Someone else solved the problem – no need to reply
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

M +0 -6
@@ 188,9 188,3 @@ l - 2021-02-02 update: Bumped the year i
 - 2022-01-01 - [Elliot Temple, "Lying"]( Analyze this essay. The addition of this item to my reading list was prompted by this reply to me: [Elliot Temple, "Alisa's discussion problems" (2018-03-17)](
   - 2019-10-13 update: I plan to revisit this after I better understand grammar and Yes or No philosophy. I bumped the year in the review date from 2019 to 2021.
 l - 2021-02-02 update: Bumped the year in the review date from 2021 to 2022. Same reason as previous update.
-# Things to revisit, without dates
-The threads above are older. Here some more recent messages I haven't yet replied to, but plan to:
-- [curi's idea for solving the elevator puzzle](