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Steve Fink's collection of random tools
These are tools that I think might be useful to other people.
Tools included:
Configuration files:
I also have a set of gdb initialization files that I version-control here.
The easiest way to use these is to create a ~/.gdbinit
file with something
like the following, with the appropriate path to your sfink-tools checkout:
source ~/checkouts/sfink-tools/conf/gdbstart.py
That will load all of the above except for gdbinit.sfink
. Alternatively, you
could just source the individual files you want to use from the above list.
Other configuration files:
I use this via a symlink from ~/.hgrc.
landed - Prune patches that have landed, setting their successors to the landed revisions.
Typical usage:
hg pull
That will look at the non-public (aka draft, probably) ancestors of your checked out revision, and scan for matching phabricator revisions (or commit messages, if phabricator revisions are not present) within the landed tree. You'll want to download the latest set of landed changes first, so they exist locally.
You can also do this in a more targeted way:
landed -r 30deabdff172
(or a revspec matching multiple patches).
Note that this will not rebase any orphaned patches for you, so if you are
pruning landed patches with descendants that have not yet been landed, you will
need to rebase them (eg by running hg evolve
or hg evolve -a
or whatever.)
run-taskcluster-job : Run taskcluster jobs in a local Docker container.
run-taskcluster-job --log-task-id a5gT2XbUSGuBd-IMAjjTUw
to replicate task a5gT2XbUSGuBd-IMAjjTUw locally. The above command will
mach taskcluster-load-image
to pull down that image--task-id
in later runs to avoid re-downloading things$COMMAND
from within the image to run the default command,
or echo $COMMAND
to inspect and modify it.)Note that $COMMAND will probably execute run-task
with a gecko revision,
which will start out by pulling down the whole tree. This is large and will
take a while. (Avoiding this requires hacking the script a bit;
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1605232 was an early attempt at
em / vs - Edit files relevant to a patch
Run your $EDITOR (defaulting to emacs) on the given files, or on the files touched by the changes described by the given revision.
If $EDITOR is unset, then em
will default to emacs
and vs
will default to
(you will need to create a symlink from vs
-> em
If you are using vscode remote editing, you will want to install this on the remote machine and run it from within a terminal there.
em foo.txt:33
will run emacs +33 foo.txt
so will em foo.txt:33:
(easier cut & paste of trailing colon for error messages)
and foo.txt will be found anywhere in the current hg tree (if not in cwd)em
with no args will run emacs on the files changed in the cwd, or if none, then
by the cwd's parent hg revem 01faf51a0acc
will run emacs on the files changed by that hg rev.em foo.txt.rej
will run emacs on both foo.txt and foo.txt.rej, but at the lines
containing the first patch hunk and the line number of the original that it
applies to (ok, so this is probably where this script jumped the shark.)The fancy line number stuff does not apply to all possible editors. emacs and vscode are fully supported, though vscode's behavior is a little erratic. vi will only set the position for the first file.
Sorry, no git support.
get-taskcluster-logs - Retrieve groups of log files from a push by scraping taskcluster
Typical example: copy link location to a taskcluster push (what you get from clicking on the date for a push), and run
get-taskcluster-logs '<url>'
Alternatively, use the topmost revision of a push with the -r flag:
get-taskcluster-logs -r <rev>
By default, this downloads all logs for all Talos jobs in that push, and stores them in individual text files under a new directory.
See --help for additional options and usage.
json - Interactive navigation of a JSON file
Created to explore a problem with a large sessionstore.js file. It mimics a UNIX shell prompt, allowing you to cd, ls, grep, and similar.
Requires the Perl module 'JSON'. Installable on Fedora with
dnf install perl-JSON
Run json --help for a full help message. Here's an excerpt:
Usage: json <filename.json> [initial-path]
ls [PATH] - show contents of structure
cd PATH - change current view to PATH
cat [PATH] - display the value at the given PATH
delete SPEC - delete the given key or range of keys (see below
for a description of SPEC)
set KEY VALUE - modify an existing value (VALUE may optionally
- be quoted)
mv PATH PATH - move a subtree
grep [-l] PATTERN PATH - search for PATTERN in given PATH
write [-pretty] [FILENAME]
- write out the whole structure as JSON. Use '-' as
FILENAME to write to stdout.
pretty - prettyprint current structure to stdout
size PATH - display how many bytes the JSON of the substructure
at PATH would take up
load [FILENAME] - load in the given JSON file (reload current file
if no filename given)
debug - Start up a debugger within emacs on various types of files
debug --help
for usage.
Usual usage is to prepend whatever command you want to debug with 'debug'.
debug firefox -no-remote -P BugPictures
runs firefox within gdb within emacs, with the given arguments
debug -i firefox -no-remote -P NakedBugPictures
same, but stops at the gdb prompt before running firefox
debug somescript.pl x y z
runs somescript.pl within perldb within emacs, with the given arguments
debug --record js testfile.js
records js testfile.js
with rr, then replays the recording in gdb in emacs
The script goes to insane lengths to figure out what you really meant to run. For example, if you alias ff in your shell to 'firefox -no-remote', you can just do
debug ff
It will discover that there's no command ff in $PATH and start up a subshell, look for the alias 'ff', and use that command instead.
traverse.py - various traversals over the known portion of a callgraph.
The callgraph is in the format generated by the rooting hazard analysis.
route - Find a route from SOURCE to DEST [avoiding FUNC]
Use help <cmd>
to figure out what they do; I'm not going to spend time doing that right now.
wig - Apply a patch loosely. Works if the surrounding code has changed.
My usual use is to do some VCS command that spits out .rej files, then do wig file1.rej
followed by wig file2.rej
etc. That lets me see any failures one
at a time. But the tool also supports scanning for all reject files.
hi dad