@@ 8,6 8,7 @@ from decimal import *
import wikipedia
import logging
import logging.config
+from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
logging.config.fileConfig("/home/saper/wikipedia/log/bots.conf", disable_existing_loggers=True)
wikipedia.logger = logging.getLogger('plwiki')
@@ 36,6 37,17 @@ def get_uid(doc):
root = doc.documentElement
return root.getAttribute("uid")
+class CannotParseItemError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, e, url, content):
+ self.e = e
+ self.url = url
+ self.content = content
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Cannot parse item fetched from '%s' with an error: \n%s" % (
+ self.url,
+ self.e)
def fetch_table(feedurl, localfile):
""" Parse feed, compare with cached copy and return (url, pubdate, parseddomtree) tuple """
p = feedparser.parse(feedurl)
@@ 52,71 64,79 @@ def fetch_table(feedurl, localfile):
old_uid = None
content = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
- parsed = dom.parseString(content)
+ try:
+ parsed = dom.parseString(content)
- if old_uid != get_uid(parsed):
- mylogger.info("Kursy walut: uid: %s->%s" % (old_uid, get_uid(parsed)))
- data_publikacji = parsed.getElementsByTagName("data_publikacji")[0].firstChild.nodeValue
- if localfile:
- wr = open(localfile, "w")
- wr.write(content)
- wr.close()
- return (url, data_publikacji, parsed)
- else:
- return (None, None, None)
+ if old_uid != get_uid(parsed):
+ mylogger.info("Kursy walut: uid: %s->%s" % (old_uid, get_uid(parsed)))
+ data_publikacji = parsed.getElementsByTagName("data_publikacji")[0].firstChild.nodeValue
+ if localfile:
+ wr = open(localfile, "w")
+ wr.write(content)
+ wr.close()
+ return (url, data_publikacji, parsed)
+ else:
+ return (None, None, None)
+ except ExpatError, e:
+ raise CannotParseItemError(e, url, content)
TABELA_C = ( ("kod_waluty", lambda a: a),
- ("przelicznik", int),
- ("kurs_kupna", lambda a: Decimal(a.replace(",", "."))),
- ("kurs_sprzedazy", lambda a: Decimal(a.replace(",", "."))))
+ ("przelicznik", int),
+ ("kurs_kupna", lambda a: Decimal(a.replace(",", "."))),
+ ("kurs_sprzedazy", lambda a: Decimal(a.replace(",", "."))))
TABELA_A = ( ("kod_waluty", lambda a: a),
- ("przelicznik", int),
- ("kurs_sredni", lambda a: Decimal(a.replace(",", "."))))
+ ("przelicznik", int),
+ ("kurs_sredni", lambda a: Decimal(a.replace(",", "."))))
def extract_items(domtree, tabledef):
return [ tuple([op(pozycja.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0].firstChild.nodeValue)
for (tag, op) in tabledef
]) for pozycja in domtree.getElementsByTagName("pozycja") ]
+def main():
-strony_tabeli_a = []
-strony_tabeli_c = []
+ strony_tabeli_a = []
+ strony_tabeli_c = []
+ feedurl, localfile = ("http://rss.nbp.pl/kursy/TabelaC.xml",
+ "/home/saper/wikipedia/src/meta/kursy/tabelac.xml")
+ (url1, pubdate, parseddomtree) = fetch_table(feedurl, localfile)
+ if url1:
+ tabelac = (url1, pubdate, extract_items(parseddomtree, TABELA_C))
-feedurl, localfile = ("http://rss.nbp.pl/kursy/TabelaC.xml",
- "/home/saper/wikipedia/src/meta/kursy/tabelac.xml")
-(url1, pubdate, parseddomtree) = fetch_table(feedurl, localfile)
-if url1:
- tabelac = (url1, pubdate, extract_items(parseddomtree, TABELA_C))
+ # (site, pagename, lastmod, comment, table, pagetext )
+ strony_tabeli_c = [
+ (meta, u"User:KursyWalut/CurrencyTable", True, TABLEACTIONMSG, tabelac,
+ tabelakursow.tabela),
+ (wikinews, u"Szablon:Kursy walut", True, TABLEACTIONMSG, tabelac,
+ tabelakursow.tabelawikinews),
+ (meta, u"Template:PLNConvert", False, TEMPLATEACTIONMSG, tabelac,
+ currencytemplate.tabela),
+ (wikinews, u"Szablon:PLNConvert", False, TEMPLATEACTIONMSG, tabelac,
+ currencytemplate.tabela),
+ ]
- # (site, pagename, lastmod, comment, table, pagetext )
- strony_tabeli_c = [
- (meta, u"User:KursyWalut/CurrencyTable", True, TABLEACTIONMSG, tabelac,
- tabelakursow.tabela),
- (wikinews, u"Szablon:Kursy walut", True, TABLEACTIONMSG, tabelac,
- tabelakursow.tabelawikinews),
- (meta, u"Template:PLNConvert", False, TEMPLATEACTIONMSG, tabelac,
- currencytemplate.tabela),
- (wikinews, u"Szablon:PLNConvert", False, TEMPLATEACTIONMSG, tabelac,
- currencytemplate.tabela),
- ]
+ feedurl, localfile = ("http://rss.nbp.pl/kursy/TabelaA.xml",
+ "/home/saper/wikipedia/src/meta/kursy/tabelaa.xml")
+ (url2, pubdate, parseddomtree) = fetch_table(feedurl, localfile)
+ if url2:
+ tabelaa = (url2, pubdate, extract_items(parseddomtree, TABELA_A))
+ strony_tabeli_a = [
+ (wikinews, u"Szablon:Średnie kursy walut", True, TABLEACTIONMSG, tabelaa,
+ tabelakursow.tabelaminiwikinews),
+ ]
-feedurl, localfile = ("http://rss.nbp.pl/kursy/TabelaA.xml",
- "/home/saper/wikipedia/src/meta/kursy/tabelaa.xml")
-(url2, pubdate, parseddomtree) = fetch_table(feedurl, localfile)
-if url2:
- tabelaa = (url2, pubdate, extract_items(parseddomtree, TABELA_A))
- strony_tabeli_a = [
- (wikinews, u"Szablon:Średnie kursy walut", True, TABLEACTIONMSG, tabelaa,
- tabelakursow.tabelaminiwikinews),
- ]
+ for site, pagename, lastmod, comment, table, pagetext in strony_tabeli_c + strony_tabeli_a:
+ if lastmod:
+ text = pagetext(table[2]) + LASTMODIFIEDMSG[site.language()] % (table[0], table[1])
+ else:
+ text = pagetext(table[2])
-for site, pagename, lastmod, comment, table, pagetext in strony_tabeli_c + strony_tabeli_a:
- if lastmod:
- text = pagetext(table[2]) + LASTMODIFIEDMSG[site.language()] % (table[0], table[1])
- else:
- text = pagetext(table[2])
- text = text + CATEGORY[site.language()]
- wikipedia.Page(site, pagename).put(text,
- comment=comment[site.language()] % (table[0],), minorEdit=False)
+ text = text + CATEGORY[site.language()]
+ wikipedia.Page(site, pagename).put(text,
+ comment=comment[site.language()] % (table[0],), minorEdit=False)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()