@@ 866,6 866,12 @@ void Layout::resizeIdle ()
static int calls = 0;
+ // There are two commits, 2863:b749629fbfc9 and 4645:ab70f9ce4353, the second
+ // reverting the former. Interrestingly, the second fixes a bug. However, it
+ // should still examined what happens here, and what happens the other calls
+ // to Layout::resizeIdle() which should be still in the queue. (See
+ // Layout::queueResize(), where resizeIdleId is indeed checked.)
while (resizeIdleId != -1) {
printf ("Layout::resizeIdle calls = %d\n", ++calls);
@@ 896,7 902,8 @@ void Layout::resizeIdle ()
// If this method is triggered by a viewport change, we can save
// time when the toplevel widget is not affected (as for a toplevel
// image resource).
- if (topLevel && (topLevel->needsResize () || topLevel->needsAllocate ())) {
+ if (topLevel &&
+ (topLevel->needsResize () || topLevel->needsAllocate ())) {
Requisition requisition;
Allocation allocation;