@@ 18,6 18,16 @@ is all you need to get your local wiki u
Install *Diggie* by running ``easy_install diggie`` or ``pip install diggie``.
+*Diggie* requires
+- *Python* >= 2.6
+- *Django* >= 1.2
+- *python-markdown* >= 2.0.
+- Optionally *LaTeX* and *dvipng* to render in-wiki math formulae.
+When using *easy_install* or *pip*, the first 3 requirements get installed
.. _Markdown: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
.. _Django: http://www.djangoproject.com/
@@ 128,6 138,15 @@ source repository. I'll happily integrat
old IE versions.
+Feature Whislist
+- Improve page search (search resuls and page highlights sometimes do not
+ match).
+- Compress page history.
+- Provide a *diff* view for page revisions.