@@ 1,905 0,0 @@
--- PN532/NFC routines using AVR-Ada
--- Copyright (c) 2015 Tero Koskinen <tero.koskinen@iki.fi>
--- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
--- purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
--- copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
-with System;
-with Interfaces;
-with AVR.Real_Time.Clock;
-pragma Unreferenced(AVR.Real_Time.Clock);
-with AVR.UART;
-with AVR.Strings;
-with AVR.Programspace;
-with AVR;
-with PN532_BUS_I2C;
--- with PN532_BUS_SPI;
-use Interfaces;
-package body PN532_TWI is
- use AVR;
- procedure Init renames PN532_BUS_I2C.Init;
- function PN532_Busy return Boolean renames PN532_BUS_I2C.PN532_Busy;
- procedure PN532_Write (Cmd : PN532_Buf) renames PN532_BUS_I2C.PN532_Write;
- procedure PN532_Read_Raw (Buf : out PN532_Buf) renames PN532_BUS_I2C.PN532_Read_Raw;
- procedure PN532_Read_Data
- (Buf : out PN532_Buf;
- Len : out Unsigned_8;
- Status : out Boolean) renames PN532_BUS_I2C.PN532_Read_Data;
- procedure PN532_Read_Reply (Reply : out Reply_Type; Code : out Unsigned_8)
- renames PN532_BUS_I2C.PN532_Read_Reply;
--- procedure Init renames PN532_BUS_SPI.Init;
--- function PN532_Busy return Boolean renames PN532_BUS_SPI.PN532_Busy;
--- procedure PN532_Write (Cmd : PN532_Buf) renames PN532_BUS_SPI.PN532_Write;
--- procedure PN532_Read_Raw (Buf : out PN532_Buf) renames PN532_BUS_SPI.PN532_Read_Raw;
--- procedure PN532_Read_Data
--- (Buf : out PN532_Buf;
--- Len : out Unsigned_8;
--- Status : out Boolean) renames PN532_BUS_SPI.PN532_Read_Data;
--- procedure PN532_Read_Reply (Reply : out Reply_Type; Code : out Unsigned_8)
--- renames PN532_BUS_SPI.PN532_Read_Reply;
- PN532_FIRMWARE_VERSION : constant := 16#02#;
- PN532_SAMCONFIG : constant := 16#14#;
- PN532_IN_LIST_PASSIVE_TARGET : constant := 16#4A#;
- PN532_IN_DATA_EXCHANGE : constant := 16#40#;
- PN532_TG_INIT_AS_TARGET : constant := 16#8C#;
- PN532_TG_GET_DATA : constant := 16#86#;
- PN532_TG_SET_DATA : constant := 16#8E#;
- PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE : constant := 20000;
- PN532_106_KBPS_ISOIEC_14443_A : constant := 0;
- MIFARE_READ_CARD_CMD : constant := 16#30#;
- MIFARE_WRITE_CARD_CMD : constant := 16#A2#;
- MIFARE_AUTH_KEY_A_CMD : constant := 16#60#;
- MIFARE_AUTH_KEY_B_CMD : constant := 16#61#;
- type Buf_In_Progmem (Len : AVR.Nat8) is record
- Text : PN532_Buf (1..Len);
- end record;
- procedure PN532_Get_Data (Buf : out PN532_Buf;
- Len : out Unsigned_8;
- Status : out Boolean);
- function PN532_Send_R_APDU (SW1 : Unsigned_8; SW2 : Unsigned_8) return Boolean;
- procedure Log (Msg : AVR.Strings.AVR_String) is
- begin
- AVR.UART.Put (Msg);
- end Log;
- procedure Log (Buf : PN532_Buf) is
- begin
- for I in Buf'Range loop
- AVR.UART.Put (Data => Buf (I), Base => 16);
- AVR.UART.Put (" ");
- end loop;
- end Log;
- function PN532_Wait_For_Ready (Timeout : Unsigned_32) return Boolean is
- Counter : Unsigned_32 := 0;
- begin
- loop
- exit when not PN532_Busy;
- Counter := Counter + 1;
- if Counter >= Timeout then
- return False;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return True;
- end PN532_Wait_For_Ready;
- function PN532_Send_Command (Cmd : PN532_Buf; Timeout : Unsigned_32)
- return Boolean
- is
- Status : Boolean;
- Reply : Reply_Type;
- Error_Code : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- PN532_Write (Cmd);
- Status := PN532_Wait_For_Ready (Timeout);
- if not Status then
- Log ("PN532_Send_Command: timeout");
- return False;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Reply (Reply, Error_Code);
- if Reply = REPLY_ERROR or Reply = REPLY_NACK then
- -- Log ("PN532_Send_Command, invalid reply");
- return False;
- end if;
- return True;
