A goofy idea for a web application
Fuller write up here:
It is a minimal web application communicating requests to restart
systemd services via XML-RPC.
The default configuration assumes the RPC server is located at for no real reason other than convenience.
I've been using the ansible playbook like this (noted for my own sake,
I won't remember this in the future):
ansible-playbook --key-file ~/.ssh/example-key \
-i inventory.ini \
-u root playbook.yaml
Obviously inventory.ini needs to be populated with the IP addresses in
The referenced `client.pyz` is a Python zipapp that is created from
the `client.py` file and its dependencies:
python -m pip install --target client-bundle waitress bottle
cp client.py client-bundle/__main__.py
python -m zipapp -o application/client.pyz client-bundle