7ec1107bebda draft — orbitz 7 years ago
Switch over to Containers
2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

M src/oth/oth.ml
M src/oth/oth.mli
M src/oth/oth.ml +15 -14
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@ 
-open Core.Std
+module List = ListLabels
  * This isn't here actually but will be used to propogate

@@ 22,7 22,7 @@ end
 let test_success = ref true
-let dev_null = Fn.const ()
+let dev_null = CCFun.const ()
 let run_tests state test =
   test state

@@ 33,47 33,48 @@ let serial tests state =
 let parallel = serial
 let time_call f =
-  let start = Time.now () in
+  let start = Sys.time () in
   let res = f () in
-  let stop = Time.now () in
-  let sec = Core.Span.to_sec (Time.diff stop start) in
+  let stop = Sys.time () in
+  let sec = stop -. start in
   (sec, res)
 let test ?(desc = "") ~name f state =
-  let t = fun () -> Result.try_with (fun () -> f state) in
+  let t = fun () -> CCResult.guard (fun () -> f state) in
   match time_call t with
     | (time, Ok ()) -> begin
-      state.State.log (sprintf "Test: %s\t\tPASSED (%0.2f sec)\n" name time);
+      state.State.log (Printf.sprintf "Test: %s\t\tPASSED (%0.2f sec)\n" name time);
     | (time, Error exn) -> begin
-        (sprintf "Test: %s\t\tFAILED (%0.2f sec)\nDescription:\n%s\nExn:\n%s\n"
+        (Printf.sprintf "Test: %s\t\tFAILED (%0.2f sec)\nDescription:\n%s\nExn:\n%s\n"
-           (Exn.to_string exn));
+           (Printexc.to_string exn));
       test_success := false;
 let name ~name tst state =
   let t = fun () -> run_tests state tst in
-  let (time, ()) =  time_call t in
+  let (time, ()) = time_call t in
-    (sprintf "Test: %s\t\tELAPSED (%0.2f sec)\n" name time);
+    (Printf.sprintf "Test: %s\t\tELAPSED (%0.2f sec)\n" name time);
 let result_test rtest state =
   let res = rtest state in
-  assert (Result.is_ok res);
-  ()
+  match res with
+    | Ok _ -> ()
+    | Error _ -> assert false
 let test_with_revops ?desc ~name ~revops tst =
-    (fun state -> Revops.run_in_context revops (Fn.flip tst state))
+    (fun state -> Revops.run_in_context revops (CCFun.flip tst state))
 let exit_of_success () =
   match !test_success with

M src/oth/oth.mli +2 -4
@@ 1,5 1,3 @@ 
-open Core.Std
 (** Internal state of the test, explicitly passed around with some
     combinators. *)
 module State : sig

@@ 28,7 26,7 @@ val serial : Test.t list -> Test.t
 val loop : int -> Test.t -> Test.t
 (** Run a test and timeout if it does not finish in a given amount of time *)
-val timeout : Core.Span.t -> Test.t -> Test.t
+val timeout : Duration.t -> Test.t -> Test.t
 (** Turn a function into a test *)
 val test : ?desc:string -> name:string -> (State.t -> unit) -> Test.t

@@ 40,7 38,7 @@ val name : name:string -> Test.t -> Test
 (** Turn a test that returns a result into one that returns a unit.  This
     asserts that the result is on the 'Ok' path.  *)
 val result_test :
-  (State.t -> (unit, 'err) Result.t) ->
+  (State.t -> (unit, 'err) result) ->
   State.t ->