M src/execution.lisp +10 -10
@@ 360,13 360,13 @@
:finally (return (nreverse selection-set))))
(defun execute (&optional operation-name initial-value)
- (let ((*result* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
- (*errors* nil))
- ;; TODO: We can't really validate yet
- ;; (validate document)
- (unless (document *context*)
- (gql-error "We need a document to execute"))
- (if *errors*
- (setf (gethash "errors" *result*) *errors*)
- (execute-request operation-name initial-value))
- *result*))
+ (unless *context*
+ (gql-error "No context is set. This is really bad."))
+ (unless (document *context*)
+ (gql-error "We need a document to execute"))
+ ;; TODO: We can't really validate yet
+ ;; (validate document)
+ (if *errors*
+ (setf (gethash "errors" *result*) *errors*)
+ (execute-request operation-name initial-value))
+ *result*)
M src/rules.lisp +5 -5
@@ 6,7 6,7 @@
:for definition :in definitions
:unless (or (eq (kind definition) 'operation-definition)
(eq (kind definition) 'fragment-definition))
- :do (make-error "Each definition must be executable." definition)))
+ :do (push-error "Each definition must be executable." definition)))
(defun operation-name-unique-p (definitions)
;; https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-Operation-Name-Uniqueness
@@ 21,7 21,7 @@
:for v :being :each :hash-value :of operations
:when (> (length v) 1)
- :do (make-error "Each operation must have a unique name." v))))
+ :do (push-error "Each operation must have a unique name." v))))
(defun single-anonymous-operation-definition-p (definitions)
;; https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#sec-Anonymous-Operation-Definitions
@@ 32,7 32,7 @@
:when (null name-node)
:do (push definition anonymous)
(when (and (> (length definitions) 1) anonymous)
- (make-error "An anonymous definition must be alone." definition)
+ (push-error "An anonymous definition must be alone." definition)
(defun subscription-operation-valid-p ()
@@ 46,6 46,6 @@
:unless (= (hash-table-count grouped-field-set) 1)
- :do (make-error "A subscription must have exactly one entry." subscription)
+ :do (push-error "A subscription must have exactly one entry." subscription)
:when (introspection-field-p grouped-field-set)
- :do (make-error "Root field must not begin with \"__\" which is reserved by GraphQL introspection." subscription)))
+ :do (push-error "Root field must not begin with \"__\" which is reserved by GraphQL introspection." subscription)))
M src/utils.lisp +20 -16
@@ 51,22 51,24 @@
-(defun make-error (message nodes)
- (let ((node-list (if (listp nodes) nodes (list nodes))))
- (push (make-instance
- 'errors
- :message message
- :locations (mapcar
- (lambda (node)
- (with-slots (line column) (start-token (location node))
- (make-instance
- 'error-location
- :line line
- :column column)))
- node-list)
- :path nil
- :extensions nil)
- *errors*)))
+(defun location-errors (nodes)
+ (mapcar
+ (lambda (node)
+ (with-slots (line column) (start-token (location node))
+ (make-instance
+ 'error-location
+ :line line
+ :column column)))
+ nodes))
+(defun push-error (message nodes)
+ (push (make-instance
+ 'errors
+ :message message
+ :locations (location-errors (if (listp nodes) nodes (list nodes)))
+ :path nil ;; TODO: We need the path
+ :extensions nil) ;; TODO: Do we need extensions?
