supervision: imply manual -> keepnans

The supervision workflow should entail admitting nans
as point erasure.
Added tag 0.13.0 for changeset e428df148da3
tsio/rename: add the `propagate` parameter
tsio/update: add the `keepnans` parameter

By default we do not keep them.
reduce the number of deprecation warnings
migration,pkg: prepare 0.13
licence: missing file
api/edited: make sure inferred_freq works over the federation
tsio: most of the `extended` helper moved to tshistory
02e89c91fc58 — Arnaud Campeas[] 11 months ago
http/edited: fix parameter type for 'inferred_freq'
2ac50bbea9fd — Arnaud Campeas[] 11 months ago
test/http: exhibit bug with "inferred_freq" param set at False
http: use simplejson to properly handle the nan -> null serialisation
test/http: show that we do not serialize the nans as json nulls
http/edited: have a `tzone` parameter to specify a time zone

For the json serialisation.
941664810387 — Arnaud Campeas[] 11 months ago
api: add inferred_freq flag to .edited point

An infered frequency is calculated on the requested points.
A regular index is created from this frequency and the series index
(if no bound is provided) or from the bounds (if presents).
A special care must be done to have consistent tz-awarness between
the bounds and the series index.
This regular index will present nans when the series has no
associated values. The edition markers of such "holes" are set
as False.
http: introduce required roles on the relevant routes
api/edited: pass the _keep_nans parameter
tsio/get_ts_marker: add a _keep_nans parameter
cb0b036e2650 — Arnaud Campeas[] 1 year, 9 days ago
http: backport horizon feature from tshistory
migrate: follow upstream change