schema: make sure we populate the latest schema in a partially initialized db
2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

M dbcache/
M dbcache/schema.sql
M dbcache/ +1 -13
@@ 15,16 15,4 @@ def init(engine, ns='cache', drop=False)
     with engine.begin() as cn:
-        exists = cn.execute(
-            'select exists ('
-            '  select from information_schema.tables '
-            '  where  table_schema = %(schema_name)s and'
-            '         table_name   = %(table_name)s'
-            ')',
-            schema_name=ns,
-            table_name='things'
-        ).scalar()
-        if not exists:
-            cn.execute(sqlfile(SQLFILE, ns=ns))
-        else:
-            print(f'dbcache: "{ns}"."things" already exists.')
+        cn.execute(sqlfile(SQLFILE, ns=ns))

M dbcache/schema.sql +6 -8
@@ 1,30 1,28 @@ 
-create schema "{ns}";
+create schema if not exists "{ns}";
-create table "{ns}".things (
+create table if not exists "{ns}".things (
   id serial primary key,
   idate timestamptz not null default now(),
   validity interval not null default '10 minutes',
-  key text not null,
+  key text unique not null,
   value bytea not null
-create unique index on "{ns}".things(key);
-create table "{ns}".kvstore (
+create table if not exists "{ns}".kvstore (
   id serial primary key,
   key text unique not null,
   value jsonb not null
-create table "{ns}".vkvstore (
+create table if not exists "{ns}".vkvstore (
   id serial primary key,
   key text unique not null
-create table "{ns}".version (
+create table if not exists "{ns}".version (
   id serial primary key,
   objid integer references "{ns}".vkvstore(id) on delete cascade,
   idate timestamptz not null default now(),