slightly less bad formatting
1 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

M ttc.lisp
M ttc.lisp +31 -15
@@ 27,9 27,6 @@ 
         (char (source l) (1+ (current-position l))))))
-(defun lex-error (msg)
-  (error 'lexing-error :text (format nil "Lexing error: ~a~%" msg)))
 (defgeneric skip-whitespace (lexer)
     (:method ((l lexer))
       ;; nil primes the lexer; FIXME make this an :after method

@@ 69,24 66,30 @@ 
                     (#\/       (make-token :text c :kind :SLASH))
                     (#\Newline (make-token :text c :kind :NEWLINE))
                     (#\Nul     (make-token :text c :kind :EOF))
                     (#\= (if (equal (peek l) #\=)
                              (progn (next-char l) (make-token :text "==" :kind :EQEQ))
                              (make-token :text "="  :kind :EQ)))
                     (#\> (if (equal (peek l) #\=)
                              (progn (next-char l) (make-token :text ">="  :kind :GTEQ))
                              (make-token :text ">"  :kind :GT)))
                     (#\< (if (equal (peek l) #\=)
                              (progn (next-char l) (make-token :text "<="  :kind :LTEQ))
                              (make-token :text "<"  :kind :LT)))
                     (#\! (if (equal (peek l) #\=)
                              (progn (next-char l) (make-token :text "!="  :kind :NOTEQ))
-                             (lex-error (format nil "Expected != instead got: ~a" c))))
+                             (error 'lexing-error
+                                    :text (format nil "Expected != instead got: ~a" c))))
                     ;; strings
                     (#\" (progn (next-char l)
                                 (let ((start-position (current-position l)))
                                   (loop until (equal #\" (current-char l))
                                         if (member (current-char l) '(#\Return #\Newline #\Tab #\\ #\%) :test #'equal)
-                                          do (lex-error (format nil "illegal character in string: ~a" (current-char l)))
+                                          do (error 'lexing-error
+                                                    :text (format nil "illegal character in string: ~a" (current-char l)))
                                         do (next-char l))
                                   (make-token :text (subseq (source l) start-position (1+ (current-position l)))
                                               :kind :STRING))))

@@ 102,7 105,8 @@ 
                              (if (digit-char-p (peek l))
                                  (loop while (digit-char-p (peek l))
                                        do (next-char l))
-                                 (lex-error "illegal character in number"))))
+                                 (error 'lexing-error
+                                        :text "illegal character in number"))))
                        (make-token :text (subseq (source l) start-position (1+ (current-position l))) :kind :NUMBER)))
                     ;; identifiers and keywords

@@ 115,7 119,8 @@ 
                                           (if keyword
                                               (make-token :text str :kind keyword)
                                               (make-token :text str :kind :IDENTIFIER)))))
-                                     (t (lex-error (format nil "unknown token: ~a" c))))))))
+                                     (t (error 'lexing-error
+                                               :text (format nil "unknown token: ~a" c))))))))
       (next-char l)

@@ 177,6 182,7 @@ 
                                      (if (check-token p :STRING)
                                          (next-token p)
                                          (expression p))))
            ((check-token p :IF) (progn
                                   (next-token p)
                                   (comparison p)

@@ 185,6 191,7 @@ 
                                   (loop until (check-token p :ENDIF)
                                         do (statement p))
                                   (match p :ENDIF)))
            ((check-token p :WHILE) (progn
                                      (next-token p)
                                      (comparison p)

@@ 193,6 200,7 @@ 
                                      (loop until (check-token p :ENDWHILE)
                                            do (statement p))
                                      (match p :ENDWHILE)))
            ((check-token p :LABEL) (progn
                                      (next-token p)
                                      (if (member (token-text (current-token p)) (labels-declared p) :test #'equal)

@@ 200,21 208,26 @@ 
                                                 :text (format nil "label already exists: ~a" (current-token p))))
                                      (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (labels-declared p) :test #'equal)
                                      (match p :IDENTIFIER)))
            ((check-token p :GOTO) (progn
                                     (next-token p)
                                     (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (labels-gotoed p) :test #'equal)
                                     (match p :IDENTIFIER)))
            ((check-token p :LET) (progn
                                    (next-token p)
                                    (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
                                    (match p :IDENTIFIER)
                                    (match p :EQ)
                                    (expression p)))
            ((check-token p :INPUT) (progn
                                      (next-token p)
                                      (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
                                      (match p :IDENTIFIER)))
-           (t (error 'parsing-error :text (format nil "Unknown token: ~a" (current-token p)))))
+           (t (error 'parsing-error
+                     :text (format nil "Unknown token: ~a" (current-token p)))))
     (newline p)))
 (defgeneric newline (parser)

@@ 234,7 247,8 @@ 
             (next-token p)
             (expression p))
-          (error 'parsing-error :text (format nil "Expected comparison, instead: ~a" (current-token p))))
+          (error 'parsing-error
+                 :text (format nil "Expected comparison, instead: ~a" (current-token p))))
       (loop while (comparison-operator?)
             do (next-token p)
                (expression p)))))

@@ 269,11 283,14 @@ 
   (:method ((p parser))
     (format t "primary~%")
     (cond ((check-token p :NUMBER) (next-token p))
-          ((check-token p :IDENTIFIER) (progn
-                                         (unless (member (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
-                                           (error 'parsing-error :text (format nil "referencing variable before assignment: ~a" (current-token p))))
-                                         (next-token p)))
-          (t (error 'parsing-error :text (format nil "Unexpected token: ~a" (current-token p)))))))
+          ((check-token p :IDENTIFIER)
+           (progn
+             (unless (member (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
+               (error 'parsing-error
+                      :text (format nil "referencing variable before assignment: ~a" (current-token p))))
+             (next-token p)))
+          (t (error 'parsing-error
+                    :text (format nil "Unexpected token: ~a" (current-token p)))))))
 ;;; "tests"
 (let* ((l (make-instance 'lexer :source "

@@ 295,4 312,3 @@ ENDWHILE
        (p (make-instance 'parser :lexer l)))
   (program p))