A => .hgignore +6 -0
@@ 0,0 1,6 @@
+syntax: glob
A => src/a_intro.ml +55 -0
@@ 0,0 1,55 @@
+(* A standard ADT *)
+module Adt1 = struct
+ type t =
+ | A of int
+ | B of string
+(* Now with polymorphism. Note that the type will match whatever typed is
+ passed in, for example: A 2 will have the type int t *)
+module Adt2 = struct
+ type 'a t =
+ | A of 'a
+ | B of 'a
+(* Same as Adt1 *)
+module Gadt1 = struct
+ type t =
+ | A : int -> t
+ | B : string -> t
+(* Same as Adt2 *)
+module Gadt2 = struct
+ type _ t =
+ | A : 'a -> 'a t
+ | B : 'a -> 'a t
+(* Whoaaaaa, now things are different. The G in GADT is what allows this.
+ Rather than the type having to match what the polymorphic type is, we can
+ specify it to be whatever we want. This is a simple change with HUGE
+ consequences. *)
+module Gadt3 = struct
+ type _ t =
+ | A : int -> string t
+ | B : string -> float t
+(* We can also hide information inside a GADT, this is called an
+ "existential". *)
+module Gadt4 = struct
+ type t = T : 'a -> t
+(* What is a GADT? From the manual:
+ Generalized algebraic datatypes, or GADTs, extend usual sum types in two
+ ways: constraints on type parameters may change depending on the value
+ constructor, and some type variables may be existentially quantified. Adding
+ constraints is done by giving an explicit return type (the rightmost typexpr
+ in the above syntax), where type parameters are instantiated. This return
+ type must use the same type constructor as the type being defined, and have
+ the same number of parameters. Variables are made existential when they
+ appear inside a constructor’s argument, but not in its return type. *)
A => src/b_performance_no_workie.ml +49 -0
@@ 0,0 1,49 @@
+(* This example is taken from
+ https://blog.janestreet.com/why-gadts-matter-for-performance/ *)
+(* The objective here is to control the memory representation of a type for, in
+ this case, performance reasons. Here we have a container and when it's
+ containing char's, we want to use bytes instead of an array *)
+module Arr = struct
+ type 'a t =
+ | Array of 'a array
+ | Bytes of bytes
+ let get t idx =
+ match t with
+ | Array arr -> Array.get arr idx
+ | Bytes b -> Bytes.get b idx
+ let set t idx v =
+ match t with
+ | Array arr -> Array.set arr idx v
+ | Bytes b -> Bytes.set b idx v
+(* Byte this has a problem, the inferred type is:
+module Arr :
+ sig
+ type 'a t = Array of 'a array | Bytes of bytes
+ val get : char t -> int -> char
+ val set : char t -> int -> char -> unit
+ end
+(* Note that get and set are wrong. And using an ADT we are unable to get more
+ generic. We could try specifying a type, for example:
+ let get : type el. el t -> int -> el = fun t idx -> ...
+ However, this will not compile:
+ Error: This expression has type char but an expression was expected of type
+ el
+ The problem is that in the match, both paths are required to have the same
+ constraints in ADTs. And because the Bytes path is restricted to the "char"
+ type, the Array path must also have the same restriction.
+ If only we had a tool for allow the constraints on types to differ depending
+ on the value constructor we match against... *)
A => src/b_performance_workie.ml +29 -0
@@ 0,0 1,29 @@
+(* This example is taken from
+ https://blog.janestreet.com/why-gadts-matter-for-performance/ *)
+(* By using GADTs, however, we can accomplish what we want. This is because
+ GADTs let the constraints on types change depending on the value constructor.
+ Note, we have to use "locally abstract types" to reify the type from the
+ value constructor. This says that there is a type, in this case "el" that
+ exists solely in this scope, and then the match will refine that type more.
+ So how does the below work? Take "get": if the type is "char t" then we know
+ that no matter if Array or Bytes matches, then the type of the return will be
+ char. No problem. But the compiler also knows that if the type is *not*
+ "char t", then the "Bytes" path will never be followed, so what that branch
+ would return doesn't matter. *)
+module Arr = struct
+ type _ t =
+ | Array : 'a array -> 'a t
+ | Bytes : bytes -> char t
+ let get (type el) : el t -> int -> el = fun t idx ->
+ match t with
+ | Array arr -> Array.get arr idx
+ | Bytes b -> Bytes.get b idx
+ let set (type el) : el t -> int -> el -> unit = fun t idx v ->
+ match t with
+ | Array arr -> Array.set arr idx v
+ | Bytes b -> Bytes.set b idx v
A => src/c_existentials.ml +131 -0
@@ 0,0 1,131 @@
+(* A type variable is existentially qualified if there is a type variable in the
+ GADT does not appear on the right-most type expression. This is type
+ variable can only exist in the scope where the GADT is being evaluated can
+ never exist that scope. This lets one do some interesting things, one of
+ them being: Objects!
