Ditz to Trac now works (ticket creation, not updates)
1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M trac-sync.rb
M trac-sync.rb +13 -0
@@ 137,7 137,20 @@ EOS
     # Syncs ditz issues -> Trac
     def create_tickets( issues, trac )
+      components = trac.query("ticket.component.getAll")
+      milestones = trac.query("ticket.milestone.getAll")
       issues.each do |t,i| # t will always be nil
+        attrs = { "created_at" => i.creation_time,
+            "type"       => DTYPE_TTYPE[ i.type ],
+            "reporter"   => i.reporter || "",
+            "milestone"  => i.release || "",
+            "component"  => i.component || "",
+            "status"     => DSTATUS_TSTATUS[ i.status ] || "",
+            "resolution" => DISPO_RES[ i.disposition ] || ""
+          } 
+        p attrs
+        tid = trac.tickets.create( i.title, i.desc, attrs )
+        i.trac_id = tid