orgchart generates SVG organizational tree charts
5911099800de — Sean E. Russell default tip 7 years ago
Adds 9box
Todo clean up, mainly to test pipeline again
Updates for svgo changes, and trying to get pipelines to upload files.  It isn't failing, but I don't know where the assets are going -- they don't show up in Downloads.


= orgchart

Generate an org chart diagram from spreadsheet data.

== Let me show you its features

* SVG output
* Configurable color coding by text match
* Auto-layout
* CSV input
* Flexible column order

== How to get it

go get

== How to use it

  -i               CSV input file (either this flag, or as the last argument)
  -f               Filter for these people's organization (regex)
  -t               Display column numbers, indexed by 0, separated by commas; empty cells are omitted; badly formatted numbers are ignored
  -s               Display superior; only used if results are filtered
  -c               Column,ValueMatch,ClassName -- sets a CSS class based on a regexp match in a column
  -y               CSS file to embed
       --ex-and=   Column,Value -- Exclude (and -- all ands must match
       --ex-or=    Column,Value -- Exclude (or -- any ors may match
       --ex-incl=  Column,Value -- Include (overrides and and or excludes)
       --help      show usage message

orgchart  \
        -f "Richard Stephen" \
        -t 3,4,5  \
        -i sample.csv \
        -s \
        -y org.css \
        -c "3,TRUE,contractor" \
        -c "4,TRUE,convert" \
        -c "2,TRUE,manager" > richard.svg

== To-do

. Configurable name/manager
. Legend
. Pictures
. Auto-size boxes (better)
. Interactive -- click open, etc.
. Two-column reports
. Web interface
.. File upload
.. Select columns (auto-detect?)