@@ 1,3 1,23 @@
+guestrepo (1.12) precise; urgency=low
+ * Optimization: Pushes are phase-sensitive
+ * Enhancement: grsum now shows *s on unknown files
+ * Enhancement: Adds --phase flag to grsum
+ * Enhancement: Adds --frozen flag to grpush. This will
+ assist with phases and pushing
+ * Enhancement: Adds --publish to grfreeze, ensuring
+ that the guestrepos are in public phase.
+ * Fixes a sorting bug.
+ * Fixes issue #4: will now not fry a Windows system on
+ setup.py being run
+ * Fixes documentation.
+ * Fixes --local - now applies to both files
+ * Thanks: Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david@logilab.fr>,
+ David Sankel <david@sankelsoftware.com>.
+ -- Paul Nathan <paul_nathan@selinc.com> Tue, 09 Apr 2013 10:53:02 -0700
guestrepo (1.11) precise; urgency=low
* Change control file to replace sel-hg-guestrepo