# HG changeset patch # User Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum # Date 1609710814 18000 # Sun Jan 03 16:53:34 2021 -0500 # Node ID 4977f457b224aafafe092e7f5bb715e781454f98 # Parent 85e955642fcea263a066928f6b6cad46608f2937 Jan 2021 update diff --git a/lp.md b/lp.md --- a/lp.md +++ b/lp.md @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Last updated 2020-12-01. (See also my [Paths Forward doc](pf.md).) -Posting daily since 2019-10-12. (~[416](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=number+of+days+between+2019-10-12+and+2020-12-01) days without a gap!) +Posting daily since 2019-10-12. (~[448](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=number+of+days+between+2019-10-12+and+2021-01-02) days without a gap!) Note: By "FI post" I mean a message sent to a private or [public](http://fallibleideas.com/discussion) Fallible Ideas discussion list or a comment posted to [curi.us](http://curi.us). @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ This is an important, interesting problem. I added a column to my spreadsheet for "goals minutes". Until I figure out my life goal(s), I intend to spend at least 5 minutes of FI posting time per day thinking about or freewriting about this topic. From 2020-11-11 through 2020-11-30 (inclusive), the minimum amount of minutes per day I spent thinking about or freewriting about my goals was 0 (I forgot on one day), and the average was 8.35. +From 2020-12-01 through 2021-01-02 (inclusive), the minimum amount of minutes per day I spent thinking about, freewriting about, or working on my goals was 0 (I forgot on one day), and the average was just over 2 hours. Most of that time was spent on my [SMB1 speedrunning project](https://curi.us/2204-alisa-discussion/reply/19328#19008). ## Practice conversational writing @@ -41,6 +42,8 @@ Since 2020-10-03, when I set myself the goal of spending at least 30 minutes per day posting to FI (as measured by a clock), I've averaged 63 minutes per day. Some of this time has been spent brainstorming or freewriting. That wasn't originally part of how I was planning to spend my measured time, but I'm changing my goal to include that. +I've since changed my goal to also include time spent working on my life goals, which includes my smb1 speedrunning project. Since 2020-12-01, I've averaged 116 minutes per day posting to FI or working on my life goals. + Note: The total amount of time I spend on FI is more than what's counted above, because I keep up with FI list, the curi.us comments, and the FI newsletter, and I don't normally count that time. ## Practice freewriting @@ -48,6 +51,7 @@ My goal is to freewrite every day for at least 5 minutes. I've had this goal since 2020-10-05, and as of 2020-11-11, I've made approximately zero progress towards it. To help me remember to do it, I added a column for "freewriting minutes" to my the spreadsheet where I track my daily FI posting time. When I update my learning plan in the future, I will include the minimum amount of time I spent freewriting for any day during the period as well as the average amount of time spent freewriting over the period. From 2020-11-11 through 2020-11-30 (inclusive), the minimum amount of minutes per day I spent freewriting was 0 (I forgot on one day), and the average was 5.2. +From 2020-12-01 through 2021-01-02 (inclusive), the minimum amount of minutes per day I spent freewriting was 0 (I forgot on 5 days), and the average was 4. I think I may have actually remembered to freewrite on a few of the 5 of days for which I have no record, but I forgot to track it. I'm going to start adding dates and start and stop times to my freewriting notes, rather than tracking it separately. ## Post to FI every day @@ -158,7 +162,10 @@ Here are the philosophy topics I plan to learn and write about, in order of descending priority: -1. [Elliot Temple, *Yes or No Philosophy*](https://yesornophilosophy.com/). I've [posted my answers](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/fallible-ideas/subject$3A%22check$20your$20understanding%22$20alisa%7Csort:date) to 10 of the 16 questions from section 17 - "Check Your Understanding". +1. Mises, *Bureaucracy* +2. Hazlitt, *Time Will Run Back* +3. Hazlitt, *Thinking As A Science* +4. [Elliot Temple, *Yes or No Philosophy*](https://yesornophilosophy.com/). I've [posted my answers](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/fallible-ideas/subject$3A%22check$20your$20understanding%22$20alisa%7Csort:date) to 10 of the 16 questions from section 17 - "Check Your Understanding". ## Replies to me by top FI list posters: