1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M README.md +4 -2
@@ 2,11 2,11 @@ 
 **A Pandemic bot.**
-- I'm homebound/self-quarantine during Coronavirus
+- I'm homebound/self-quarantine during SARS-CoV-19
 - I'm need to let off steam from my job's code
 - I'd like to do more OCaml
-I wrote a [Scrabble bot][] that taught me a lot, was super fun to write, and
+I wrote a [Scrabble bot][1] that taught me a lot, was super fun to write, and
 frankly probably got me a few jobs. I'm terrible at Pandemic and though it'd be
 fun to write a bot for it.

@@ 17,3 17,5 @@ I get it to play enough games I can use 
 - Model a decent gamestate, flow, render, REPL? Very bare minimum.
 - Start filling it in with proper cards, characters, actions.
+   [1]: https://git.sr.ht/~srpablo/ScrabbleCheat