part three

I'm pretty sure this is working right...
1 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

M ttc.lisp
M ttc.lisp +141 -71
@@ 1,3 1,6 @@ 
+;;; a teeny tiny compiler:
 ;;; lexer
 (defstruct (token) text kind)

@@ 91,7 94,7 @@ 
                                           do (error 'lexing-error
                                                     :text (format nil "illegal character in string: ~a" (current-char l)))
                                         do (next-char l))
-                                  (make-token :text (subseq (source l) start-position (1+ (current-position l)))
+                                  (make-token :text (subseq (source l) start-position (current-position l))
                                               :kind :STRING))))
                     ;; numbers

@@ 134,6 137,7 @@ 
 (defclass parser ()
   ((lexer :accessor lexer :initarg :lexer)
+   (emitter :accessor emitter :initarg :emitter)
    (current-token :accessor current-token :initform nil)
    (peek-token :accessor peek-token :initform nil)
    (symbols :accessor symbols :initform '())

@@ 165,150 169,216 @@ 
 (defgeneric program (parser)
   (:method ((p parser))
-    (format t "program~%")
+    (header-line (emitter p) "#include <stdio.h>")
+    (header-line (emitter p) "int main(void) {")
     (loop while (check-token p :NEWLINE)
           do (next-token p))
     (loop until (check-token p :EOF)
           do (statement p))
+    (emit-line (emitter p) "return 0;")
+    (emit-line (emitter p) "}")
     (loop for str in (labels-gotoed p)
           unless (member str (labels-declared p) :test #'equal)
             do (error 'parsing-error :text (format nil "GOTO bad label: ~a" str)))))
 (defgeneric statement (parser)
   (:method ((p parser))
-    (format t "statement~%")
-    (cond ((check-token p :PRINT) (progn
-                                     (next-token p)
-                                     (if (check-token p :STRING)
-                                         (next-token p)
-                                         (expression p))))
+    (cond ((check-token p :PRINT)
+           (progn
+             (next-token p)
+             (if (check-token p :STRING)
+                 (progn
+                   (emit-line (emitter p) (format nil "printf(\"~a\\n\");" (token-text (current-token p))))
+                   (next-token p))
+                 (progn
+                   (emit (emitter p) (format nil "printf(\"%.2f\\n\", (float)("))
+                   (expression p)
+                   (emit-line (emitter p) "));")))))
-           ((check-token p :IF) (progn
-                                  (next-token p)
-                                  (comparison p)
-                                  (match p :THEN)
-                                  (newline p)
-                                  (loop until (check-token p :ENDIF)
-                                        do (statement p))
-                                  (match p :ENDIF)))
+          ((check-token p :IF)
+           (progn
+             (next-token p)
+             (emit (emitter p) "if(")
+             (comparison p)
+             (match p :THEN)
+             (newline p)
+             (emit-line (emitter p) "){")
+             (loop until (check-token p :ENDIF)
+                   do (statement p))
+             (match p :ENDIF)
+             (emit-line (emitter p) "}")))
-           ((check-token p :WHILE) (progn
-                                     (next-token p)
-                                     (comparison p)
-                                     (match p :REPEAT)
-                                     (newline p)
-                                     (loop until (check-token p :ENDWHILE)
-                                           do (statement p))
-                                     (match p :ENDWHILE)))
+          ((check-token p :WHILE)
+           (progn
+             (next-token p)
+             (emit (emitter p) "while(")
+             (comparison p)
+             (match p :REPEAT)
+             (newline p)
+             (emit-line (emitter p) "){")
+             (loop until (check-token p :ENDWHILE)
+                   do (statement p))
+             (match p :ENDWHILE)
+             (emit-line (emitter p) "}")))
-           ((check-token p :LABEL) (progn
-                                     (next-token p)
-                                     (if (member (token-text (current-token p)) (labels-declared p) :test #'equal)
-                                         (error 'parsing-error
-                                                :text (format nil "label already exists: ~a" (current-token p))))
-                                     (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (labels-declared p) :test #'equal)
-                                     (match p :IDENTIFIER)))
+          ((check-token p :LABEL)
+           (progn
+             (next-token p)
+             (if (member (token-text (current-token p)) (labels-declared p) :test #'equal)
+                 (error 'parsing-error
+                        :text (format nil "label already exists: ~a" (current-token p))))
+             (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (labels-declared p) :test #'equal)
+             (emit-line (emitter p) (format nil "~a:" (token-text (current-token p))))
+             (match p :IDENTIFIER)))
-           ((check-token p :GOTO) (progn
-                                    (next-token p)
-                                    (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (labels-gotoed p) :test #'equal)
-                                    (match p :IDENTIFIER)))
+          ((check-token p :GOTO)
+           (progn
+             (next-token p)
+             (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (labels-gotoed p) :test #'equal)
+             (emit-line (emitter p) (format nil "goto ~a;" (token-text (current-token p))))
+             (match p :IDENTIFIER)))
-           ((check-token p :LET) (progn