- end PN532_Send_Command;
- function PN532_SAM_Config return Boolean is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf := ( PN532_SAMCONFIG,
- 1, -- normal mode
- 20, -- timeout (50 * 20) ms
- 1);
- Status : Boolean;
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..1) := (1 => 0);
- Len : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Status := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd, PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Status then
- Log ("timeout");
- return False;
- end if;
- Status := PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Status then
- Log ("timeout2");
- return False;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Len, Status);
- if Status and Reply (1) = 16#15# then
- Log ("SAM config ok");
- return True;
- end if;
- Log ("invalid reply");
- Log (Reply (1..Len));
- return False;
- end PN532_SAM_Config;
- function PN532_Read_Firmware return Unsigned_32 is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..1) := (1 => PN532_FIRMWARE_VERSION);
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..12);
- Status : Boolean;
- begin
- Status := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd, PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Status then
- return 0;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Raw (Reply);
- -- Bytes are: IC(8) Ver(9) Rev(10) Support(11)
- -- See PN532 user manual section 7.2.2 GetFirmwareVersion
- return Unsigned_32 (Reply (8)) * (2**24) +
- Unsigned_32 (Reply (9)) * (2**16) +
- Unsigned_32 (Reply (10)) * (2**8) +
- Unsigned_32 (Reply (11));
- end PN532_Read_Firmware;
- procedure PN532_Detect_Tag
- (Sens_Res : out Unsigned_16;
- Sel_Res : out Unsigned_8;
- NFC_ID : out PN532_Buf;
- NFC_ID_Len : out Unsigned_8;
- Status : out Boolean)
- is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..3) :=
- 1, -- Maximum amount of detected tags
- PN532_106_KBPS_ISOIEC_14443_A);
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..40) := (others => 0);
- Len : Unsigned_8;
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd, PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- Log ("PN532_Detect_Tag: PN532_Send_Command failed");
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE * 30) then
- Log ("PN532_Detect_Tag: PN532_Wait_For_Ready failed");
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Len, Ok);
- if not Ok or Len = 0 then -- Some error
- Log ("PN532_Detect_Tag: some error");
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if Reply (2) = 0 then -- No tags found
- Log ("PN532_Detect_Tag: no tags found");
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- -- Log (Reply (1..Len));
- Sens_Res := Unsigned_16 (Reply (5)) * 256 or Unsigned_16 (Reply (4));
- Sel_Res := Reply (6);
- NFC_ID_Len := Reply (7);
- if NFC_ID_Len > NFC_ID'Length then
- NFC_ID_Len := NFC_ID'Length;
- end if;
- NFC_ID := Reply (8..7 + NFC_ID_Len);
- Status := Ok;
- end PN532_Detect_Tag;
- procedure PN532_Read_NFC_Forum_Type_2_Tag_Block
- (Block : NFC_Forum_Type_2_Block;
- Buf : out PN532_Buf;
- Byte_Count : out Unsigned_8;
- Status : out Boolean)
- is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..4) := (PN532_IN_DATA_EXCHANGE,
- 1, -- card number
- 0); -- Block number
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..40);
- Reply_Len : Unsigned_8;
- Len : Unsigned_8;
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- Cmd (4) := Block;
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd, PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Reply_Len, Ok);
- if (not Ok) or (Reply_Len < 3) then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if Reply (2) /= 0 then -- status code not ok?
