Hash-tablify type-definitions

At least start to.  It should be way easier to find things when they are maps.
Not really concerned about performance, but it might be slower/faster.  Who
M src/debugger-utils.lisp +8 -0
@@ 12,6 12,14 @@ 
   (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t :identity t)
     (princ (nameof obj) stream)))
+(defmethod print-object ((obj enum-type-definition) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t :identity t)
+    (princ (nameof obj) stream)))
+(defmethod print-object ((obj interface-type-definition) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t :identity t)
+    (princ (nameof obj) stream)))
 (defmethod print-object ((obj named-type) stream)
   (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t :identity t)
     (princ (nameof obj) stream)))

M src/execution.lisp +1 -13
@@ 2,17 2,6 @@ 
 (declaim (optimize (debug 3)))
-(defgeneric resolve (object-type object-value field-name arg-values)
-  (:documentation "A function to resolve arbitrary values."))
-(defmethod resolve (object-type object-value field-name arg-values)
-  ;; TODO: Ok, so now we get the corresponding type in the hash table, then
-  ;; funcall the function mapped to by field name.
-  (let ((resolvers (gethash (nameof object-type) *resolvers*)))
-    (if (> (hash-table-count arg-values) 0)
-        (funcall (gethash field-name resolvers) object-value arg-values)
-        (funcall (gethash field-name resolvers) object-value))))
 (defun fragment-type-applies-p (object-type fragment-type)
   ;; TODO: https://spec.graphql.org/draft/#DoesFragmentTypeApply()
   (let ((type-definition (gethash object-type (type-map *schema*))))

@@ 295,8 284,7 @@ 
     (etypecase abstract-type
       (interface-type-definition (gethash type-name (type-map *schema*)))
-       (let ((union-member
-               (find type-name (union-members abstract-type) :key #'nameof :test #'string=)))
+       (let ((union-member (gethash type-name (union-members abstract-type))))
          (gethash (nameof union-member) (type-map *schema*)))))))
 (defun execute-field (object-type object-value field-definition fields variable-values)

M src/schema.lisp +35 -7
@@ 51,14 51,15 @@ 
     (dolist (type initial-types)
       ;; TODO: Error handling
-      (type-map-reducer schema type-map type))
+      (type-map-reducer schema type-map type)
+      (mapify-type-definitions type))
     (setf (type-map schema) type-map)
 (defun type-map-reducer (schema type-map object-type)
   ;; TODO: Return errors as well?
-  (when (or (null object-type) (equal (name object-type) ""))
+  (when (or (null object-type) (equal (nameof object-type) ""))
     (return-from type-map-reducer type-map))
   (typecase object-type

@@ 73,12 74,39 @@ 
   ;;   ;; TODO: return an error here because the type already exists?
   ;;   )
-  (if (name object-type)
-      (setf (gethash (nameof object-type) type-map) object-type)
-      ;; TODO: Probably an idiotic check. Are we operation-definition for sure
-      ;; here?
-      (setf (gethash (operation-type object-type) type-map) object-type))
+  (setf (gethash (nameof object-type) type-map) object-type)
   ;; TODO: Lots more to do here
+(defun mapify-type-definitions (object-type)
+  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+    (typecase object-type
+      ;; TODO: Do we need to map more things here?
+      (object-type-definition
+       (let ((interface-map (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+         (when (listp (fields object-type))
+           (dolist (field (fields object-type))
+             (setf (gethash (nameof field) table) field))
+           (setf (fields object-type) table))
+         (when (listp (interfaces object-type))
+           (dolist (interface (interfaces object-type))
+             (setf (gethash (nameof interface) interface-map) interface))
+           (setf (interfaces object-type) interface-map))))
+      (interface-type-definition
+       (when (listp (fields object-type))
+         (dolist (field (fields object-type))
+           (setf (gethash (nameof field) table) field))
+         (setf (fields object-type) table)))
+      (enum-type-definition
+       (when (listp (enum-values object-type))
+         (dolist (enum-val (enum-values object-type))
+           (setf (gethash (enum-value enum-val) table) enum-val))
+         (setf (enum-values object-type) table)))
+      (union-type-definition
+       (when (listp (union-members object-type))
+         (dolist (union-member (union-members object-type))
+           (setf (gethash (nameof union-member) table) union-member))
+         (setf (union-members object-type) table))))
+    object-type))