+ What is an object? At its core it's a tuple of: a dispatch table (often
+ called a vtable), and an opaque piece of data.
+ Note, first-class modules actually provide all of this functionality as well,
+ and it's a bit less messy. But this demonstrates one can do it with
+ GADTs. *)
+module Person : sig
+ (* A Person object has the following four operations. *)
+ module Vtable : sig
+ type 'a t = { name : 'a -> string
+ ; age : 'a -> int
+ ; set_name : 'a -> string -> unit
+ ; set_age : 'a -> int -> unit
+ }
+ end
+ type t
+ (* We can make a person object with a name and age *)
+ val make : name:string -> age:int -> t
+ (* We can also "subclass" a person object by providing a new vtable
+ implementations that corresponds to some data. *)
+ val subclass : 'a Vtable.t -> 'a -> t
+ val name : t -> string
+ val age : t -> int
+ val set_name : t -> string -> unit
+ val set_age : t -> int -> unit
+end = struct
+ module Vtable = struct
+ type 'a t = { name : 'a -> string
+ ; age : 'a -> int
+ ; set_name : 'a -> string -> unit
+ ; set_age : 'a -> int -> unit
+ }
+ end
+ type t = Person : ('a Vtable.t * 'a) -> t
+ (* Our opaque data for this person object is a record with the name and
+ age. *)
+ type p = { mutable n : string
+ ; mutable a : int
+ }
+ let subclass vtable v = Person (vtable, v)
+ (* A Person object's vtable. *)
+ let vtable = Vtable.({ name = (fun p -> p.n)
+ ; set_name = (fun p n -> p.n <- n)
+ ; age = (fun p -> p.a)
+ ; set_age = (fun p a -> p.a <- a)
+ })
+ let make ~name ~age = subclass vtable {n = name; a = age}
+ let name (Person (vtable, v)) = vtable.Vtable.name v
+ let set_name (Person (vtable, v)) n = vtable.Vtable.set_name v n
+ let age (Person (vtable, v)) = vtable.Vtable.age v
+ let set_age (Person (vtable, v)) a = vtable.Vtable.set_age v a
+(* Here we create a Person with a different vtable, but the underlying data type
+ is a person. This person's age maxes out at 21. *)
+module Forever_21 = struct
+ let make ~name ~age =
+ let p = Person.make ~name ~age in
+ let always_young p =
+ match Person.age p with
+ | a when a <= 21 -> a
+ | _ -> 21
+ in
+ let f21 = Person.Vtable.({ name = Person.name
+ ; set_name = Person.set_name
+ ; age = always_young
+ ; set_age = Person.set_age
+ })
+ in
+ Person.subclass f21 p
+(* Here we create something slightly more sophisticated than a Person, we have a
+ new value called a title. Setting the name updates the name like a regular
+ Person, however getting the name includes the title.
+ Since [make] is returning a person, we provide no mechanism to modify the
+ title. To do that we would have needed to create a new vtable that includes
+ a get/set title function, and then perhaps a way to "upcast" to a Person. *)
+module Royalty : sig
+ val make : name:string -> age:int -> title:string -> Person.t
+end = struct
+ type t = { mutable n : string
+ ; mutable a : int
+ ; mutable t : string
+ }
+ let make ~name ~age ~title =
+ let t = { n = name; a = age; t = title } in
+ let vtable = Person.Vtable.({ name = (fun t -> Printf.sprintf "%s the %s" t.n t.t)
+ ; set_name = (fun t n -> t.n <- n)
+ ; age = (fun t -> t.a)
+ ; set_age = (fun t a -> t.a <- a)
+ })
+ in
+ Person.subclass vtable t
+let () =
+ let p = Person.make ~name:"Ronald McDonald" ~age:30 in
+ Printf.printf "Hello %s\n" (Person.name p);
+ let forever_young = Forever_21.make ~name:"Larry Ellison" ~age:54 in
+ Printf.printf
+ "Hello %s, are you really %d years old???\n"
+ (Person.name forever_young)
+ (Person.age forever_young);
+ Person.set_age forever_young 18;
+ Printf.printf "Your new age is: %d\n" (Person.age forever_young);
+ let duke = Royalty.make ~name:"Fredinando" ~age:23 ~title:"Duke of Lisbon" in
+ Printf.printf "Hello %s\n" (Person.name duke)
A => +135 -0
@@ 0,0 1,135 @@
+(* The objective is to be able to define a pattern which extracts values from a
+ string, and that pattern corresponds to a function type. If an input string
+ matches that pattern, we can call a function that matches that function type
+ with the values extracted.
