A => .hgignore +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
No newline at end of file
A => README.md +2 -0
A => content/assets/style.css +11 -0
@@ 0,0 1,11 @@
+html {font-family: Menlo, Consolas, Monaco, Liberation Mono, Lucida Console, monospace;font-size: 14px;background: #eee;}
+body {margin: 0 auto;padding:0 2ch;max-width: 76ch;min-height: 100vh;}
+body > header {position: absolute;top: 0;width: 76ch;display: flex;justify-content: space-between;}
+h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {margin:0;font-size:1.2rem;}
+main > header {margin: 4rem 0 2rem;}
+main > time {color:gray;}
+#blog-list ul li:hover {background-color: antiquewhite;}
+#blog-list ul {padding-left: 10ch;}
+#blog-list ul li {padding-left: 2ch;}
+#blog-list ul li::marker {content: attr(data-date);color: gray;}
+#changelog summary {font-weight: bold;margin-top: 2rem;}
A => content/index.html +11 -0
@@ 0,0 1,11 @@
+<p>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.</p>
+<p><a class="btn" href="/whoami">whoami</a></p>
+<section id="notes">
+ <h2 id="notes">notes</h2>
+ <div id="blog-list"></div>
A => helpers/first_update.sh +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
+OUTPUT=$(hg log -r: -l1 -T '{date(date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}' "$TARGET_FILE")
+[ -z "$OUTPUT" ] && OUTPUT=$(date +"%F %T")
+echo "<strong>Published: </strong><time id="pubdate" datetime=\"$OUTPUT\">$OUTPUT</time>"
A => helpers/log-index.lua +136 -0
@@ 0,0 1,136 @@
+if not config["index_template"] then
+ Plugin.fail("Please define the index_template option")
+if not config["index_selector"] then
+ Plugin.fail("Please define the index_selector option")
+tag_path = "tags"
+if config["tag_path"] then
+ tag_path = config["tag_path"]
+local count = size(site_index)
+-- Render entries on the blog page
+local entries = {}
+local i = 1
+while (i<=count) do
+ entry = site_index[i]
+ entry["date"] = Date.reformat(entry["date"], {"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"}, "%Y-%m-%d")
+ entries[i] = entry
+ i = i + 1
+env = {}
+env["entries"] = entries
+posts = HTML.parse(String.render_template(config["index_template"], env))
+container = HTML.select_one(page, config["index_selector"])
+HTML.append_child(container, posts)
+-- Create new pages for each tag
+tag_path = Sys.join_path(Sys.dirname(page_file), tag_path)
+-- Find all existing tags first
+all_tags = {}
+local i = 1
+while (i <= count) do
+ entry = entries[i]
+ local k = 1
+ if not entry["tags"] then
+ -- This entry has no tags, skip it
+ i = i + 1
+ else
+ tag_count = size(entry["tags"])
+ while (k <= tag_count) do
+ all_tags[entry["tags"][k]] = 1
+ k = k + 1
+ end
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+all_tags = Table.keys(all_tags)
+function find_entries_with_tag(entries, tag)
+ local es = {}
+ local i = 1
+ Log.debug("so far")
+ local count = size(entries)
+ local k = 1
+ while (i <= count) do
+ entry = entries[i]
+ if not (Value.is_table(entry["tags"])) then
+ -- No tags in this entry, so it definitely does not match
+ i = i + 1
+ else
+ if Table.has_value(entry["tags"], tag) then
+ es[k] = entry
+ k = k + 1
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ end
+ return es
+function build_tag_page(entries, tag)
+ local matching_entries = find_entries_with_tag(entries, tag)
+ local template = "<h1>Posts tagged \"{{tag}}\"</h1>" ..