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- Len := Unsigned_8'Min (Reply_Len - 3, Buf'Length);
- Byte_Count := Len;
- Buf (1..Len) := Reply (3 .. Len + 2);
- Status := True;
- end PN532_Read_NFC_Forum_Type_2_Tag_Block;
- procedure PN532_Write_NFC_Forum_Type_2_Tag_Block
- (Block_Number : NFC_Forum_Type_2_Block;
- Buf : PN532_Buf_4;
- Status : out Boolean)
- is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..8) := (PN532_IN_DATA_EXCHANGE,
- 1, -- card number
- Block_Number, -- Block number
- others => 0);
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..10);
- Reply_Len : Unsigned_8;
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- Cmd (5..8) := Buf;
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd, PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Reply_Len, Ok);
- if (not Ok) or (Reply_Len < 3) then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if Reply (2) /= 0 then -- status code not ok?
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- Status := True;
- end PN532_Write_NFC_Forum_Type_2_Tag_Block;
- procedure PN532_Authenticate_Mifare_Classic_Tag_Block
- (Block_Number : Mifare_Classic_Block;
- UID : PN532_Buf;
- Key : Mifare_Auth;
- Key_Data : PN532_Buf_6;
- Status : out Boolean)
- is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..20);
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..15);
- Reply_Len : Unsigned_8;
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- Cmd (1) := PN532_IN_DATA_EXCHANGE;
- Cmd (2) := 1; -- card number
- if Key = AUTH_A then
- else
- end if;
- Cmd (4) := Unsigned_8 (Block_Number);
- Cmd (5..4 + Key_Data'Length) := Key_Data;
- if UID'Length > 10 then
- Log ("UID too big");
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- Cmd (11..10 + UID'Length) := UID;
- Log (Cmd (1..10+UID'Length));
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd (1..10+UID'Length), PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- Log ("Send command failed");
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- Log ("timeout");
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Reply_Len, Ok);
- Log ("Reply:");
- Log (Reply (1..Reply_Len));
- if (not Ok) or (Reply_Len < 3) then
- Log ("Read data failed");
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if Reply (2) = 16#14# then -- Mifare authentication error
- Log ("Mifare auth error");
- Status := False;
- return;
- elsif Reply (2) /= 0 then -- status code not ok?
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- Status := True;
- end PN532_Authenticate_Mifare_Classic_Tag_Block;
- -- C-APDU for select application
- -- CLA INS P1 P2 LC Data Le
- -- 00h A4h 04h 00h 07h D2760000850101 00
- function PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Select_Application return Boolean
- is
- Data : PN532_Buf (1..20) := (PN532_IN_DATA_EXCHANGE,
- 1, -- card number
- 16#00#, -- class
- 16#A4#, -- instruction
- 16#04#, -- select by name
- 16#00#, -- first or only occurrence
- 16#07#,
- 16#D2#, 16#76#, 16#00#, 16#00#, 16#85#, 16#01#, 16#01#,
- 16#00#, -- response data field may be present
- others => 0);
- Reply_Len : Unsigned_8;
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Data (1..15), PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- return False;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- return False;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Data, Reply_Len, Ok);
- if (not Ok) or (Reply_Len < 5) then
- return False;
- end if;
- if Data (2) /= 0 then -- status code not ok?
- return False;
- end if;
- if Data (Reply_Len - 2) = 16#90# and Data (Reply_Len - 1) = 16#00# then
- -- ok
- return True;
- elsif Data (Reply_Len - 2) = 16#6A# and Data (Reply_Len - 1) = 16#82# then
- -- application not found
- null;
- end if;
- return False;
- end PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Select_Application;
- -- C-APDU for select file
- -- CLA INS P1 P2 LC Data Le
- -- 00h A4h 00h 0Ch 02h xxyy --
- function PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Select_File
- (File_ID : Interfaces.Unsigned_16) return Boolean
- is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..9) := (PN532_IN_DATA_EXCHANGE,
- 1, -- card number
- 16#00#, -- class
- 16#A4#, -- instruction
- 16#00#, -- select by identifier
- 16#0C#, -- first or only occurrence
- 16#02#, -- two bytes data
- Unsigned_8 (File_ID / 256), Unsigned_8 (File_ID and 16#FF#));
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..40);
- Reply_Len : Unsigned_8;
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd, PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- return False;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- return False;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Reply_Len, Ok);
- if (not Ok) or (Reply_Len < 5) then
- return False;
- end if;
- if Reply (2) /= 0 then -- status code not ok?
