commander: add main(...) function and some docstrings
1 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)

M vanity/
M vanity/ +49 -32
@@ 45,6 45,27 @@ class HelpWanted(cli.CliError):
         self.args = args
+def main(globalopts, cmdtable, arguments, generichelp=None):
+    """Launch a subcommand based on the given arguments, automatically
+    handling help and cli parsing errors. Will return the
+    result of a real command or exit when an error or help
+    request is encountered.
+    * ``globalopts`` - an options table common to all sub commands
+    * ``cmdtable`` -  a commands table
+    * ``arguments`` - the command line arguments
+    * ``generichelp`` - application help callback function
+    """
+    try:
+        return launch(globalopts, cmdtable, arguments)
+    except HelpWanted, herr:
+        handlehelp(herr, globalopts, cmdtable)
+        sys.exit(0)
+    except cli.CliError, err:
+        sys.stderr.write('error: %s\n' % err)
+        sys.exit(2)
 def launch(globalopts, cmdtable, arguments, autohelp=True):
     """Launch a subcommand based on the given arguments, return the
     result of the launched function.

@@ 96,6 117,18 @@ def parse(globalopts, cmdtable, argument
 def handlehelp(helperr, globalopts, cmdtable, output=None, generic=None):
+    """Handle a HelpWanted excpetion by writing usage information
+    into the ``output`` object, which is stdout by default.
+    Pass a ``generic`` callback function to produce a generic
+    application wide help text. Generic accepts a cmdtable argument
+    and must return a generator.
+    * ``helperr`` - an instance of HelpWanted
+    * ``globalopts`` - an options table common to all sub commands
+    * ``cmdtable`` -  a commands table
+    * ``output`` - an file-like object opened for writing
+    * ``generic`` - application help callback function
+    """
     if output is None:
         output = sys.stdout
     if not generic:

@@ 121,6 154,9 @@ def handlehelp(helperr, globalopts, cmdt
 def generic_usage(cmdtable):
+    """Generic help text generator for all subcommands in the
+    application (cmdtable).
+    """
     yield 'Application Subcommands:'
     yield ''
     for cmd in sorted(cmdtable):

@@ 130,6 166,12 @@ def generic_usage(cmdtable):
 def usage(cmd, short=False, prefix=''):
+    """Generate command usage.
+    * ``cmd`` - generate usage for command
+    * ``short`` - generate short usage if true
+    * ``prefix`` - string prepended before subcommand name
+    """
     if short:
         yield cmd.docstring().splitlines()[0]

@@ 164,12 206,16 @@ class Command(object):
         return*args, **opts)
     def aliaslist(self):
+        """Return a list of command aliases.
+        """
         if self.aliases:
             return self.aliases.split('|')
             return []
     def docstring(self):
+        """Return a documentation string for the command.
+        """
         if and hasattr(, '__doc__'):
             return or 'No usage available'

@@ 180,6 226,9 @@ class Command(object):
     def convert(cls, obj):
+        """Convert a tuple, dictionary or existing command object
+        to a command.
+        """
         if isinstance(obj, cls):
             return obj
         if hasattr(obj, 'keys'):

@@ 274,35 323,3 @@ class CommandTable(object):
 HELP = Command('help', None, None, [], 'display command help')
 HELPOPT = cli.Option('help', 'h', None, 'display command help')
-def parsecommand(opttable, cmdtable, arguments, getopts=None):
-    """Parse a command line into an command function, an
-    options dict and an arguments list.
-    """
-    if getopts is None:
-        getopts = (_getopt.getopt, _getopt.gnu_getopt)
-    cmds = CommandTable(opttable, cmdtable)
-    short, long = (cmds.opts().shortoptspec(), cmds.opts().longoptspec())
-    try:
-        raw, args = getopts[0](arguments, short, long)
-    except _getopt.GetoptError, ee:
-        raise InvalidOption(str(ee))
-    if not args:
-        return (None, cmds.opts().assemble(raw), [])
-    label, args = args[0], args[1:]
-    (func, id, opts, desc) = cmds.get(label)
-    raw2, args = getopts[1](args, opts.shortoptspec(), opts.longoptspec())
-    return (func, opts.assemble(raw+raw2), args)
-def listcommands(cmdtable):
-    cmds = CommandTable([], cmdtable)
-    disp = list(cmds.firstlabels())
-    disp.sort()
-    for label in disp:
-        desc = cmds.get(label)[3]
-        yield (label, desc)