-                                   (next-token p)
-                                   (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
-                                   (match p :IDENTIFIER)
-                                   (match p :EQ)
-                                   (expression p)))
+          ((check-token p :LET)
+           (progn
+             (next-token p)
+             (unless (member (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
+               (header-line (emitter p) (format nil "float ~a;" (token-text (current-token p)))))
+             (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
+             (emit (emitter p) (format nil "~a = " (token-text (current-token p))))
+             (match p :IDENTIFIER)
+             (match p :EQ)
+             (expression p)
+             (emit (emitter p) ";")))
-           ((check-token p :INPUT) (progn
-                                     (next-token p)
-                                     (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
-                                     (match p :IDENTIFIER)))
+          ((check-token p :INPUT)
+           (progn
+             (next-token p)
+             (unless (member (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
+               (header-line (emitter p) (format nil "float ~a;" (token-text (current-token p)))))
+             (pushnew (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
+             (emit-line (emitter p) (format nil "if(0 == scanf(\"%f\", &~a)) {" (token-text (current-token p))))
+             (emit-line (emitter p) (format nil "~a = 0;" (token-text (current-token p))))
+             (emit-line (emitter p) "scanf(\"%*s\");")
+             (emit-line (emitter p) "}")
+             (match p :IDENTIFIER)))
-           (t (error 'parsing-error
-                     :text (format nil "Unknown token: ~a" (current-token p)))))
+          (t (error 'parsing-error
+                    :text (format nil "Unknown token: ~a" (current-token p)))))
     (newline p)))
 (defgeneric newline (parser)
   (:method ((p parser))
-    (format t "newline~%")
     (match p :NEWLINE)
     (loop while (check-token p :NEWLINE)
           do (next-token p))))
 (defgeneric comparison (parser)
   (:method ((p parser))
-    (format t "comparison~%")
     (labels ((comparison-operator? ()
                (some (lambda (kind) (check-token p kind)) '(:GT :GTEQ :LT :LTEQ :EQEQ :NOTEQ))))
       (expression p)
       (if (comparison-operator?)
+            (emit (emitter p) (token-text (current-token p)))
             (next-token p)
             (expression p))
           (error 'parsing-error
                  :text (format nil "Expected comparison, instead: ~a" (current-token p))))
       (loop while (comparison-operator?)
-            do (next-token p)
+            do (emit (emitter p) (token-text (current-token p)))
+               (next-token p)
                (expression p)))))
 (defgeneric expression (parser)
   (:method ((p parser))
-    (format t "expression~%")
     (term p)
     (loop while (or (check-token p :PLUS)
                     (check-token p :MINUS))
-          do (next-token p)
+          do (emit (emitter p) (token-text (current-token p)))
+             (next-token p)
              (term p))))
 (defgeneric term (parser)
   (:method ((p parser))
-    (format t "term~%")
     (unary p)
     (loop while (or (check-token p :ASTERISK)
                     (check-token p :SLASH))
-          do (next-token p)
+          do (emit (emitter p) (token-text (current-token p)))
+             (next-token p)
              (unary p))))
 (defgeneric unary (parser)
   (:method ((p parser))
-    (format t "unary~%")
     (loop while (or (check-token p :PLUS)
                     (check-token p :MINUS))
-          do (next-token p))
+          do (emit (emitter p) (token-text (current-token p)))
+             (next-token p))
     (primary p)))
 (defgeneric primary (parser)
   (:method ((p parser))
-    (format t "primary~%")
-    (cond ((check-token p :NUMBER) (next-token p))
+    (cond ((check-token p :NUMBER)
+           (progn
+             (emit (emitter p) (token-text (current-token p)))
+             (next-token p)))
           ((check-token p :IDENTIFIER)
              (unless (member (token-text (current-token p)) (symbols p) :test #'equal)
                (error 'parsing-error
                       :text (format nil "referencing variable before assignment: ~a" (current-token p))))
+             (emit (emitter p) (token-text (current-token p)))
              (next-token p)))
           (t (error 'parsing-error
                     :text (format nil "Unexpected token: ~a" (current-token p)))))))
-;;; "tests"
+;;; emitter
+(defclass emitter ()
+  ((header :accessor header :initform "")
+   (code :accessor code :initform "")))
+(defgeneric emit (emitter new-code)
+  (:method ((e emitter) new-code)
+    (setf (code e) (format nil "~a~a" (code e) new-code))))
+(defgeneric emit-line (emitter new-code)
+  (:method ((e emitter) new-code)
+    (setf (code e) (format nil "~a~a~%" (code e) new-code))))
+(defgeneric header-line (emitter new-code)
+  (:method ((e emitter) new-code)
+    (setf (header e) (format nil "~a~a~%" (header e) new-code))))
+;;; sample program
 (let* ((l (make-instance 'lexer :source "
-PRINT \"How many fibonacci numbers do you want?\"
-INPUT nums
-PRINT \"\"
+# Compute average of given values.
 LET a = 0
-LET b = 1
-WHILE nums > 0 REPEAT
-    PRINT a
-    LET c = a + b
-    LET a = b
-    LET b = c
-    LET nums = nums - 1
+    PRINT \"Enter number of scores: \"
+    INPUT a
+LET b = 0
+LET s = 0
+PRINT \"Enter one value at a time: \"
+    INPUT c
+    LET s = s + c
+    LET b = b + 1
+PRINT \"Average: \"
+PRINT s / a
-       (p (make-instance 'parser :lexer l)))
-  (program p))
+       (e (make-instance 'emitter))
+       (p (make-instance 'parser :lexer l :emitter e)))
+  (program p)
+  (format t "~a~a~%" (header (emitter p)) (code (emitter p))))