+ "<div id=\"blog-list\">" .. config["index_template"] .. "</div>"
+ local env = {}
+ env["tag"] = tag
+ env["entries"] = matching_entries
+ posts = String.render_template(template, env)
+ return posts
+pages = {}
+local i = 1
+local tag_count = size(all_tags)
+while (i <= tag_count) do
+ tag = all_tags[i]
+ Log.info(format("Generating a page for tag \"%s\"", tag))
+ tag_page = {}
+ tag_page["page_file"] = Sys.join_path(tag_path, format("%s.html", tag))
+ tag_page["page_content"] = build_tag_page(entries, tag)
+ pages[i] = tag_page
+ i = i + 1
+-- Finally, generate a page with a list of all tags
+local tag_links = {}
+local i = 1
+local tag_count = size(all_tags)
+while (i <= tag_count) do
+ local tag = all_tags[i]
+ local tag_link = {}
+ tag_link["url"] = tag
+ tag_link["title"] = tag
+ tag_links[i] = tag_link
+ i = i + 1
+local template = [[
+ <h1>Tags</h1>
+ <ul>
+ {% for t in tag_links %}
+ <li> <a href="{{t.url}}">{{t.title}}</a> </li>
+ {% endfor %}
+ </ul>
+ ]]
+local env = {}
+env["tag_links"] = tag_links
+local all_tags_page = {}
+all_tags_page["page_file"] = Sys.join_path(tag_path, "index.html")
+all_tags_page["page_content"] = String.render_template(template, env)
+pages[size(pages) + 1] = all_tags_page
A => plugins/atom.lua +105 -0
@@ 0,0 1,105 @@
+-- Atom feed generator
+data = {}
+date_input_formats = soupault_config["index"]["date_formats"]
+feed_file = config["feed_file"]
+custom_options = soupault_config["custom_options"]
+if not Table.has_key(custom_options, "site_url") then
+ Plugin.exit([[Atom feed generation is not enabled in the config. If you want to enable it, set custom_options.atom_feeds = true]])
+if not Table.has_key(custom_options, "site_url") then
+ Plugin.fail([[custom_options["site_url"] option is required when feed generation is enabled]])
+data["site_url"] = custom_options["site_url"]
+data["feed_id"] = Sys.join_path(custom_options["site_url"], feed_file)
+data["soupault_version"] = Plugin.soupault_version()
+data["feed_author"] = custom_options["site_author"]
+data["feed_author_email"] = custom_options["site_author_email"]
+data["feed_title"] = custom_options["site_title"]
+data["feed_subtitle"] = custom_options["site_subtitle"]
+data["feed_logo"] = custom_options["site_logo"]
+function in_section(entry)
+ return (entry["nav_path"][1] == config["use_section"])
+function tags_match(entry)
+ if config["use_tag"] then
+ return (Regex.match(entry["tags"], format("\\b%s\\b", config["use_tag"])))
+ else
+ return 1
+ end
+entries = {}
+-- Original, unfiltered entries inded
+local n = 1
+-- Index of the new array of entries we are building
+local m = 1
+local count = size(site_index)
+while (n <= count) do
+ entry = site_index[n]
+ if (in_section(entry) and tags_match(entry)) then
+ if entry["date"] then
+ entry["date"] = Date.reformat(entry["date"], date_input_formats, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%:z")
+ end
+ entries[m] = entry
+ m = m + 1
+ end
+ n = n + 1
+if (soupault_config["index"]["sort_descending"] or
+ (not Table.has_key(soupault_config["index"], "sort_descending")))
+ data["feed_last_updated"] = entries[1]["date"]
+ data["feed_last_updated"] = entries[size(entries)]["date"]
+data["entries"] = entries
+feed_template = [[
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:lang="en">
+ <id>{{feed_id}}</id>
+ <updated>{{feed_last_updated}}</updated>
+ <title>{{feed_title}}</title>
+ {%- if feed_subtitle -%} <subtitle>{{feed_subtitle}}</subtitle> {%- endif -%}
+ {%- if feed_logo -%} <logo>{{feed_logo}}</logo> {%- endif -%}
+ <author>
+ <name>{{feed_author}}</name>
+ {%- if feed_author_email -%}<email>{{feed_author_email}}</email> {%- endif -%}
+ </author>
+ <generator uri="https://soupault.app" version="{{soupault_version}}">soupault</generator>
+ {%- for e in entries %}
+ <entry>
+ <id>{{site_url}}{{e.url}}</id>
+ <title>{{e.title}}</title>
+ <updated>{{e.date}}</updated>
+ <content type="html">
+ {{e.excerpt | escape}}
+ </content>
+ <link href="{{site_url}}{{e.url}}" rel="alternate"/>
+ </entry>
+ {% endfor %}
+feed = String.render_template(feed_template, data)
+Sys.write_file(Sys.join_path(target_dir, feed_file), String.trim(feed))
A => plugins/changelog.lua +29 -0
@@ 0,0 1,29 @@
+prefix_url = "https://hg.sr.ht/~siarie/siarie.cc/rev"
+command = "hg log --template '<li><a href=\"" .. prefix_url .. "/{node}\">{node|short}</a> {desc|strip|firstline}</li>' " .. page_file
+command_output = Sys.get_program_output(command)
+if not command_output then
+ Plugin.exit("Nothing to do")
