vimrc: Add Disable mouse visual mode
.hgignore: Ignore emacs' eln-cache
guile: Add
digrc: Return any record for a query
digrc: Add Reduce the output to just record info. via Julia Evans :) Roll back to default output by appending +all
.hgignore: Ignore emacs.d/SessionDesktop.el
emacs.d/init.el: Enable markdown-mode
emacs.d/init.el: Add missing close parens
emacs.d/init.el: Enable Windmove
emacs.d/init.el: Enable yaml-mode
mkshrc:Add todo: switch prompt to tilde when in homedir automatically.
emacs.d/init.el: Enable Elpher
emacs.d/init.el: Enable lua-mode
emacs.d/init.el: Enable paredit
tcshrc: Add
emacs.d/init.el: shuffle
emacs.d/init.el: auto-install packages if they're not installed already on startup.
emacs.d/init.el: Skip startup screen Just land in the scratch buffer on startup.
emacs.d/init.el: Use atom-one-dark theme