Fixes #289, Incorrect list generation. Also turns off debug for json renderer.
Fixes failure to convert string to number in call to toc()
Fixes #291 ... again.
Fixes #300, allow renderer to choose callout file format
Fixes for Ruby 1.9
Fixes image and header sizing
Sets the proper character encoding in HTML output
Recognise type by suffix (limited)
Fixes #290, numbered page break headings
Bug fixes
Adds target to generate distribution files
Added tag 2.2 for changeset 5100e0c48650
Added tag 2.1 for changeset 6207d6fbaf66
Fixes #236: glyph expansion
More work on the pdfslides layout (references #271)
HG maintenance
First pass at the PDF slides (references #271)
Fixes #281: text in paragraphs after ADM is not being rendered
Fixes #275 #274: end-of-list issues
Fixes #262: subquotes don't recognize sub-attributions