Start fleshing out the introspection system

It looks like we need to predefine how this whole schema works.  Every resolver
must be defined by us, and should be callable as a normal query.  I need to read
up on the entry points here.  We are getting closer to a working something!
1 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

M src/introspection.lisp
M src/introspection.lisp +63 -11
@@ 1,7 1,7 @@ 
 (in-package :gql)
 (defmacro defintrospection (name &body slots)
-  `(defclass ,name (ast-node)
+  `(defclass ,name (gql-object)
      ,(loop :for slot :in slots
             :for initarg = (intern (symbol-name slot) :keyword)
             :collect `(,slot :initarg ,initarg :initform nil :accessor ,slot))))

@@ 11,12 11,22 @@ 
 ;;; __type(name: string!): __type
 (defintrospection __schema
+  description       ;; string
   types             ;; [__type!]!
   query-type        ;; __type!
   mutation-type     ;; __type
   subscription-type ;; __type
   directives)       ;; [__directive!]!
+(defvar *__schema-resolvers*
+  (make-resolvers
+    ("description"        . 'description)
+    ("types"              . 'all-types) ;; TODO: This doesn't take an argument.  Problem?
+    ("query-type"         . 'query-type)
+    ("mutation-type"      . 'mutation-type)
+    ("subscription-type"  . 'subscription-type)
+    ("directives"         . 'directives))) 
 (defintrospection __type
   kind           ;; __type-kind!
   name           ;; string

@@ 28,13 38,34 @@ 
   input-fields   ;; [__input-value!]
   of-type)       ;; __type
+(defvar *__type-resolvers*
+  (make-resolvers
+    ("kind"           . 'kind)
+    ("name"           . 'name)
+    ("description"    . 'description)
+    ("fields"         . 'fields)
+    ("interfaces"     . 'interfaces)
+    ("possible-types" . 'possible-types)
+    ("enum-values"    . 'enum-values)
+    ("input-fields"   . 'input-fields)
+    ("of-type"        . 'of-type))) 
 (defintrospection __field
-  name               ;; string!
-  description        ;; string
-  args               ;; [__input-value!]!
-  ty                 ;; __type!
-  isdeprecated       ;; boolean!
-  deprecationreason) ;; string
+  name                ;; string!
+  description         ;; string
+  args                ;; [__input-value!]!
+  ty                  ;; __type!
+  is-deprecated       ;; boolean!
+  deprecation-reason) ;; string
+(defvar *__field-resolvers*
+  (make-resolvers
+    ("name"               . 'name)
+    ("description"        . 'description)
+    ("args"               . 'args)
+    ("ty"                 . 'ty)
+    ("is-deprecated"      . 'is-deprecated)
+    ("deprecation-reason" . 'deprecation-reason))) 
 (defintrospection __input-value
   name          ;; string!

@@ 42,11 73,25 @@ 
   ty            ;; __type!
   defaultvalue) ;; string
+(defvar *__field-resolvers*
+  (make-resolvers
+    ("name"          . 'name)
+    ("description"   . 'description)
+    ("ty"            . 'ty)
+    ("default-value" . 'default-value))) 
 (defintrospection __enum-value
-  name               ;; string!
-  description        ;; string
-  isdeprecated       ;; boolean!
-  deprecationreason) ;; string
+  name                ;; string!
+  description         ;; string
+  is-deprecated       ;; boolean!
+  deprecation-reason) ;; string
+(defvar *__field-resolvers*
+  (make-resolvers
+    ("name"               . 'name)
+    ("description"        . 'description)
+    ("is-deprecated"      . 'is-deprecated)
+    ("deprecation-reason" . 'deprecation-reason))) 
 (deftype __type-kind ()

@@ 65,6 110,13 @@ 
   locations   ;; [__directive-location!]!
   args)       ;; [__input-value!]!
+(defvar *__directive-resolvers*
+  (make-resolvers
+    ("name"        . 'name)
+    ("description" . 'description)
+    ("locations"   . 'locations)
+    ("args"        . 'args))) 
 (deftype __directive-location ()