+changelogs = HTML.parse(command_output)
+-- echo "<details id=\"changelog\">"
+-- echo "<summary>Changelog</summary>"
+-- echo "<ul>"
+-- echo $LOGS
+-- echo "</ul>"
+-- echo "</details>"
+details = HTML.create_element("details")
+HTML.set_attribute(details, "id", "changelog")
+HTML.append_child(details, HTML.create_element("summary", "Changelog"))
+ul = HTML.create_element("ul")
+HTML.append_child(ul, changelogs)
+HTML.append_child(details, ul)
+HTML.insert_after(HTML.select_one(page, "main"), details)
A => plugins/tags.lua +34 -0
@@ 0,0 1,34 @@
+elements = HTML.select(page, "tag")
+local count = size(elements)
+if count ~= 0 then
+ tags = HTML.create_element("div")
+ HTML.set_attribute(tags, "id", "tags")
+ key = HTML.create_element("strong")
+ HTML.append_child(key, HTML.create_text("Tags: "))
+ HTML.append_child(tags, key)
+ local idx = 1
+ while elements[idx] do
+ el = elements[idx]
+ data = HTML.strip_tags(el)
+ tag_link = HTML.create_element("a")
+ HTML.set_attribute(tag_link, "href", "/tags/" .. data)
+ HTML.set_attribute(tag_link, "class", "tag")
+ if idx ~= 1 then
+ HTML.append_child(tags, HTML.create_text(", "))
+ end
+ HTML.append_child(tag_link, HTML.create_text(data))
+ HTML.append_child(tags, tag_link)
+ HTML.delete_element(el)
+ idx = idx+1
+ end
+ HTML.append_child(HTML.select_one(page, "main"), tags)
A => soupault.toml +123 -0
@@ 0,0 1,123 @@
+site_url = "https://siarie.me/"
+site_author = "Sri Aspari"
+site_author_email = "mail@siarie.me"
+site_title = "siarie's notes"
+# site_logo = "https://example.com/~jrandomhacker/favicon.png"
+soupault_version = "4.10.0"
+strict = true
+verbose = false
+debug = true
+site_dir = "content"
+build_dir = "_build"
+page_file_extensions = ["htm", "html", "md", "adoc"]
+clean_urls = true
+keep_extensions = ["html", "htm"]
+default_extension = "html"
+ignore_extensions = ["draft"]
+generator_mode = true
+complete_page_selector = "html"
+default_template_file = "templates/main.html"
+default_content_selector = "main"
+default_content_action = "append_child"
+keep_doctype = true
+doctype = "<!DOCTYPE html>"
+pretty_print_html = false
+plugin_discovery = true
+plugin_dirs = ["plugins"]
+caching = false
+cache_dir = ".soupault-cache"
+page_character_encoding = "utf-8"
+# It is possible to store pages in any format if you have a program
+# that converts it to HTML and writes it to standard output.
+# Example:
+# md = "cmark --unsafe --smart"
+# adoc = "asciidoctor -o -"
+index = true
+extract_after_widgets = ['insert-publish-date']
+sort_by = "date"
+sort_descending = true
+sort_type = "calendar"
+date_formats = ["%Y-%m-%d"]
+strict_sort = false
+title = { selector = ["h1"] }
+tags = { selector = ".tag", select_all = true }
+date = { selector = "time#pubdate", extract_attribute = "datetime", fallback_to_content = true }
+index_selector = "#blog-list"
+section = "notes"
+include_subsections = true
+index_template = """
+{% for e in entries %}
+<li data-date="{{e.date}}"><a href="{{e.url}}">{{e.title}}</a></td></li>
+{% endfor %}
+file = "helpers/log-index.lua"
+widget = "title"
+selector = "h1"
+default = "siarie's notes"
+force = false
+widget = "insert_html"
+html = '<meta name="generator" content="soupault">'
+selector = "head"
+widget = "changelog"
+# selector = "main"
+# section = "notes"
+# action = "insert_after"
+after = "insert-publish-date"
+# exclude_path_regex = ["(.*)/index(.*)", "tags/(.*)"]
+# command = "./helpers/changelog.sh $PAGE_FILE"
+widget = "exec"
+selector = "main"
+section = "notes"
+action = "append_child"
+# exclude_path_regex = ["(.*)/index(.*)", "tags/(.*)", "(.*)/whoami(.*)"]
+command = "helpers/first_update.sh $PAGE_FILE"
+widget = "wrap"
+wrapper = "<header>"
+selector = "main>h1"
+widget = "tags"
+before = "insert-publish-date"
+widget = "insert_html"
+selector = "main"
+action = "insert_after"
+html = '<p><a href="/">↽ back to home</a></p>'
+widget = "atom"
+page = "index.html"
+use_section = "notes"
+feed_file = "index.xml"
A => templates/main.html +14 -0
@@ 0,0 1,14 @@
+<html lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title></title>
+ <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+ <link rel="icon" href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 100 100'><text x='50' y='50' font-size='70' text-anchor='middle' dominant-baseline='middle'>🌏</text></svg>" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/style.css">
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <header></header>
+ <main></main>
+ </body>