@@ 29,13 29,11 @@ query {
major, minor, patch
- # On this page, you have been automatically authorized to make API requests
- # with your sr.ht login cookie. If you wish to make GraphQL requests outside
- # of the browser, create a personal access token at https://meta.sr.ht/oauth
+ # The same results as with this Web utility you can get with `hut`
+ # utility (https://sr.ht/~xenrox/hut/)
- # curl \
- # -H Authorization:"Bearer <your oauth token>" \
- # -H Content-Type:application/json \
- # -d '{"query": "{ me { canonicalName } }"}' \
- # https://git.sr.ht/query
+ # echo 'query { me { canonicalName } }' | hut graphql hg
+ #
+ # Or, use `hut graphql hg` to edit GraphQL queries with
+ # your $EDITOR.