3f3012eea5ce — Sean E. Russell 8 years ago
Improvements in styling
5 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

M Makefile
M org.css
M todo.txt
M vendor/manifest
M Makefile +1 -0
@@ 4,6 4,7 @@ all:
 	-t 3,4,5  \
 	-i "${DATA}" \
 	-s \
+	-y org.css \
 	-c "3,TRUE,contractor" \
 	-c "4,TRUE,convert" \
 	-c "2,TRUE,manager" > "${WHO}.svg"

M README +21 -21
@@ 4,8 4,6 @@ Generate an org chart diagram from sprea
 == Let me show you its features
 * SVG output
 * Configurable color coding by text match
 * Auto-layout

@@ 20,27 18,29 @@ go get https://repos.seanrussell.us/orgc
 == How to use it
--f `person`:: Filters on this person; includes reports and reports-to
--t `x,y,z`::
-	All column #s are base-0.  Column 0 is the person's name.
-	* `x` - column # for the text above the person's name
-	* `y` - column # for the row belowe the person's name
-	* `z` - column # for the bottom row
--i `input`:: CSV-formatted input data; `-` for stdin
--s:: boolean, show the person's supervisor.  Used with `-f`
--c `color format`::
-	CSV formatted rules for coloring. May be spcified multiple times; first
-	match wins.
-	col-#,regular-expression,CSS styling
-	e.g., `-c "2,[^ ]Manager,fill:yellow"`
+  -i               CSV input file (either this flag, or as the last argument)
+  -f               Filter for these people's organization (regex)
+  -t               Display column numbers, indexed by 0, separated by commas; empty cells are omitted; badly formatted numbers are ignored
+  -s               Display superior; only used if results are filtered
+  -c               Column,ValueMatch,ClassName -- sets a CSS class based on a regexp match in a column
+  -y               CSS file to embed
+       --ex-and=   Column,Value -- Exclude (and -- all ands must match
+       --ex-or=    Column,Value -- Exclude (or -- any ors may match
+       --ex-incl=  Column,Value -- Include (overrides and and or excludes)
+       --help      show usage message
 orgchart  \
-	-f 'Sean' \
-   -t 3,4,5  \
-   -i org.csv \
-	-s         \
-   -c "2,Contractor,fill:yellow" \
-   -c "2,[^ ]Manager,fill:lightgreen"
+        -f "Richard Stephen" \
+        -t 3,4,5  \
+        -i sample.csv \
+        -s \
+        -y org.css \
+        -c "3,TRUE,contractor" \
+        -c "4,TRUE,convert" \
+        -c "2,TRUE,manager" > richard.svg

M org.css +14 -1
@@ 1,10 1,23 @@ 
+.capex {
+	fill: white;
+.ga {
+	stroke-dasharray: 5,5;
+	stroke: red;
+	fill: white;
 .contractor {
 	fill: yellow;
 .convert {
-	stroke-dasharray: 5,5;
 	fill: orange;
 .manager {
 	fill: lightgreen;
+.bussupport {
+	fill: lightblue;
+.fy1617 {
+	fill: fuchsia;

M todo.txt +1 -0
@@ 1,3 1,4 @@ 
 Dotted-line reports
 Admin associations
+Dashed connection lines

M vendor/manifest +10 -0
@@ 4,13 4,23 @@ 
 			"importpath": "github.com/ajstarks/svgo",
 			"repository": "https://github.com/ajstarks/svgo",
+			"vcs": "",
 			"revision": "672fe547df4e49efc6db67a74391368bcb149b37",
 			"branch": "master",
 			"notests": true
+			"importpath": "github.com/droundy/goopt",
+			"repository": "https://github.com/droundy/goopt",
+			"vcs": "git",
+			"revision": "e5c9ab183a102ef3ad2363b04483784258984157",
+			"branch": "master",
+			"notests": true
+		},
+		{
 			"importpath": "honnef.co/go/structlayout",
 			"repository": "https://github.com/dominikh/go-structlayout",
+			"vcs": "",
 			"revision": "504fdf06ef5c0d83a29c594b3a169af68b9c2e14",
 			"branch": "master",
 			"notests": true