- return False;
- end if;
- if Reply (Reply_Len - 2) = 16#90# and Reply (Reply_Len - 1) = 16#00# then
- -- ok
- return True;
- elsif Reply (Reply_Len - 2) = 16#6A#
- and Reply (Reply_Len - 1) = 16#82#
- then -- file not found
- return False;
- end if;
- return False;
- end PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Select_File;
- -- C-APDU for read binary
- -- CLA INS P1 P2 Le
- -- 00h B0h xxh yyh zzh (xx yy = offset, zz = length)
- procedure PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Read_Binary
- (Offset : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
- Buf : out PN532_Buf;
- Byte_Count : out Unsigned_8;
- Status : out Boolean)
- is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..7);
- Len : Unsigned_8;
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..70);
- Reply_Len : Unsigned_8;
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- Len := Buf'Length;
- if Len > Reply'Length then
- Len := Reply'Length;
- end if;
- Cmd (1) := PN532_IN_DATA_EXCHANGE;
- Cmd (2) := 1; -- card number
- Cmd (3) := 16#00#; -- class
- Cmd (4) := 16#B0#; -- instruction
- Cmd (5) := Unsigned_8 (Offset and 16#FF#);
- Cmd (6) := Unsigned_8 (Offset / 256);
- Cmd (7) := Len;
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd, PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Reply_Len, Ok);
- if (not Ok) or (Reply_Len < 5) then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if Reply (2) /= 0 then -- status code not ok?
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if Reply (Reply_Len - 2) = 16#90# and Reply (Reply_Len - 1) = 16#00# then
- -- ok, copying buffer
- Len := Reply_Len - 5;
- Buf (Buf'First .. Buf'First + Len) := Reply (3 .. 3 + Len);
- Byte_Count := Len;
- Status := True;
- else
- Status := False;
- -- AVR.UART.Put ("Read failed"); AVR.UART.CRLF;
- end if;
- end PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Read_Binary;
- procedure PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Update_Binary
- (Offset : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
- Buf : PN532_Buf;
- Status : out Boolean)
- is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..70);
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..10);
- Reply_Len : Unsigned_8;
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- Cmd (1) := PN532_IN_DATA_EXCHANGE;
- Cmd (2) := 1; -- card number
- Cmd (3) := 16#00#; -- class
- Cmd (4) := 16#D6#; -- instruction
- Cmd (5) := Unsigned_8 (Offset / 256); -- offset p1
- Cmd (6) := Unsigned_8 (Offset and 16#FF#); -- offset p2
- Cmd (7) := Buf'Length;
- if Buf'Length > Cmd'Length - 7 then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- Cmd (8..7 + Buf'Length) := Buf;
- -- Log ("Update command:");
- -- Log (Cmd (1..7 + Buf'Length));
- -- Log (Cmd (1..7 + Buf'Length));
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd (1..7 + Buf'Length), PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Reply_Len, Ok);
- if (not Ok) or (Reply_Len < 5) then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if Reply (2) /= 0 then -- status code not ok?
