Tweaked readme for clarity.
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M +2 -2
@@ 14,7 14,7 @@ The game is built in F#, sitting on the 
 - The [Elmish]( framework
 - The [Bulma]( CSS framework
-I'm still an apprentice F#-slinger, so if you find the code confusing at any point, that's probably on me! However, I have done my best to write idiomatic F#, in the 'Elmish style', as best as I currently understand it.
+I'm still an apprentice F#-slinger, so if you find the code confusing at any point, that's probably on me! However, I have done my best to write idiomatic Elmish F#, as best as I currently understand it.
 "Making of" blog post coming soon, but the short version is that I loved making this. This was my first game in F#, but I very much hope it won't be the last!

@@ 28,7 28,7 @@ Truffle Wizard is open source, under the
 If you want, you can run Truffle Wizard on your own machine, and even experiment with the code.
-My starting point was the excellent [Feliz Template]( by Zaid Ajaj. Feliz is licensed under the [MIT License](
+My starting point for this project was the excellent [Feliz Template]( by Zaid Ajaj. Feliz is licensed under the [MIT License](
 I've reproduced most of the Feliz Template instructions below, as they also apply to Truffle Wizard.