fix to include links in leaders but not org-mode table of contents. okay so it is a hack, but it works. additionally, I've accidentally squashed in a fix to include add xml:base per post in the feed. oh well.
strip leading and trailing whitespace from leader
add XML domain base, maybe for relative URLs
fix self-link element in atom feed
bug fix for link_path and escaping
remove markdown library includes hack-y parsing of HTML for title, leader, date appears to work but could be better
update it looks like PyPI already has 0.2 (which I don't recall)
update README
add integration test sort of horrible, I'm not sure if these are actually good changes. Partly necessary due to the addition of threadpooling, but the feedback is poor and they're obviously fragile.
swap FreeBSD build for OpenBSD remove pip upgrade
remove list comprehension needlessly ugly
update copyright notice
bump python version for freebsd build 3.6 does not include dataclasses
bump build target versions
add threadpools for I/O intensive sections include some refactoring to simplify parsing, uses a few features that might be python 3.7 only
Binary mode doesn't take an encoding!
Specify default encoding Without an encoding specified for the open() method, it relies on the default system encoding
Convert README, add CI config pandoc -f rst -t markdown -o
Remove f-string formatting, the bleeding-edge sucks F-string formatting isn't worth the headaches associated with getting a CI system configured correctly with a non-package build of python 3.6. I'd rather _not_ be tied to testing on a linux distro I don't deploy to.
Fix up documentation - briefly explain template syntax - provide defaults in generated config.ini to prevent errors if unconfigured - update email in