tasks: migration 0.20 from tshistory is possible for one seriesname
build: we need rework/ui there
tsio/rename: introduce the `propagate` parameter
e9e96cdf9a71 draft — Arnaud Campeas[arnaud.campeas@pythonian.fr] 5 months ago
xl/http: adaptation to new module name
cli/list-series-locks: drop use of the deprecated `apimaker`
pkg: update dependencies
tasks: tshistory 0.20 migration is now available as a task

That will run while the system is online.
tests: adjust for the now needed `keepnans` keyword for updates with nans
search: add missing __sig__ methods to help the UI
a1d4f9b1dd47 draft — Arnaud Campeas[arnaud.campeas@pythonian.fr] 7 months ago
webapp: add favicon
pyproject: please the ruff linter
reduce the number of deprecation warnings
build: test with the latest numpy and pandas
doc/usage: fix postgresql uri
doc/usage: fix the config file

And give some advice to check everything is ok.
test/web: adjust after changes in tsview
migration: prepare 0.9
webapp: the separate "historic" view has been retired from tsview

It is now integrated into the rest.
formula-batch: move page to tsview
reduce_frequency: on empty stamps sequence, do not stop

Depending on the policy configuration this condition
can indeed happen in the wild.