- -- Log ("PN532 error:");
- -- AVR.UART.Put (Data => Reply (2), Base => 16);
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if Reply (Reply_Len - 2) = 16#90# and Reply (Reply_Len - 1) = 16#00# then
- Status := True;
- else
- Status := False;
- end if;
- end PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Update_Binary;
- function PN532_Set_Data (Buf : PN532_Buf; Buf2 : PN532_Buf)
- return Boolean
- is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..70);
- Ok : Boolean;
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..10);
- Reply_Len : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- if Buf'Length + Buf2'Length >= Cmd'Length - 2 then
- -- Log ("PN532_Set_Data: Buf too big");
- return False;
- end if;
- Cmd (1) := PN532_TG_SET_DATA;
- Cmd (2 .. 1 + Buf'Length) := Buf;
- if Buf2'Length > 0 then
- Cmd (2 + Buf'Length .. 1 + Buf'Length + Buf2'Length) := Buf2;
- end if;
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command
- (Cmd (1 .. 1 + Buf'Length + Buf2'Length), PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- return False;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- return False;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Reply_Len, Ok);
- if not Ok or Reply_Len = 0 then -- Some error
- return False;
- end if;
- if Reply (2) /= 0 then
- -- AVR.UART.Put ("PN532 error code: ");
- -- AVR.UART.Put (Data => Reply (2), Base => 16);
- return False;
- end if;
- return True;
- end PN532_Set_Data;
- Null_Buf : constant PN532_Buf (1..0) := (others => 0);
- function PN532_Set_Data (Buf : PN532_Buf) return Boolean is
- begin
- return PN532_Set_Data(Buf => Buf, Buf2 => Null_Buf);
- end PN532_Set_Data;
- procedure PN532_Get_Data (Buf : out PN532_Buf;
- Len : out Unsigned_8;
- Status : out Boolean)
- is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..1) := (1 => PN532_TG_GET_DATA);
- Ok : Boolean;
- Reply : PN532_Buf (1..48);
- Reply_Len : Unsigned_8;
- begin
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Cmd, PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Reply, Reply_Len, Ok);
- if not Ok or Reply_Len = 0 then -- Some error
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- if Reply (2) /= 0 then
- -- AVR.UART.Put ("PN532 error code: ");
- -- AVR.UART.Put (Data => Reply (2), Base => 16);
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- Len := Reply_Len - 3;
- Buf (1 .. Len) := Reply (3 .. 3 + Len);
- Status := True;
- end PN532_Get_Data;
- Init_Cmd : constant PN532_Buf :=
- 16#05#, -- 4h = ISO/IEC 14443-4A only
- 16#04#, 16#00#, -- sens res
- 16#12#, 16#34#, 16#46#, -- NFCID1
- 16#20#, -- sel res
- 16#01#, 16#FE#,
- 16#A2#, 16#A3#, 16#A4#,
- 16#A6#, 16#A7#, 16#A8#,
- 16#C0#, 16#C1#, 16#C2#,
- 16#C3#, 16#C4#, 16#C5#,
- 16#C6#, 16#C7#, 16#FF#,
- 16#FF#,
- 16#AA#, 16#99#, 16#88#, -- NFCID3t
- 16#77#, 16#66#, 16#55#, 16#44#,
- 16#33#, 16#22#, 16#11#,
- 16#00#, -- Length of historical bytes
- 16#00# -- Length of general bytes
- );
- Init_Cmd_PM : Buf_In_Progmem := (Init_Cmd'Length, Init_Cmd);
- pragma Linker_Section (Init_Cmd_PM, ".progmem");
- function PN532_Init_As_Target return Boolean is
- use type System.Address;
- Data : PN532_Buf (1..40);
- Len : Unsigned_8;
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- Len := AVR.Programspace.Get_Byte (Init_Cmd_PM'Address);
- for I in Unsigned_8 range 1..Len loop
- Data (I) := AVR.Programspace.Get_Byte
- (Init_Cmd_PM'Address + System.Address (I));
- end loop;
- Ok := PN532_Send_Command (Data (1..Len), PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE);
- if not Ok then
- return False;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Wait_For_Ready (PN532_TIMEOUT_VALUE) then
- return False;
- end if;
- PN532_Read_Data (Data, Len, Ok);
- if not Ok or Len = 0 then -- Some error
- return False;
- end if;
- if Data (2) /= 16#08# then
