= 0 then
+    io.stderr:write("LOG: " .. message .. "\n")
+  end
 command = arg[1]
 if command ~= "hg" then
   return 1
+LOG("all arguments:")
+for a,b in pairs(arg)
+  LOG(a .. ":" .. b)
 function string:split(sep)
   local sep, fields = sep or ":", {}
   local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)

@@ 17,9 35,23 @@ function string:split(sep)
   return fields
+function table_merge(a,b)
+  new_table = {}
+  for _, v in pairs(a)
+  do
+    table.insert(new_table, v)
+  end
+  for _, v in pairs(b)
+  do
+    table.insert(new_table, v)
+  end
+  return new_table
 function changed_files()
   local files = {}
-  local p = io.popen('hg status -n -m')
+  local p = io.popen('hg status -q -n -m')
   for f in p:lines() do
     table.insert(files, f)

@@ 35,18 67,34 @@ function unknown_files()
   return files
--- print("")
--- print("amount of parameters: " .. #arg)
--- for a,b in pairs(arg)
--- do
---    print(a .. ":" .. b)
--- end
+function find_possibilities(given, choices)
+  found = {}
+  if choices == nil then
+    return found
+  end
-possible_params = {
-  "add", "branch",
+  for i,p in pairs(choices)
+  do
+    if string.sub(p, 1, string.len(given)) == given then
+      table.insert(found, p)
+    end
+  end
+  return found
+hg_subcommands = {
+  "add",
+  "branch",
+  "cat",
+  "checkout",
+  "churn",
+  "config",
+  "continue",
+  "copy",

@@ 56,75 104,83 @@ possible_params = {
-  "init" }
+  "init"
+hg_commit_arguments = {
+  "--edit",
+  "--addremove",
+  "--amend",
+  "--interactive",
+  "--message"
 arg_copy = arg[#arg]
+-- If the 4th argument is surrounded by quotes, remove them
 if string.sub(arg_copy, 1, 1) == "\"" and string.sub(arg_copy, string.len(arg_copy)) == "\"" then
   arg_copy = string.sub(arg_copy, 2, #arg_copy - 1)
+-- Split all arguments by space
 argument_table = string.split(arg_copy, " ")
+LOG("all arguments:")
+for a,b in pairs(argument_table)
+  LOG(a .. ":" .. b)
+-- Only 'hg' command given?
 if #argument_table < 2 then
-  -- print "all arguments:"
-  -- for a,b in pairs(argument_table)
-  -- do
-  --   print(a .. ":" .. b)
-  -- end
-  winapi.setenv("TABCOMPLETIONRESULT", table.concat(possible_params, " "))
+  LOG("Only main command given")
+  LOG(table.concat(hg_subcommands, " "))
+  -- winapi.setenv("TABCOMPLETIONRESULT", table.concat(hg_subcommands, " "))
+  print(table.concat(hg_subcommands, " "))
   return 0
-if #arg == 3 then
-  cursor_pos = arg[2]
-elseif #arg == 4 then
-  cursor_pos = arg[3]
-  cursor_pos = 0
+hg_command = argument_table[2]
 -- argument_table = justWords(all_arguments)
 possibilities = {}
--- print("arguments:" .. #argument_table)
--- for a,b in pairs(argument_table)
--- do
---   print(a .. ":" .. b .."|")
--- end
-if #arg == 4 and #argument_table == 2 and string.sub(arg_copy, string.len(arg_copy)) ~= " " then
-  for i,p in pairs(possible_params)
-  do
-    if string.sub(p, 1, string.len(argument_table[2])) == argument_table[2] then
-      table.insert(possibilities, p)
---     else
---       print("argument_table[2] len = " .. string.len(argument_table[2]))
---       print("no match: " .. p .. "|" .. string.sub(p, 1, string.len(argument_table[2])) .. "|" .. argument_table[2])
-    end
-  end
+-- We got 'hg' and part of subcommand?
+if #arg >= 4 and #argument_table == 2 and string.sub(arg_copy, string.len(arg_copy)) ~= " " then
+  -- Search for possible subcommands
+  possibilities = find_possibilities(hg_command, hg_subcommands)
   if #possibilities > 0 then
-    winapi.setenv("TABCOMPLETIONRESULT", table.concat(possibilities, " "))
+    LOG("SUGGESTION(1):")
+    LOG(table.concat(possibilities, " "))
+    print(table.concat(possibilities, " "))
     return 0
-  elseif argument_table[2] == "\"" then
-    winapi.setenv("TABCOMPLETIONRESULT", table.concat(possible_params, " "))
-  -- else
-  --   print("Y2:" .. argument_table[2] .. "|" .. string.len(argument_table[2]))
+  elseif hg_command == "\"" then
+    LOG("SUGGESTION(2):")
+    LOG(table.concat(hg_subcommands, " "))
+    print(table.concat(hg_subcommands, " "))
+-- We got complete subcommand and are looking for its parameters?
 elseif #arg >= 3 and #argument_table >= 2 then
-  if argument_table[2] == "commit" then
-    commit_args = "--edit --addremove --amend --interactive --message"
-    result = commit_args
+  if hg_command == "commit" then
+    LOG("COMMIT")
     c = changed_files()
-    if #c > 0 then
-      result = result .. " " .. table.concat(c, " ")
+    choices = table_merge(c, hg_commit_arguments)
+    LOG(table.concat(choices, " "))
+    possibilities = find_possibilities(argument_table[3], choices)
+    LOG("P: " .. argument_table[3] .. " | ".. table.concat(possibilities, " "))
+    if #possibilities > 0 then
+      LOG(table.concat(possibilities, " "))
+      print(table.concat(possibilities, " "))
+      return 0
-    winapi.setenv("TABCOMPLETIONRESULT", result)
-    return 0
-  elseif argument_table[2] == "add" then
+    return 1
+  elseif hg_command == "add" then
     u = unknown_files()
     if #u > 0 then
-      winapi.setenv("TABCOMPLETIONRESULT", table.concat(u, " "))
+      LOG(table.concat(u, " "))
+      print(table.concat(u, " "))
       return 0
       return 1