Adds marks, allowing multiple instances to be run. Improves documentation.
Documentation cleanup
3 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

M main.go
M +8 -0
@@ 13,6 13,14 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Ve
 > - **Fixed**: for any bug fixes.
 > - **Security**: in case of vulnerabilities.
+## [1.1.0] - 
+### Added
+- Support for marks.  This allows multiple applications to be run.
+### Changed
+- Improved help
 ## [1.0.0] - 2020-04-03
 First release.

M +12 -22
@@ 5,9 5,9 @@ Quake mode for terminals under the [i3](
 i3quake creates, shows, and hides a terminal of your choosing.  Common use for these sorts of tools is to bind a hotkey to the command and thereby create a pop-up-on-demand terminal. Features are:
 * The terminal instance is persistent, which is a bit more lightweight than creating and destroying terminals; it also preserves your current workstream in that terminal.
-* Uses any terminal you choose.  It's been tested with alacritty, roxterm, xterm, gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal, termite, and st.  st is the default.
+* Uses any program you choose.  It's been tested with alacritty, roxterm, xterm, gnome-terminal, xfce4-terminal, termite, st, and gvim.  By default, `i3-sensible-terminal` is used to select a terminal.
 * Opens the terminal on any edge, with configurable size.
-* Written in Go, and there are no additional dependencies.
+* Single binary executable, with no additional dependencies.
 * It's stateless. There's no server process.

@@ 29,29 29,19 @@ bindsym $mod+n exec i3quake -p right -H 
 Arguments are (currently) ignored after the first run.
-## Options
+## Examples
+$ i3quake    # default use i3-sensible-terminal and open $SHELL
-➜  ~ i3quake -h
-Usage of i3quake:
-  -H float
-        % height of window, 0-1 (0.25) (default 0.25)
-  -p string
-        Position: top, bottom, left, right (top) (default "top")
-  -t string
-        Terminal program (default "st")
+$ i3quake -p right -H 0.5 -t termite
+$ i3quake -p right -H 0.5 -t termite     # Opens termite to right
+$ i3quake -p left -H 0.5 -m gvim -t gvim # Opens gvim to left
-## Examples
-$ i3quake    # default use st and open $SHELL
-$ i3quake -H 0.5 -t termite
-$ i3quake -p right -H 0.6 -t xfce4-terminal
+The last example can be used to bind multiple utility programs to different keys that are popped-up on demand.
 ## Why
 I first tried a couple of other projects, but they were all several years old. The one I liked the most had a couple of limitations, bugs, and were out of date with the i3 IPC API. The main bug was that it used the WM_NAME property to identify the quake window, and **everybody** changes that, so it's not reliable. At first I tried to fix the program -- it was only a few dozen lines of Python, after all -- but I encountered three roadblocks:

M main.go +34 -14
@@ 1,7 1,10 @@ 
 package main
-// TODO: code cleanup
-// TODO: AUR & download
+// Provides Quake-style pop-up applications for i3
+// (c) 2020 Sean E. Russell
+// BSD-3 Licensed
 import (

@@ 15,9 18,11 @@ import (
-var Version, BuildDate string
+// These get set at build time.
+var Version, BuildDate string = "dev", ""
 const (
+	// Used for the i3 mark to identify the window
 	NAME = "i3quake"

@@ 37,14 42,30 @@ func main() {
 	pos := flag.String("p", "top", "Position: top, bottom, left, right (top)")
 	ratio := flag.Float64("H", 0.25, "% height of window, 0-1 (0.25)")
 	// TODO: allow arguments for terminal command
-	cmd := flag.String("t", "st", "Terminal program")
+	cmd := flag.String("t", "i3-sensible-terminal", "Terminal program (default i3-sensible-terminal)")
 	version := flag.Bool("v", false, "Print the version and exit")
+	help := flag.Bool("h", false, "Show help and exit")
+	mark := flag.String("m", "", "Additional marking")
 	// TODO: allow shell command as argument (e.g., tmux)
 	if *version {
 		fmt.Printf("i3quake version %s (built %s)", Version, BuildDate)
+	if *help {
+		flag.PrintDefaults()
+		fmt.Println("Launches a terminal in quake mode, or toggles visibility of an existing")
+		fmt.Println("application. The location (top/left/bottom/right) and size (%% of screen")
+		fmt.Println("width/height) is configurable. The application that is run is specificed")
+		fmt.Println("with -t; this can be any GUI program. Multiple applications can be ")
+		fmt.Println("managed by using the -m flag to specify additional marks; only one ")
+		fmt.Println("program can use a given mark.")
+		fmt.Println()
+		fmt.Println("Examples:")
+		fmt.Println("\ti3quake -p left -h 0.5          # open terminal on left, half-screen")
+		fmt.Println("\ti3quake -p right -h 0.5 -m gvim -t gvim   # open gvim on right")
+		os.Exit(0)
+	}
 	var p int
 	switch strings.ToLower(*pos) {

@@ 63,17 84,16 @@ func main() {
 	cx := con{c}
-	// TODO: i3-sensible-terminal if unset
-	cx.toggleQuake(p, *ratio, *cmd)
+	cx.toggleQuake(p, *mark, *ratio, *cmd)
-func (c con) toggleQuake(pos int, ratio float64, cmd string) {
+func (c con) toggleQuake(pos int, mark string, ratio float64, cmd string) {
 	t, e := c.GetTree()
 	if e != nil {
-	w := t.FindMarked(NAME)
-	// QT hasn't been started yet, so fire one off
+	w := t.FindMarked(NAME + mark)
+	// quake hasn't been started yet, so fire one off
 	if w == nil {
 		if cmd == "" {
 			cmd = "st"

@@ 94,12 114,12 @@ func (c con) toggleQuake(pos int, ratio 
 				if ok {
 					switch we.Change {
 					case "new":
-						cmd := fmt.Sprintf("[con_id=%d], mark %s", we.Container.ID, NAME)
+						cmd := fmt.Sprintf("[con_id=%d], mark %s", we.Container.ID, NAME+mark)
 						_, err := c.Command(cmd)
 						if err != nil {
-						c.position(pos, ratio)
+						c.position(mark, pos, ratio)

@@ 114,7 134,7 @@ func (c con) toggleQuake(pos int, ratio 
 	} else {
 		// TODO: Don't ignore argumentas after first run
-		cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`[con_mark="%s"], scratchpad show`, NAME)
+		cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`[con_mark="%s"], scratchpad show`, NAME+mark)
 		suc, _ := c.Command(cmd)
 		if !suc {
 			log.Printf("ERROR %s", cmd)

@@ 122,7 142,7 @@ func (c con) toggleQuake(pos int, ratio 
-func (c con) position(pos int, ratio float64) {
+func (c con) position(mark string, pos int, ratio float64) {
 	ws := c.getCurrentWorkspace()
 	wheight := int64(float64(ws.Rect.Height) * ratio)
 	wwidth := int64(float64(ws.Rect.Width) * ratio)

@@ 155,7 175,7 @@ func (c con) position(pos int, ratio flo
 			resize set %d px %d px,
 			move absolute position %dpx %dpx,
 			move scratchpad,
-			scratchpad show`, NAME, width, height, posx, posy)
+			scratchpad show`, NAME+mark, width, height, posx, posy)
 	suc := false
 	var retries int
 	var err error