2 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

M README +26 -2
@@ 1,12 1,36 @@ 
 Porter-2 Stemmer for English
-  Intended to be an implementation of the [Porter Stemming Algorithm].
+  Intended to be an implementation of the [Porter Stemming Algorithm]
+  for English.
 [Porter Stemming Algorithm]
+  This package exports a single function `stem' which will reduce
+  inflectional forms and affixes for English words by a heuristic
+  process.
+  ┌────
+  │ STEMMER> (stem "adverserial")
+  │ "adverseri"
++  │ STEMMER> (stem "disjointed")
+  │ "disjoint"
++  │ STEMMER> (stem "hangings")
+  │ "hang"
+  └────

@@ 19,7 43,7 @@ Origin
   Based on the published vocabularies this implementation produces the
   following discrepancies:

M README.org +31 -18
@@ 2,29 2,42 @@ 
 * Porter-2 Stemmer for English
   Intended to be an implementation of the
-  Stemming Algorithm]].
+  Stemming Algorithm]] for English.
+** Usage
+   This package exports a single function ~stem~ which will reduce
+   inflectional forms and affixes for English words by a heuristic
+   process.
+*** Example
+      STEMMER> (stem "adverserial")
+      "adverseri"
+      STEMMER> (stem "disjointed")
+      "disjoint"
+      STEMMER> (stem "hangings")
+      "hang"
 ** Origin
    This originated as a port of the
    [[https://github.com/kljensen/snowball][Snowball Go module]] (MIT
    licensed). It has been trimmed down and modified to the point that
    it might be recognizable if you squint.
-** Caveats
-   Based on the published vocabularies this implementation produces
-   the following discrepancies:
+* Caveats
+  Based on the published vocabularies this implementation produces
+  the following discrepancies:
-   | Input | Output | Canonical |
-   |-------+--------+-----------|
-   | "'"   | ""     | "'"       |
-   | "''"  | ""     | "''"      |
-   | "'a"  | "a"    | "'a"      |
-   | "'s"  | "s"    | "'s"      |
-   | "a'"  | "a"    | "a'"      |
+  | Input | Output | Canonical |
+  |-------+--------+-----------|
+  | "'"   | ""     | "'"       |
+  | "''"  | ""     | "''"      |
+  | "'a"  | "a"    | "'a"      |
+  | "'s"  | "s"    | "'s"      |
+  | "a'"  | "a"    | "a'"      |
-   This results from the (perceived) ambiguity in the handling of
-   apostrophes between other implementations and the written
-   descriptions within
-   [[http://snowball.tartarus.org/texts/apostrophe.html][the
-   documentation]]. These discrepancies represent 0.016997% error in
-   the included test corpus.
+  This results from the (perceived) ambiguity in the handling of
+  apostrophes between other implementations and the written
+  descriptions within
+  [[http://snowball.tartarus.org/texts/apostrophe.html][the
+  documentation]]. These discrepancies represent 0.016997% error in
+  the included test corpus.