fix a off by 1 error in within?
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M +3 -2
@@ 487,9 487,10 @@ CWWH 			\ X.h: CWWidth 4 | CWHeight 8
 \ ----------- multihead support
 \ ------------ find the screen a window is in
-			\ x <= x1 <= x+w?
+			\ x <= x1 < x+w?
 			( x1 x w -- 1|0 )
-: within? 	over + rpush over - neg drop -if rdrop dup - ;; then
+: within? 	1- \ x+w is the first pixel on the next screen!
+			over + rpush over - neg drop -if rdrop dup - ;; then
 				rpop - neg -if dup - ;; then drop 1 ;
 			( x scr -- 0|1 )