M src/utils.lisp +6 -5
@@ 110,9 110,8 @@ 
           ((string= "__schema" field-name) *__schema-field-definition*)
           ((string= "__type" field-name) *__type-field-definition*)
-           (find-if (lambda (obj) (string= (nameof obj) field-name))
-                    ;; (fields (gethash (nameof object-type) *all-types*))
-                    (fields (gethash (nameof object-type) (type-map *schema*))))))))
+           (let ((object (gethash (nameof object-type) (type-map *schema*))))
+             (gethash field-name (fields object)))))))
 (defclass gql-object ()

@@ 197,6 196,8 @@ 
 (defun set-resolver (type-name field-name fn)
   (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
   (let ((field-definition
-          (find-if (lambda (f) (string= (nameof f) field-name))
-                   (fields (gethash type-name (type-map *schema*))))))
+          (gethash field-name (fields (gethash type-name (type-map *schema*))))
+          ;; (find-if (lambda (f) (string= (nameof f) field-name))
+          ;; )
+          ))
     (setf (resolver field-definition) fn)))

M t/execution-tests.lisp +2 -2
@@ 3,9 3,9 @@ 
 (deftest execution
   (testing "collect-fields returns the correct fields"
     (let* ((definitions (gql::definitions
-                         (build-schema "query { a { subfield1 } ...ExampleFragment } fragment ExampleFragment on Query { a { subfield2 } b }")))
+                         (build-schema "{ a { subfield1 } ...ExampleFragment } fragment ExampleFragment on Query { a { subfield2 } b }")))
            (query-type (gql::object :name "Query")))
-      (with-schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
+      (with-schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types (cdr definitions))
         (let* ((operation (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::operation-type x) "Query")) definitions))
                (operation-type (gql::operation-type operation))
                (selection-set (gql::selection-set operation))

M t/type-system-tests.lisp +15 -15
@@ 130,32 130,32 @@ scalar Url
            (query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
       (with-schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
         (let ((dog (gethash "Dog" (gql::type-map gql::*schema*))))
-          (ok (gql::input-type-p (gql::ty (car (gql::fields dog)))))
-          (ok (gql::input-type-p (gql::ty (cadr (gql::fields dog)))))
-          (ok (gql::output-type-p (gql::ty (car (gql::fields dog)))))
-          (ok (gql::output-type-p (gql::ty (cadr (gql::fields dog)))))))))
-  (testing "enum"
+          (ok (gql::input-type-p (gql::ty (gethash "name" (gql::fields dog)))))
+          (ok (gql::input-type-p (gql::ty (gethash "nickname" (gql::fields dog)))))
+          (ok (gql::output-type-p (gql::ty (gethash "barkVolume" (gql::fields dog)))))
+          (ok (gql::output-type-p (gql::ty (gethash "name" (gql::fields dog)))))))))
+  (testing "union"
     (let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
            (query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
       (with-schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
         (let ((human-or-alien (gethash "HumanOrAlien" (gql::type-map gql::*schema*))))
-          (ng (gql::input-type-p (car (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))
-          (ng (gql::input-type-p (cadr (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))
-          (ok (gql::output-type-p (car (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))
-          (ok (gql::output-type-p (cadr (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))))))
+          (ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Human" (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))
+          (ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Alien" (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))
+          (ok (gql::output-type-p (gethash "Human" (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))
+          (ok (gql::output-type-p (gethash "Alien" (gql::union-members human-or-alien))))))))
   (testing "object"
     (let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
            (query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
       (with-schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
         (let ((dog-or-human (gethash "DogOrHuman" (gql::type-map gql::*schema*))))
-          (ng (gql::input-type-p (car (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))
-          (ng (gql::input-type-p (cadr (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))
-          (ok (gql::output-type-p (car (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))
-          (ok (gql::output-type-p (cadr (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))))))
+          (ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Dog" (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))
+          (ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Human" (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))
+          (ok (gql::output-type-p (gethash "Dog" (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))
+          (ok (gql::output-type-p (gethash "Human" (gql::union-members dog-or-human))))))))
   (testing "interface"
     (let* ((definitions (gql::definitions (build-schema (asdf:system-relative-pathname 'gql-tests #p"t/test-files/validation-schema.graphql"))))
            (query-type (find-if (lambda (x) (string= (gql::nameof x) "Query")) definitions)))
       (with-schema (gql::make-schema :query query-type :types definitions)
         (let ((cat (gethash "Cat" (gql::type-map gql::*schema*))))
-          (ng (gql::input-type-p (car (gql::interfaces cat))))
-          (ok (gql::output-type-p (car (gql::interfaces cat)))))))))
+          (ng (gql::input-type-p (gethash "Pet" (gql::interfaces cat))))
+          (ok (gql::output-type-p (gethash "Pet" (gql::interfaces cat)))))))))