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M +24 -0
@@ 4,11 4,22 @@ This repository contains C# implementati
 The repository also contains C# code for a random numbers testing framework which can be used to compare the randomness quality and performance of said hash functions and RNGs.
+Also see original blog post at
 ## Random numbers testing framework
 The random numbers testing framework is divided into a front-end part which runs on top of the Unity engine (version 4.6 or later) and a back-end part which does not rely on the Unity editor or API.
+The framework can be used to evaluate randomness based on these tests:
+* Visual plot of sequence of 65536 random numbers.
+* Visual plot of 50000 random coordinates.
+* Calculated Serial Correlation (test from ENT framework).
+* Calculated Monte Carlo Pi Value (test from ENT framework).
+* Calculated Diagonals Deviation (numerical measure of whether the random coordinates tend to be concentrates on certain diagonals.
+* Measured execution time (will vary dependent on machine the tests are run on).
 ## Random hash function implementations

@@ 21,6 32,19 @@ xxHash and MurmurHash3 are random hash f
 The implementations are in C# and have no dependencies on Unity.
+## Contributions
+Random Numbers Testing
+* Original framework code by Rune Skovbo Johansen -
+* See files of individual hash function and RNG implementations for respective credits.
+ENT (ent - pseudorandom number sequence test)
+* Ported to C# by Brett Trotter - -
+* Original code by John Walker -
 ## License
 Most files in the repository are licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. A few files are in the public domain and thus have no restrictions on their use. See the individual files for details.