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+\def\apj{Ap. J.}
+\centerline{\bf NATHAN J.\ GOLDBAUM}
+\centerline{\bf Professional Preparation}
+University of Colorado, Boulder CO, Physics, B.A. {\it Summa Cum Laude}, 2009
+University of California, Santa Cruz CA, Astronomy and Astrophysics, PhD,
+University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana IL, National Center for
+Supercomputing Applications; Postdoc, 2015--Present
+\centerline{\bf Appointments}
+08/2015--Present Postdoctoral Fellow, National Center for Supercomputing Applications,
+University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana IL
+08/2009--08/2015 Graduate Student Researcher, Department of Astronomy \&
+Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz CA
+08/2010--08/2013 NSF Graduate Student Research Fellow, Department of Astronomy
+\& Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz CA
+\centerline{\bf Relevant Products}
+\item[] ``Mass Transport and Turbulence in Gravitationally Unstable Disk
+ Galaxies. II: The Effects of Star Formation Feedback'', {\bf Goldbaum, N.~J.},
+ Krumholz, M.~R., \& Forbes, J.~C., {\it Astrophysical Journal}, 2016, 827, 28
+\item[] ``Publicly Releasing a Large Simulation Dataset'', {\bf Goldbaum,
+ N.~J.}, Python in Astronomy Conference, 2016
+\item[] ``Mass Transport and Turbulence in Gravitationally Unstable Disk
+ Galaxies. I: The Case of Pure Self-Gravity'', {\bf Goldbaum, N.~J.},
+ Krumholz, M.~R., \& Forbes, J.~C., {\it Astrophysical Journal}, 2015, 814,
+ 131
+\item [] ``Mixing and Transport of Metals by Gravitational Instability-Driven
+ Turbulence'' Petit, A.~C., Krumholz,
+ M.~R., {\bf Goldbaum, N.~J.}, Forbes, J.~C., {\it Monthly Notices of
+ the Royal Astronomical Society}, 2015, 449, 2588
+\item[] ``\texttt{yt}: Volumetric Data Analysis'', {\bf Goldbaum, N.~J.} on
+ behalf of the \texttt{yt} project, SciPy conference, 2014
+\centerline{\bf Additional Products}
+\item[] ``\texttt{Enzo} An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Astrophysics'', The
+ Enzo Collaboration and 19 co-authors including {\bf Goldbaum, N.~J.}, {\it
+ Astrophysical Journal Supplement}, 2014, 211, 19
+\item[] ``Dwarf Galaxies with Ionizing Radiation Feedback. II.\ Spatially
+ Resolved Star Formation Relation'', Kim, J.~H., Krumholz, M.~R., Wise, J.~H.,
+ Turk, M.~J., {\bf Goldbaum, N.~J.}, Abel, T., {\it Astrophysical Journal},
+ 2013, 779, 8
+\item[] ``From Gas to Stars: Simulating a Population of GMCs'', {\bf Goldbaum,
+ N.~J.}, Krumholz M.~R., 2013, \textit{Proc. IAUS 292}, 91
+\item[] ``The Global Evolution of Giant Molecular Clouds II:\ The Role of
+ Accretion'', {\bf Goldbaum, N.~J.}, Krumholz, M.~R., Matzner, C.~D., McKee,
+ C.~F.\ {\it Astrophysical Journal}, 2011, 738, 101
+\item[] ``The Intensity Profile of the Solar Supergranulation'', {\bf
+ Goldbaum, N.~J.}, Rast, M.~P., Ermolli, I., Sans, J.~S., Berilli, F.\ {\it
+ Astrophysical Journal}, 2009, 707, 67
+\centerline{\bf Synergistic activities}
+\item Core developer for the \texttt{yt} analysis tookit
+ (\texttt{yt-project.org}). Primarily responsible for plotting system and
+ symbolic units system. Organized developer workshop in March 2013. This code
+ is an NSF SI2 project, and has been used in almost 300 papers in the
+ astronomical literature, with an active community of several hundred users and
+ contributions from almost 100 individual developers, and has produced
+ visualizations for planetariums and short-form outreach.
+\item Core developer of the Enzo adaptive mesh refinement cosmology code
+ (\texttt{enzo-project.org}). This code has been used in several hundred
+ scientific papers.
+\centerline{\bf Collaborators and other affiliations}
+Tom Abel (KIPAC/Stanford)
+James Bordner (University of California San Diego)
+Greg Bryan (Columbia University)
+Renyue Cen (Princeton University)
+Daniel Ceverino (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
+David Collins (Florida State University)
+Avishai Dekel (The Hebrew University)
+John Forbes (Harvard University)
+Oliver Hahn (ETH Zurich)
+Robert Harkness (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
+Andrew Hearin (Yale University)
+Cameron Hummels (Caltech)
+Ji-hoon Kim (KIPAC/Standford)
+Mark Krumholz (Australian National University)
+Michael Kuhlen (University of California Berkeley)
+Yuan Li (Columbia University)
+Christopher Matzner (University of Toronto)
+Michael Norman (University of California San Diego)
+Brian O'Shea (Michigan State University)
+Jeffrey Oishi (American Museum of Natural History)
+Antione Petit (École Normale Supérieure)
+Mark Rast (University of Colorado Boulder)
+Daniel Reynolds (Southern Methodist University)
+Douglas Rudd (University of Chicago)
+Christine Simpson (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies)
+Samuel Skillman (KIPAC/Stanford)
+Britton Smith (University of Edinburgh)
+Stephen Skory (Univeristy of Colorado Boulder)
+Mattew Turk (UIUC)
+Peng Wang (KIPAC/Stanford)
+John Wise (Georgia Institute of Technology)
+Hao Xu (University of California San Diego)
+Fen Zhao (KIPAC/Stanford)
+Adi Zolotov (The Hebrew University)
+Thesis advisor: Mark Krumholz (Australian National University)
+Postgraduate sponsor: Matthew Turk (NCSA/UIUC)
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