tsio: pass the display and remote parameters to _expanded_formula
1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M tshistory_refinery/tsio.py
M tshistory_refinery/tsio.py +4 -1
@@ 53,7 53,8 @@ class timeseries(xlts):
         super().__init__(*a, **kw)
         self.cache = basets(namespace='{}-cache'.format(self.namespace))
-    def _expanded_formula(self, cn, formula, stopnames=(), level=-1, qargs=None):
+    def _expanded_formula(self, cn, formula, stopnames=(), level=-1,
+                          display=True, remote=True, qargs=None):
         # stopnames dynamic lookup for series that have a cache
         # (we won't expand them since we can litterally stop at them)
         if qargs is not None and (not qargs.get('live') and not qargs.get('nocache')):

@@ 62,6 63,8 @@ class timeseries(xlts):
             cn, formula,
+            display=display,
+            remote=remote,