+ *errors*))
(defun name-or-alias (field)
(with-slots (alias name) field
@@ 96,6 98,8 @@
(,d ,document)
(,v (or ,variables ,(make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(,e ,execution-context)
+ (*result* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+ (*errors* nil)
(*context* (make-instance 'context
:schema ,s
:document ,d
M t/execution-tests.lisp +13 -13
@@ 5,7 5,7 @@
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions
(build-schema "{ a { subfield1 } ...ExampleFragment } fragment ExampleFragment on Query { a { subfield2 } b }")))
(query-type (gql::object :name "Query")))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types (cdr definitions)))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types (cdr definitions)))
(let* ((operation (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::operation-type x) "Query")) definitions))
(operation-type (gql::operation-type operation))
(selection-set (gql::selection-set operation))
@@ 30,8 30,8 @@
(testing "merge-selection-sets should merge multiple fields"
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
- :document (build-schema "query { dog { name } dog { owner { name } } }"))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
+ :document (build-schema "query { dog { name } dog { owner { name } } }"))
(gql::set-resolver "Human" "name" (lambda () "Bingo-bongo-pappa"))
(gql::set-resolver "Dog" "name" (lambda () "Bingo-bongo"))
(gql::set-resolver "Dog" "owner" (lambda () t))
@@ 47,8 47,8 @@
(testing "A query should handle alias"
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
- :document (build-schema "query { dog { name owner { name: nameAlias } } }"))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
+ :document (build-schema "query { dog { name owner { name: nameAlias } } }"))
(gql::set-resolver "Human" "name" (lambda () "Bingo-bongo-pappa"))
(gql::set-resolver "Dog" "name" (lambda () "Bingo-bongo"))
(gql::set-resolver "Dog" "owner" (lambda () t))
@@ 64,8 64,8 @@
(testing "A query should handle variables and arguments"
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
- :document (build-schema "query x($sit: String) { dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: $sit) } }"))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
+ :document (build-schema "query x($sit: String) { dog { doesKnowCommand(dogCommand: $sit) } }"))
(setf (gethash "sit" (gql::variables gql::*context*)) "SIT")
(gql::set-resolver "Dog" "name" (lambda () "Bingo-bongo"))
(gql::set-resolver "Dog" "doesKnowCommand"
@@ 109,8 109,8 @@
(testing "Using resolvers that access the object from the 'db'"
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
- :document (build-schema "query { dog { name } }"))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
+ :document (build-schema "query { dog { name } }"))
(gql::defclass* dog name owner)
(gql::set-resolver "Dog" "name"
(lambda () (name (gql::object-value (gql::execution-context gql::*context*)))))
@@ 131,7 131,7 @@
(testing "A query should handle variables and arguments"
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
(gql::defclass* dog name does-know-command)
(setf (gethash "sit" (gql::variables gql::*context*)) "SIT")
@@ 188,7 188,7 @@
(let* ((doggo (make-instance 'dog :name "Bingo-Bongo" :type-name "Dog"))
(definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
;; We want to know if we did get the actual same reference.
(ok (eq (gql::resolve-abstract-type (gethash "CatOrDog" (gql::type-map (gql::schema gql::*context*))) doggo)
(gethash "Dog" (gql::type-map (gql::schema gql::*context*)))))
@@ 279,8 279,8 @@
:resolver (lambda () (nickname (gql::object-value (gql::execution-context gql::*context*)))))))))
(flet ((doggo-test (query)
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types (list dog-type human-type cat-type pet-interface))
- :document (build-schema query))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types (list dog-type human-type cat-type pet-interface))
+ :document (build-schema query))
(let* ((res (gql::execute nil nil)))
(format nil "~a" (cl-json:encode-json-to-string res))))))
M t/introspection-tests.lisp +4 -4
@@ 66,10 66,10 @@
:pets '())))))))
(flet ((doggo-test (query)
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types (list dog-type human-type))
- :document (build-schema query))
- (let* ((res (gql::execute nil nil)))
- (format nil "~a" (cl-json:encode-json-to-string res))))))
+ (with-context
+ (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types (list dog-type human-type))
+ :document (build-schema query))
+ (format nil "~a" (cl-json:encode-json-to-string (gql::execute nil nil))))))
(ok (string=
(doggo-test "query { dog { __typename name owner { name } } }")
M t/type-system-tests.lisp +4 -4
@@ 128,7 128,7 @@ scalar Url
(testing "scalar"
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
(let ((dog (gethash "Dog" (gql::type-map (gql::schema gql::*context*)))))
(ok (gql::input-type-p (gql::ty (gethash "name" (gql::fields dog)))))
(ok (gql::input-type-p (gql::ty (gethash "nickname" (gql::fields dog)))))
@@ 137,7 137,7 @@ scalar Url
(testing "union"
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
(let ((human-or-alien (gethash "HumanOrAlien" (gql::type-map (gql::schema gql::*context*)))))
(ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Human" (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))
(ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Alien" (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))
@@ 146,7 146,7 @@ scalar Url
(testing "object"
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
(let ((dog-or-human (gethash "DogOrHuman" (gql::type-map (gql::schema gql::*context*)))))
(ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Dog" (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))
(ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Human" (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))
@@ 155,7 155,7 @@ scalar Url
(testing "interface"
(let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
(query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
- (gql::with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
+ (with-context (:schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions))
(let ((cat (gethash "Cat" (gql::type-map (gql::schema gql::*context*)))))
(ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Pet" (gql::interfaces cat))))
(ok (gql::output-type-p (gethash "Pet" (gql::interfaces cat)))))))))