0a1a19f45e13 — russes02 12 years ago
Logging changes
2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

M autocompare/main.go
M scripts/memuse
M autocompare/main.go +2 -2
@@ 228,11 228,11 @@ func startComparisons(pageStream chan Pa
 				if erra != nil || errb != nil {
 					if erra != nil {
-						log.Print(erra)
+						log.Printf("origin: %s", erra.Error())
 						page.SetMessage("Unable to read origin " + page.OriginImage())
 					if errb != nil {
-						log.Print(errb)
+						log.Printf("copy: %s", errb.Error())
 						page.SetMessage("Unable to read copy " + page.CopyImage())
 					processStream <- page

M scripts/memuse +5 -4
@@ 13,7 13,7 @@ fi
-awk '/^[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\/[0-9]+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+ memory/ {print $1" "$2","$4","$5","$7}' < $BASE/errs.txt > $DAT
+awk '/memory/ {print $1" "$2","$4","$5","$7","$8}' < $BASE/errs.txt > $DAT
 gnuplot <<EOF
 set datafile separator ","

@@ 27,10 27,11 @@ set timefmt "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
 set y2tics
 set key left
 set xtics format "%H:%M:%S"
-plot '${DAT}' using 1:2 title "Alloc" with dots, \
+plot '${DAT}' using 1:2 title "Alloc" with points lt 7, \
 	 '${DAT}' using 1:2 title "Alloc smoothed" smooth bezier with lines, \
-     '${DAT}' using 1:3 title "System" with lines, \
-	 '${DAT}' using 1:4 title "Comparisons" with lines axis x1y2
+	 '${DAT}' using 1:3 title "System" with lines, \
+	 '${DAT}' using 1:4 title "Comparisons" with lines axis x1y2, \
+	 '${DAT}' using 1:5 title "Errors" with lines axis x1y2 lt 1
 if [[ $GZIP -eq 1 ]]; then