@@ 193,8 193,5 @@ l - 2021-02-02 update: Bumped the year i
The threads above are older. Here some more recent messages I haven't yet replied to, but plan to:
-- [Discussion w/curi about the space of ideas being initially sparse](http://curi.us/comments/show/16384): On 2020-04-18, curi replied to me.
- [YESNO check your understanding question: "What's wrong with arguments having an amount of strength?"](https://groups.google.com/g/fallible-ideas/c/iSJI00UfYno/m/M8kBEHBqAQAJ): On 2020-06-20, curi replied to me with some criticisms of my answer to this question.
- [curi's idea for solving the elevator puzzle](http://curi.us/comments/show/18504)
-As of my [2020-11-12 learning plan update](https://hg.sr.ht/~petrogradphilosopher/fi/browse/lp.md?rev=32297f10315ac2c84fcacbf519573dece85cb712), there were 7 items here. Now, there are only 3.