# HG changeset patch # User Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum # Date 1601953109 14400 # Mon Oct 05 22:58:29 2020 -0400 # Node ID b61b069bae948f43d9e6775075239669747cfbe6 # Parent 357d8f3bdee6c944108df05b0f0eca1d1e58de1d Add postmortem and remove message to reply to diff --git a/lp.md b/lp.md --- a/lp.md +++ b/lp.md @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ Alisa's learning plan ===================== -Last updated 2020-10-02. (See also my [Paths Forward doc](pf.md).) +Last updated 2020-10-05. (See also my [Paths Forward doc](pf.md).) -Posting daily since 2019-10-12. (~[356](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=number+of+days+between+2019-10-12+and+2020-10-02) days without a gap!) +Posting daily since 2019-10-12. (~[359](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=number+of+days+between+2019-10-12+and+2020-10-05) days without a gap!) Note: By "FI post" I mean a message sent to a private or [public](http://fallibleideas.com/discussion) Fallible Ideas discussion list or a comment posted to [curi.us](http://curi.us). @@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ - [Postmortem: a third mistake with clauses](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/fallible-ideas/_yDGK0Oumj4/WfVahhquAgAJ) (2020-08-01). Lesson: Learn to identify phrases and clauses with full confidence. - [Postmortem: math error](http://curi.us/2204-alisa-discussion#17410) (2020-08-14). Lesson: Sanity-check all math calculations. - [Postmortem: non sequitur (didn't respond to the main point)](http://curi.us/comments/show/18173) (2020-09-29). Lesson: be able to state what I think is the central point of whatever I'm replying to. +- [Postmortem: thinking I understood something when I didn't](http://curi.us/comments/show/18231). Lessons: (1) continue to give examples of my thinking, and (2) I don't know how to tell whether I understand a term well enough to use it. ## Update this document often enough @@ -169,6 +170,5 @@ - [curi's reply to my partially-formed thoughts on good & evil](http://curi.us/comments/show/15555): I posted my partially-formed thoughts on 2020-02-19. On 2020-02-20, curi replied stating that my message read like a bunch of assertions. He also suggested that I explain what some of my terms mean. - [Unwelcome Tenant short story](https://groups.google.com/g/fallible-ideas/c/lZKXPRg7h6s/m/s8q04cfqBQAJ): I posted this on 2019-12-31. I meant to reply with some of my comments on it. -- [Discussion w/anon of whether a used bookseller's comment "rekt" Amazon](http://curi.us/comments/show/16577): On 2020-05-25, anon asked me what my goal in the conversation was. - [Discussion w/curi about the space of ideas being initially sparse](http://curi.us/comments/show/16384): On 2020-04-18, curi replied to me. - [YESNO check your understanding question: "What's wrong with arguments having an amount of strength?"](https://groups.google.com/g/fallible-ideas/c/iSJI00UfYno/m/M8kBEHBqAQAJ): On 2020-06-20, curi replied to me with some criticisms of my answer to this question.