+ For example, if we had a pattern that looks like (in psuedo code):
+ "hello <string>!"
+ This would correspond to a function that has the type (string -> '_weak)
+ If we then apply that pattern to a string: "hello Mr. Rogers!" we could apply
+ it to a function like print_endline.
+ In this library, this would be expressed like:
+ let pattern = s / "hello " /% Var.until '!' / "!" in
+ let str = "hello Mr. Rogers!" in
+ match extract str pattern print_endline with
+ | Some () -> (* great success *)
+ | None -> (* pattern match failed *) *)
+module Str_ext : sig
+ module Var : sig
+ type 'a t
+ val digit : int t
+ val int : int t
+ val until : char -> string t
+ end
+ type ('f, 'r) t
+ val s : ('r, 'r) t
+ val (/) : ('f, 'r) t -> string -> ('f, 'r) t
+ val (/%) : ('f, 'a -> 'r) t -> 'a Var.t -> ('f, 'r) t
+ val extract : string -> ('f, 'r) t -> 'f -> 'r option
+end = struct
+ module Var = struct
+ type 'a t = (int -> string -> (int * 'a) option)
+ let digit p s =
+ if p < String.length s then
+ match s.[p] with
+ | '0'..'9' as d -> Some (p + 1, int_of_string (String.make 1 d))
+ | _ -> None
+ else
+ None
+ let int p s = failwith "nyi"
+ let until chr p s = failwith "nyi"
+ end
+ type (_, _) t =
+ | S : ('r, 'r) t
+ | Const : (('f, 'r) t * string) -> ('f, 'r) t
+ | Var : (('f, 'a -> 'r) t * 'a Var.t) -> ('f, 'r) t
+ let s = S
+ let (/) t str = Const (t, str)
+ let (/%) t v = Var (t, v)
+ (* A little option bind operator for simplicity *)
+ let (>>=) t f =
+ match t with
+ | Some v -> f v
+ | None -> None
+ (* [bind] takes a string, a data structure describing what the string needs to
+ look like, a function that matches that data structure, and returns an
+ option. On success, the value of the option will be the mount of string
+ consumed and the value which applying the function evaluated to.
+ Note: There is one bug in here based on how this is implemented: the
+ function is applied as the variables are picked off the string, which means
+ if the suffix of the string does not match a string constant, this function
+ will fail but the function will have been entirely applied.
+ So, how does this work? Well let's start with the base case:
+ t is S : *)
+ let rec bind : type f r. string -> (f, r) t -> f -> (int * r) option = fun str t f ->
+ match t with
+ | S ->
+ Some (0, f)
+ | Const (t, s) ->
+ bind str t f
+ >>= fun (pos, f) ->
+ let l = String.length str - pos in
+ let sub = String.sub str pos (min l (String.length s)) in
+ if sub = s then
+ Some (pos + String.length sub, f)
+ else
+ None
+ | Var (t, v) ->
+ bind str t f
+ >>= fun (pos, f) ->
+ v pos str
+ >>= fun (pos', r) ->
+ Some (pos', f r)
+ let extract str t f =
+ bind str t f
+ >>= fun (_, r) ->
+ (* There is another bug here where we do not check if the whole string has
+ been consumed. *)
+ Some r
+let () =
+ (* (int -> '_weak1, '_weak1) Str_ext.t *)
+ let t = Str_ext.(s / "some number: " /% Var.digit) in
+ ignore (Str_ext.extract "some number: 9" t (fun n -> Printf.printf "What? You're on cloud %d?\n" n));
+ (match Str_ext.extract "some number: " t (fun _ -> print_endline "I don't think this will work") with
+ | Some () -> failwith "SHOULD NOT REACH HERE"
+ | None -> print_endline "whomp whomp, string did not match");
+ (*(int -> int -> '_weak2, '_weak2) Str_ext.t *)
+ let t = Str_ext.(s / "some number: " /% Var.digit / " another number: " /% Var.digit) in
+ let str = "some number: 9 another number: 1" in
+ (match Str_ext.extract str t (Printf.sprintf "Your numbers combined are %d%d") with
+ | Some res -> print_endline res
+ | None -> assert false)
+(* And the following won't even compile:
+ ignore (Str_ext.extract "some number: 9" t (Printf.printf "%s"))
+ Error: This expression has type string -> unit
+ but an expression was expected of type int -> unit
+ Type string is not compatible with type int