- -- AVR.UART.Put ("Unsupported mode ");
- -- AVR.UART.Put (Data => Reply (2), Base => 16);
- return False;
- end if;
- return True;
- end PN532_Init_As_Target;
- function PN532_Send_R_APDU (SW1 : Unsigned_8; SW2 : Unsigned_8) return Boolean is
- Cmd : PN532_Buf (1..2) := (SW1, SW2);
- begin
- return PN532_Set_Data (Cmd);
- end PN532_Send_R_APDU;
- APDU_SELECT_FILE : constant := 16#A4#;
- APDU_READ_BINARY : constant := 16#B0#;
- type Current_File_Type is (FILE_NONE, FILE_CC, FILE_NDEF);
- Current_File : Current_File_Type := FILE_NONE;
- CC_Reply : constant PN532_Buf (1..17) :=
- (16#00#, 16#0F#, 16#20#, 16#00#,
- 16#3B#, 16#00#, 16#34#, 16#04#,
- 16#06#, 16#E1#, 16#04#, 16#00#,
- 16#32#, 16#00#, 16#00#,
- 16#90#, 16#00#);
- procedure Handle_Select_File (P1 : Unsigned_8; P2 : Unsigned_8;Rest : PN532_Buf) is
- Ok : Boolean;
- begin
- if P1 = 4 and P2 = 0 then -- select by name
- if Rest'Length > 3 then
- if Rest (Rest'First) = 7 and Rest (Rest'First + 1 .. Rest'Last - 1) =
- (16#D2#, 16#76#,16#00#,16#00#,16#85#,16#01#,16#01#)
- then
- if not PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#90#, 16#00#) then
- null; -- ignore the error for now
- end if;
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#6D#, 16#00#) then
- null; -- ignore the error
- end if;
- return;
- elsif P1 = 0 then -- select by id
- if P2 = 16#0C# and Rest = (16#02#, 16#E1#, 16#03#) then
- Ok := PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#90#, 16#00#);
- Current_File := FILE_CC;
- return;
- elsif P2 = 16#0C# and Rest = (16#02#, 16#E1#, 16#04#) then
- Ok := PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#90#, 16#00#);
- Current_File := FILE_NDEF;
- return;
- else
- Ok := PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#90#, 16#00#);
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
- if not PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#6D#, 16#00#) then
- null;
- end if;
- end Handle_Select_File;
- procedure PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Emulate (NDEF_Message : PN532_Buf;
- Status : out Boolean)
- is
- Data : PN532_Buf (1..32);
- Data_Len : Unsigned_8;
- Offset : Unsigned_16;
- Ok : Boolean;
- NDEF_Read_Binary_Done : Boolean := False;
- begin
- if not PN532_Init_As_Target then
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- delay 0.2;
- loop
- PN532_Get_Data (Data, Data_Len, Ok);
- if not Ok then
- Status := NDEF_Read_Binary_Done;
- return;
- end if;
- if Data (1) = 0 then
- case Data (2) is
- if Data_Len > 5 then
- Handle_Select_File (Data (3), Data (4), Data (5..Data_Len));
- else
- -- Log ("short apdu");
- Ok := PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#6D#, 16#00#);
- end if;
- if Current_File = FILE_CC then
- Ok := PN532_Set_Data (CC_Reply);
- elsif Current_File = FILE_NDEF and Data_Len >= 5 then
- Offset := Unsigned_16 (Data (3)) * 256 + Unsigned_16 (Data (4));
- if NDEF_Message'First + Unsigned_8 (Offset)
- + Data (5) - 1 <= NDEF_Message'Last
- then
- Ok := PN532_Set_Data
- (Buf => NDEF_Message
- (NDEF_Message'First + Unsigned_8 (Offset) ..
- NDEF_Message'First + Unsigned_8 (Offset) + Data (5) - 1),
- Buf2 => (16#90#, 16#00#));
- else
- Ok := PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#6D#, 16#00#);
- end if;
- NDEF_Read_Binary_Done := True;
- else
- Ok := PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#6D#, 16#00#);
- end if;
- when others =>
- -- Log ("Unsupp. ins");
- -- instruction not supported, or invalid
- Ok := PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#6D#, 16#00#);
- Status := False;
- return;
- end case;
- else
- if not PN532_Send_R_APDU (16#6E#, 16#00#) then -- class not supported
- -- Log ("PN532_Send_R_APDU failed");
- Status := False;
- return;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end PN532_NFC_Forum_Type_4_Emulate;
-end PN532_TWI;