@@ 338,8 338,8 @@ OOFFloatsMgr::OOFFloatsMgr (OOFAwareWidg
leftFloatsMark = rightFloatsMark = 0;
lastLeftTBIndex = lastRightTBIndex = 0;
- SizeChanged = true;
- DBG_OBJ_SET_BOOL ("SizeChanged", SizeChanged);
+ floatRef = -1;
+ DBG_OBJ_SET_NUM ("floatRef", floatRef);
containerAllocation = *(container->getAllocation());
@@ 630,51 630,43 @@ OOFFloatsMgr::Float *OOFFloatsMgr::findF
return vloat;
- * Currently this is a compound recursion for textblocks:
- * markSizeChange -> updateReference -> queueResize -> markSizeChange
- * One way to see it is as a widget tree coverage problem. i.e. to cover all
- * the nodes that need a resize when a float changes its size.
- * The coverage logic of it is shared between resize code and mark code (here).
- *
- * This implementation works for all the test cases so far. It relies on the
- * fact that Widget::queueResize should be called whenever a widget changes its
- * size. When "SizeChanged" is true, we notify the parent, when not, just the
- * following textblocks.
- */
void OOFFloatsMgr::markSizeChange (int ref)
DBG_OBJ_ENTER ("resize.oofm", 0, "markSizeChange", "%d", ref);
- // When "SizeChanged" is true, we know this float changed its size.
- // This helps to prune redundant passes.
- // "SizeChanged" is set by getSize(), which is called by sizeRequest().
- SortedFloatsVector *list;
- list = isSubRefLeftFloat(ref) ? leftFloats : rightFloats;
- Float *vloat = list->get (getFloatIndexFromSubRef (ref));
+ // We implement "incremental resizing" (kind of), by remembering the largest
+ // value for "ref", in "floatRef". It is reset again in getSize(), which is
+ // called by sizeRequest().
+ if (floatRef == -1 || ref > floatRef) {
+ Float *vloat;
- vloat->dirty = true;
- DBG_OBJ_SET_BOOL_O (vloat->getWidget (), "<Float>.dirty", vloat->dirty);
- assert (vloat->getWidget()->getWidgetReference() != NULL);
+ if (isSubRefLeftFloat (ref))
+ vloat = leftFloats->get (getFloatIndexFromSubRef (ref));
+ else if (isSubRefRightFloat (ref))
+ vloat = rightFloats->get (getFloatIndexFromSubRef (ref));
+ else {
+ assertNotReached();
+ vloat = NULL; // compiler happiness
+ }
- int first = getOOFAwareWidget(vloat->generator)->index;
- DBG_OBJ_MSGF ("resize.oofm", 1, "updating from %d", first);
+ vloat->dirty = true;
+ DBG_OBJ_SET_BOOL_O (vloat->getWidget (), "<Float>.dirty", vloat->dirty);
- //printf("IN markSizeChange %p ref %d SzCh=%d\n", this, ref,
- // (int)SizeChanged);
- if (SizeChanged)
+ assert (vloat->getWidget()->getWidgetReference() != NULL);
+ int first = getOOFAwareWidget(vloat->generator)->index;
+ DBG_OBJ_MSGF ("resize.oofm", 1, "updating from %d", first);
->updateReference (vloat->getWidget()->getWidgetReference()
+ for (int i = first + 1; i < tbInfos->size(); i++)
+ tbInfos->get(i)->getOOFAwareWidget()->updateReference(0);
- for (int i = first + 1; i < tbInfos->size(); i++)
- tbInfos->get(i)->getOOFAwareWidget()->updateReference(0);
- SizeChanged = false; // Done.
- DBG_OBJ_SET_BOOL ("SizeChanged", SizeChanged);
+ floatRef = ref;
+ DBG_OBJ_SET_NUM ("floatRef", floatRef);
+ }
@@ 929,7 921,7 @@ void OOFFloatsMgr::getSize (Requisition
*oofHeight =
max (oofHeightLeft, oofHeightRight) + container->boxRestHeight ();
- SizeChanged = true;
+ floatRef = -1;
DBG_OBJ_SET_NUM ("floatRef", floatRef);
DBG_OBJ_MSGF ("resize.oofm", 1,
@@ 165,7 165,7 @@ private:
TBInfo> *tbInfosByOOFAwareWidget;
int lastLeftTBIndex, lastRightTBIndex, leftFloatsMark, rightFloatsMark;
- bool SizeChanged;
+ int floatRef;
void moveExternalIndices (lout::container::typed::Vector<Float> *list,
int oldStartIndex, int diff);